
Black Clover: Journey to be unparalleled.

Avi After death meets God and reincarnate in Black clover with a system and origin magic. read to join Avi on his exciting adventure. A/N: This Fanfic is written to ease my boredom. English is my second language and I am not really not good at it so bear with me. Thankyou. your humble Author.

Avinash_Pandey_3820 · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Origin magic: OP or Trash?

{A/N:- I have edited previous chapter and removed 10X result. Origin magic is already enough, to make him crazy strong and I don't want to make him "Saitama".}


Avi: "So Hera, show me my status."

[Okay, Generating Status..

Name: Avi

Race: Human:( transcending-0.00008%)

Age: 1 months

Magic: Origin magic

Origin Mana: 5k (Average magic knight captain:- 1 Million, but normal mana.)

{1 origin mana=10 mana}

Physique: 15 ( continue increasing due to origin magic)

Strength: 12

Agility: 12

Intelligence: 150

Wisdom: 120

Durability: 12


Luck:?? ]

Avi:"Hmm, so even if I have 5k Origin Mana, it is comparable to 50k of common mana. System, What is this Transcending status?"

[Your origin magic slowly changing your race to Immortal. And with time your physique,magic, mana and your other status will improve. Through time, with improvement of your origin magic and mana your overall improvement rate will become more rapid. And with enough time you will transcend and become Human Immortal.]

Avi:" well that's for the future, write now I have to decide what to do right now."

[I suggest you to train your mana control, because your body is still weak and can't handle the pressure and environment of training dimension]

Avi: " What?.. Then when I gonna use the training dimension."

[Avi, That dimension is not so simple where you can go for picnic. As its name, it's for training. Not just any other simple training, but training dimension for training Immortals. And your baby body is not enough to bear even minimum settings of that world . Even after a year, origin magic nourishing your body, will make you able to spend no more than 1hr every day, and every year, it doubles.]

Avi: "What?... Man!! it's going to be a hard 1 year for me. Nothing to do, just act like a baby."

[Who told you that you have nothing to do? You have to train your mana control. And don't forget, because of your origin magic your body strength and other stats are like a normal adult man. You can adjust to your new body and learn to walk or do other things properly with time you'll get used to your continuous increasing strength and stats.]

Avi: " You're right Hera. Even without aid of training dimension, I can train like normal person. Since I am here, I will have to give good life to the children here in this orphanage. I will make sure my future and present brothers and sisters have a good life. Even if they are orphans they will grow in the care of their brave and courageous brother..

...hahahahahhaa..cough, cough."


Avi: "Okay Hera, how to train my mana control."

[I suggest, first feel mana inside your body then you have to feel mana in your surrounding.]

Avi:" hmm.."

Avi closed his eyes, and focused inside for few minutes, but only darkness was visible. Suddenly a warm feeling enveloped him. He couldn't see his body because his eyes were closed. His body started to glow, not much but a faint glow appear on his skin.

Inside Avi saw a yellowish white energy, but he couldn't understand much. He asked Hera.

Avi: "Hey Hera, is this mana."

[Yes. What you see is origin mana. This is origin of all magic. If you manage to control it, no kind of magic can hurt you.]

Avi: " what do you mean?"

[Suppose someone attack you with any kind of magic, even anti-magic and somehow you used a shield or other spells using your origin magic to counter it, then your opponent's magic, coming in contact with origin magic will be devoured, and will strengthen your spells. Keep in mind, only if you use your origin magic in its whole form for spell, it will work.]

Avi: "My god, doesn't it mean, I am Invincible ."

[ No Avi, your mana is not fully transformed into origin mana, and origin mana directly won't cause any damage, Rather it will be beneficial for enemies physique,;and buff their magic temporarily, because in presence of origin magic, body's vitality and physique start improving fast. Because origin magic being the purest magic, in presence of origin magic, other's magic get buffed. One more thing, when you use your origin magic, as different magic forms, they will be in their primal(purest) form, and that's why they will be stronger than any other original magic.]

Avi: "huh? It means origin magic in original form is worthless."

[Who said it's worthless, you can buff magic of your allies in battle and if they don't have magic, you can make their body so powerful, they can break the mountain by punch. Ofcourse, it will take a lot of time.]

Avi: " wait a minute, why can't I train body of a person who has magic?"

[Wizards have mana pathway and normal mana, if you use your origin mana to train their body, the changes in the body will messup their inside, because your origin mana, will devour their mana and take their place and this process will fully mess up the inside of the wizards. So, Don't even try training wizards through your origin mana, and don't think to use this method to attack this process takes 10- 40 minutes to work.]

Avi: "What a pain?.. So Hera, can I use this method to strengthen Asta?"

[ Ofcourse, your mana is very beneficial for his growth. Although you can Nurture his body, whenever you want, but when asta doing his training or doing physical work, that time it will be more beneficial for his body.]

Avi: "Yes, I will slowly train Asta's body and make him so strong, that even without magic he can kick anyone's ass, and become wizard king."

[I will suggest you to train Asta body from today. Doing this you can train your mana control too. You just have to control your mana, and slowly move it outside of your body, and slowly move it to the Asta and train his body.]

Avi: "Okay, but first, I will get used to this body and totally be in control. So I can go anywhere and do anything I want."

Avi started to move from the crib. Due to his strength, it didn't took much time, and in no time he was doing different dance moves like a pro. After some time wasting stunt, he went beside Asta, and sat in meditation pose. After some focus he again felt his mana inside and slowly move it. After 1/2 hour, he managed to move mana out of his body and direct it to Asta. It took 5 more minutes and origin mana successfully covered Asta's body.

With Time, Avi become more proficient in controlling his mana and used more mana to train Asta's body. After 2 hrs of constant training and nurturing Asta's body, Avi heard some sound coming from outside. He stopped his training, and quickly went to his crib and acted like he was asleep. After few minutes, Father Orsi came to check on the babies, and after seeing them sleeping peacefully, a smile came to his face and he went to sleep.

After his more than 2hrs of training, he felt a little bit sleepy, So he too fell asleep.

That's all for today.

Thankyou for reading. I lack Idea for futher story. So, please give suggestions. I don't care if you give me powerstones or not.But plz I need suggestions.


English is not my first Language, and I am not good at it. So bear with me

Avinash_Pandey_3820creators' thoughts