
Black Clover: Journey to be unparalleled.

Avi After death meets God and reincarnate in Black clover with a system and origin magic. read to join Avi on his exciting adventure. A/N: This Fanfic is written to ease my boredom. English is my second language and I am not really not good at it so bear with me. Thankyou. your humble Author.

Avinash_Pandey_3820 · Anime & Comics
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Hunting and Cheers..

Time Skip:- 1 year

Today Asta, Avi and Yuno became 1 year old. No one knew their date of birth, so Father Orsi made the date of their joining orphanage, their birthdate. In this 1 year, Avi trained his mana control to the level where he can use mana skin, although barely, but for a 1 year old child to do that is impossible to believe.

He also used his Mana to nourish Asta's body and Asta body grew in strength and he is already more stronger than any normal adult man. In strength Avi can fight any newbie knight.

1 month ago...

Avi: "So Hera, now that I am 1 year old, can I use training dimension?"

[Yes Avi, you indeed can do that.

Do you want to teleport to the training dimension?

Y / N ]

Avi: "Yes.."

[Initiating teleportation to the training dimension..]

After a blinding light, Avi disappeared from the Black Clover world, and appeared inside the training dimension.

Arriving in the training dimension, Avi felt a increadible pressure and his body fell flat on the ground. A strange suffocating feeling arouse in his body.

Avi:" Hera!!, what..th..the hell.. happening?" (Struggling)

[Avi, this is why I stopped you to come here before. If you had came here before, you would have died.But your body is grown strong enough to be here for 1/2hrs without dying. Although, I won't recommend you to be here for 1/2 hrs. Because although you won't die, but injuries and pain would be very harsh. Your body can recover from any injuries, due to your origin magic, as long as you don't die, and you have healing pod, but pain you will suffer, you can't imagine.]

Avi: "Although I can go on for while, but I am not a masochist, I will be here and will try my best to move my body, and If I fail, I will try another day after recovering..Wait a second, Hera, how can I go back to Black Clover world." (Struggling)

[You just have to tell me, and I will send you back.]

Avi: "Okay, I think, I should leave. After increasing my strength, I can come back and train here.

Hera, send me back."(Struggling)

[As you wish..]

After a bright flash, Avi disappeared from training dimension and appeared in Black Clover world.

Avi: "Even though I was there for few minutes but, my whole body is aching like hell. Should I use Healing pod to recover?'

[Although you will be getting the benefits of this short training either way. But I would recommend you to meditate and use your origin mana to heal your body. Doing so will be far more beneficial than using healing pod.]

Avi: "Good idea, I will do just that then."

1 month later:-

In these 1 month nothing major happen. Avi's strength comparable to a newbie Knight, gave him enough confidence to go out and hunt.

Orphanage, being in the Forbidden realm was in the worst condition.Even doing all he could do, Father Orsi barely managed to feed them, and sometime feeding the children become difficult. Avi being the member of the orphanage, and having enough strength decided to take responsibility for their fellow brothers and sisters. Children Growing body need sufficient nutrition, and for that Avi decided to hunt secretly, and sneakily, somehow put it on the door of church with a note. it's like Anonymous donation.

Avi went to the forest and hunted some rabbits and catches some fishes.

Avi: "I don't think this stuff is enough for the orphanage. In Black Clover plot Asta, Noelle and magna were able to hunt multiple mana boars. My strength is no weaker than them at that time. I think, I should atleast hunt one mana boars for church. It could be more beneficial for the children."

After searching for 20 minutes he found a mana boars inside the forest, And fortunately it was roaming alone. After sneakily approaching the boar when he reached 10m distance from the mana boar. He took out his shape shifting weapon..

[Shape shifting weapon (soulbound)

Do you want to soul bound this weapon.

Yes / No ]

Avi: "what?.. I don't have time for this.. Yes."

[Successful Soul bounded.

You can call upon this weapon. No matter where ever it is, it will come to you and shape shift according to your will.]

Avi:" Although, I want to celebrate for this, but lets focus on the task before. How, about a spear."

The moment Avi thought of spear, it took shape of spear. Taking a pose, he threw the spear with all his strength. Spear flew so fast, that, mana boar didn't had any time to react. Spear trash in the boar back, and came out half from his head. If Avi had little more strength, Spear would have fully come out of the boar, from other side. Boar didn't even shreiked, and died with any sound.

After making sure it died,he stored the boar inside the inventory.

Avi: "I think this should be enough. It's enough for atleast three days. Father can sell excess meat for money. Mana boar's bones and tusk can be sold for good money too. Money should not be a problem for the month atleast."

After that Avi left the forest and ran towards the church. After reaching church he took a bath and after eating with other children went to sleep. At 2:00Am at night he woke up. He could have wokeup later, but Father Orsi every day wokeup at 3:30Am. He didn't want to get caught, so he had to wokeup so early. He took out the the note he prepared in the morning, and the took out the boar from inventory. The boar's body fell on the ground making noise. He instantly stuck the note on the boar's head,and all the fish and rabbit(in the bag) that he caught put there and ran to the room inside the church before anyone noticed. Sometime later Father came out in hurry and freaked out seeing the huge dead body of the boar. He screamed and ran inside the church. But after sometime, he took a peek and and relaxed seeing, that it was only a dead body.

Hearing Father's scream people in neighbours and children came out to see what happened. but seeing the scene in front some of them freaked out too. Children dare not approach. Avi, Asta, Yuno came out together and after observing for some time, they asked to Father what it was. Father shook his head and said..

Orsi: "Somehow this Mana Boar's dead body appear here. I heard some noise, so I came here and saw it here. Hmm.. What is that.."

He saw a paper on the boar's head. He took and read it, and understood everything.

Orsi: " This mana boar is a donation by someone to the church. Whoever you're your donation will give good days to these children's life and on behalf of the children and the church I sincerely Thankyou good person."

On the note Avi mentioned to sell tusk and bones to merchant for money. Avi didn't knew, if father Orsi knew about these things so he mentioned to be safe.

With the help of some good people they manage to successfully extracted all the meat from body and stored sufficient amount to the church and sold rest to the butchers and bought some rice and wheat. After that Father Orsi went to merchant and sold tusk, bones and skins to the merchants. He bought clothes and sweets for children from some money. The money was more than Avi's thought.According to Father, this money should be enough for 2.5 months (ofcourse for church's standard).

That day was like a joys occasion, every one enjoying and eating .

The smile on children and Father's face was making Avi more determined to care for them, it was like he was making this one of his life goal to take care of them, fill their life with happiness.

Next day

Avi:" That was blast.. coming to this world, it was my first time having this much fun. Seeing Children Smiling, laughing, and having fun, and knowing that I am the cause of it, it's so satisfying. I was never felt this satisfied, even not in my past life.

Let's see my status first. Hera! Sho me my status."

[Okay, Generating Status..

Name: Avi

Race: Human:( transcending-0.001%)

Age: 1 Year, 1 month

Magic: Origin magic

Origin Mana: 9k (Average magic knight captain:- 1 Million, but normal mana.)

{1 origin mana=10 mana}

Physique: 35 ( continue increasing due to origin magic)

Strength: 30

Agility: 32

Intelligence: 152

Wisdom: 125

Durability: 25 (didn't do anything to raise)


Luck:?? ]

That's all for today.

Thankyou for reading. I lack Idea for further story. So, please give suggestions. I don't care if you give me powerstones or not.But plz I need suggestions.


English is my second language and I am not good at it. I hope you can bear with it.

Avinash_Pandey_3820creators' thoughts