
First hunt

Kenshin dragged my sorry hide at the first glimpse of dawn to the manor's back forest.

When we arrived there, he then told me if I wanted to have a meal, I would have to hunt for it.

In this small, yet still, the vast forest that is surrounded by very high walls.

There should be no predators for me to worry about, just games along the sort of animals like deer, rabbits and other small herbivores.

Wolves, tigers and other dangerous creatures have all been hunted down to the last.

It seems this is a private hunting ground in use for the prince.

Starving, my stomach grumbles and argues about the bad treatment.

Setting out to the forest, looking many times back at the man that stands there with an iron poker-face, and he gives me neither pity nor opening to gather some…

Kenshin gives me a chilling gaze. My ears dropped as I walk toward the edge then I jump into the bush. lush vegetation grew all over the place, smells of tropical flowers assaulted my nose.

Lowering my body to the ground, I started to stalk for preys, after all, if I want to eat today I have to catch it… guess I won't be a lazy lucky pet… I have to work for my food… "Rats..."

The first thing I find is a darn rat… squeaking about.


The feeling that spreads inside my heart is gloom, how can I, an ex-human, fall so low to eat a rat?

Absolutely hateful I'm so mad, sad and dispirited! Why can't I find let's say a nice fatty rabbit?


Well, let's consider this practice… I continue to grumble and mumble to myself.

Stalking the rat, I lower my body; my belly rubs lightly and soundlessly against the jungle floor.

Chance! I pounce, jumping forward reaching out with my paws- Five long and sharp piercing claws extended fully to ensnare the poor soul.


It breathed its last trapped within my claws. It's after all only a simple rat that would not normally be good enough to be my appetizer, but I am currently starving, so I'll try to imagine it's a chicken…

Walking with my prey; looking for a spot to cook the rat. No way, I am eating it raw after having a taste of cooked food again. I am not near desperate enough to eat the thing raw.

Finding a small cave; formed in a rock formation. It's large enough for me to make it a lair, at least a temporary one.

I take some dry grass and dry wood rubbing them against the rocks hoping to produce a flame... alas it doesn't work my handling is too poor; my paws are not adapted to the handling. I can only give up and either sundry the meat or eat it as it is.

I opted for the first option which is to dry it with the solar power. I start to skin my victim; it's rather messy and gore filled.

Cutting with my claws long slides of meat, while removing the bones from it and cleaning the insides; I am sure that a deep frown is between my brows.

The result is rather off-putting. It's barely enough to make an appetizer; if I wish to eat properly, I will need more.

Placing my meat on wood sticks above ground in a neat way, it nearly looks like a primitive home.

I turn around and go hunt some more; walking slowly while listening to the sounds of birds and other creatures, my gaze wander around looking, peering into the distance between trees and bushes, hoping to glimpse on some potential meal.

After what felt like a good two hours of walking, I come upon a small deer-like creature.

Long wood horns with three branches per horns. Making it look majestic even if the body is slightly small about one meter in height; its white colour and golden eyes are quite pretty.

So much, I'm wondering if it's not a growing mount beast for Kenshin.

Looking at it more in depth, I feel no spiritual power like mine nor can I foresee a rank. After hesitating for a while, I decide against hunting this guy down. Just in case, if I see more of them, then it would insinuate there isn't something special about them and their common along the "things" I can hunt

Around dinner time, I finally come about another creature. This time, I am sure it's nothing precious as it's a common small deer around the size of a golden retriever.

It's a small herd; this will be hard... There are at least five of them and that means ten pairs of eyes against me.

I slow my breathing even if I am pretty excited by my find; I still need to catch it.

Like some hypocrite, I lay down; crawling one step at a time; staying still once they lift their head up. the watchmen in their rank turn his head in every direction while others graze.

I move slowly each time; he turns toward the opposite. I am now at less than 20 meters. In their rank, I spotted a smaller one which looks like has a hurt on a leg.

I make a break for it! I rush and run as fast as lightning.

They all startled and froze for the worth of a breath time.

The hunt lasted less than ten breaths. I already had killed the young wounded deer.

It had stood no chance as he was badly hurt on the leg, it was unable to run properly and I had successfully reduced the range of the chase to the maximum. It was a one-sided massacre.

I drag it back to my new lair, of course, I take some wines to hang it upside down and let the blood flow out from its neck. Emptying the blood, I'll remove the skin tomorrow tonight and it's going to be dry rat...


I also found a small creek near my lair. I dig a hole near it and connect it to the stream via a long trench. It's deep enough to serve as a bath and place to clean my food. I also rolled some rocks more or less to hold the earth, so it won't be muddy and to reduce risk to cave in.

Well, He did tell me if I needed some things, I could still ask for them...

I think I will go fetch him tomorrow and show him this humble abode I have made. I could still use some better construction...

I'm not a caveman, after all.

Thinking such, I eat the sun-dried meat and lay down. Curling up, I can only think how a blanket would be good.

I sure miss having one.