
Slave's and a new home

After waking up a little after dawn, I went to meet Kenshin.

Walking slowly, I avoided the guards and maids to not repeat yesterday's tragedy.

There are too many problems if I get seen by them, those ignorant idiotic fools.

Sneaking past them, I easily reached my goal.

Opening the sliding door and entering Kenshin quarters, I kept silent while looking for him. Why go through all of this trouble of being secretive to only be seen by a maid in his room in the end?

After a bit more searching, I saw him sitting on a beautiful phoenix pattern wicker chair near the parlour area.

Coming near him, I give him a greeting with a soft bleat. Turning his attention toward me, he greets me with patting my head.

[Trouble maker, what are you doing here so early? Have you already turn my yard inside out again at such an early hour?]

I looked at him like I've been wronged, after all, I was very careful not to be seen. I shook my head slowly, making the most pitiful puppy-tiger eyes.

Pulling on his robe lightly, I direct him towards the study. After all, I'm here to ask a favour, not to make him wish to skin me alive…

Upon reaching the study, I held the book we had looked at a few time before.

I flipped to a page with a different illustration of housing styles.

I pointed to a simple wooden house, then to myself. In hopes that the man could understand my message.

His eyes make a very complicated look as he studies my behaviour. After a while, he looks again to what I am pointing at. Flipping the pages once more, I point to a cooking bar to dry meats and fish.

In hopes he is starting to understand the message, I pointed to a cooking stove that would be easy even for me to use.

Lifting one brow slightly as he looks at me, Kenshin makes a puzzled expression. Taking the book from me, he looks at all the images again. Quickly, he connects the dots.

[You wish for a home in the woods with a stove to cook and eat your meals along with a sun drying bar. Might as well have a smoke shack to smoke the meat too.]

[But, are you able to use it? Thinking about it, I could assign you a small maid to cook and clean that home as well as make the necessary works around it.]

I took a blank scroll and pressed my paw in ink, then tried to draw a person kicking out the tiger from the wood house while the person lives in the house and the tiger is forced to live in the wild.

Thinking that nothing stops the "maid" to kick me out of the house…


[well if anyone dares do that they will have to eat some serious leopard guts and lion balls.]

[This king will see to it that it will not happen. Do you remember that contract scroll?]

He paused for a moment and resumed speaking in a semi-authoritative tone.

[Well we can have your contract be as a master to an orphan of your choosing, it will be your servant.]

[Furthermore, It will have no choice but to obey you. The added bonus is that you will be able to talk to that maid via the master-servant link.]

[But first, let this king see which location you took fancy to.]

While he spoke, Kenshin gently patted my head. Explaining once more about the pros and cons of having the maid with a contract.

As the master of the contract, I didn't have too many responsibilities aside from the fact that I had to make sure to feed the both of us...

But, I wasn't too worried about an on-call human. I could start earning money from preys by selling them in town. In turns, we could buy more food or whatever was needed.

[It's settled then. Come, let's head to the market and get what is needed.]

Nodding once more, I started following behind him. Walking with my head close to his shin I looked upward, his face once again showed some deeply complicated gaze.

He called his butler, that man has a face of a chrysanthemum with a stick up the *cough* yeah that place…

In all, he looks horrid and sly. With slithered eyes like snakes and releases an evil vibe. I am sure he can't be good; he gives me the worst chills...

Kenshin doesn't seem to like him either, I wonder why he tortures himself with that man. Maybe he doesn't have a choice on the matter... Imperials and Royals sure are troubled.

I'm sure Kenshin noticed my hatred toward that man, as he gave a dark look at the snake-like man.

[Prepare the carriage; this prince needs to go out.]

Soon after, a striking noble carriage came into view. Black and gold with a phoenix crest.

The inside is absolutely gorgeous, velvet red seats, a small marble table in the middle, and more than enough space to lie down or sit.

Taking place I lay my head on Kenshin's lap. He runs his finger on the bridge of my nose and in-between my half closed eyes.

The carriage rocking and moving motions act like a strong sedative. Rendering me ever so sleepy.

The trip has a very relaxed in atmosphere.

There is only the two of us in the carriage. Kenshin's most trusted servant is driving the carriage. I think he's called Elemental Spark, as a code name, since normally he acts as a shadow guard.

The road to the market being uneventful and was pleasant. If I could have purred in delight to that head massage, I would have!

Gods, it was good as if it was a great sin!

Kenshin took a collar and place it around my neck. Attaching a long leash then spoke softly.

[For the obvious reasons, you can't "freely" walk the streets. Please endure with it.]

Though I now feel slightly sluggish and sleepy, I walk next to Kenshin in a relaxed manner. The people around scurry up and move away.

First, there is a noble walking. Second, there's a tiger in tow. Even though I'm small, not many would dare now bar his road…

In the market, there are beasts locked in cages and many other lower grade tigers chained into submission. Waiting to be bought and contracted.

My gaze crosses with theirs. Their eyes look empty like no soul or spirit resides in their bodies.

I can't help but pity them and thank my lucky star to have met with Kenshin. A fat man comparable to a fat toad come forward, a little more weight and it would be "rolled" forward...

[Is the master looking to sell or buy? Maybe both master? We, the merchant hall, will pay generously for such creature]

His greedy gaze sweeps over me, eyes nearly shining of gold to be made.

[Such a good tiger cub would sell very well…]

[It's not for sale, nor can you buy it.]

Kenshin cut the merchant words short, the tone he had used was absolute leaving no room for argument...

The merchant was startled a moment, as well as being slightly displeased. After being disappointed for a moment that such a good product was slipping by, he quickly started his boot licking once more.

After all, there is still money to be made.

[Then, how can this little unworthy merchant be of use to his highness?]

[This Prince wants to buy caretakers for my cub that are fairly young.]

Kenshin voice sounded melodious, like floating clouds. Yet, it didn't lose its strength and sharpness.

[This merchant will do his best to find the best crops for his highness.]

He bowed while speaking. Furthermore, he keeps rubbing his own hand clearly "greed" was written on his forehead...