
Black Blood Mage

Stealing mushrooms and drinking urine is the only way many in the underground and Demon-controlled city of Adonia know how to live. In such a world, how could anyone–much less a young boy no older than five-years-old–survive?

Smoogy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


'Stop looking around, I'm right here!'

The staff in my hand vibrated slightly, drawing my attention to it.

"Is it you?"

I held the staff in front of myself, looking for a mouth on its surface, or some hole that it spoke from. But its surface was perfectly smooth.

'I'm not talking with a mouth, genius, we have a kind of mental connection. Don't ask me how it works. I was just born.'

"Oh. Cool."

"Hey Dylan, who are you talking to?"

Due to the noise, Kreechur came out of the lab and into my room, still holding a flask containing some sort of green liquid.

I held up the staff in my hand to show him.

"Happy was talking to me. Don't ask me how it works. He was just born."


"She was just born."


"It was just born."

"Whatever. Just show me that."

Kreechur reached for Happy with a greedy look on his face, nearly grabbing it out of my hand. But Happy moved back into my hand just in time to dodge Kreechur's clammy claws.

"Hey! It was just born. Can't you be a little nicer?"

Turning my back to Kreechur to guard Happy with my body, I threw him a look of scorn as I reprimanded him for his actions.

"S-Sorry. It's just that I've never seen anything like it."

"I thought you said you put this in my hand…"

Confused by Kreechur's words, I looked at Happy once again, changing its form between all of the weapons I had seen previously.

Kreechur's eyes opened wide, his mouth even more agape than when I mastered Water on the first try. It seems everything I do amazes this guy.

"I did put that in your hand, but… It's different for every person. Here's mine."

Something that looked like a thin piece of metal appeared in his hand, its length not even matching a single one of his fingers.

"For every person until now, their Soul Weapon would only take one form. Mine's a needle, and I thought yours would be a staff. But seeing what you did just now, and the fact that it speaks is unprecedented. Even Lucifer's Soul Weapon was called an anomaly because it can take two forms, but yours seems like it can take any form. You can't tell anybody about this."

"Tell who? It's just us in here."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm thinking of sending you to Cocytus for you to learn more Magic."
