
Black Blood Mage

Stealing mushrooms and drinking urine is the only way many in the underground and Demon-controlled city of Adonia know how to live. In such a world, how could anyone–much less a young boy no older than five-years-old–survive?

Smoogy · Fantasy
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35 Chs


1 year later

I finally mastered Kreechur's entire Tome, and was even able to create some spells of my own. However, it nearly killed me in the process.

I was thinking of a way to change my appearance easily, so I developed a spell based on one of Kreechur's called "Disguise: FAILED DO NOT ATTEMPT". Thinking back on it now, I should've heeded that warning…

Anyway, it detailed using Mana on the entire outer layer of scales to change it into fur. Since I didn't have any scales, I thought of changing my outer layer of skin into scales instead.

At first, I succeeded: my skin slowly being covered by black overlapping scales. Then, they began turning into a mix of fur and scales, and eventually, my skin began turning into nothing at all.

I tried to stop the transformation, but nothing was working; my flesh underneath revealed and my black blood running into a large pool underneath my feet as I felt my consciousness slipping.


Luckily, Kreechur noticed before it was too late, casting a Healing spell and somehow reversing the transformation on my body.

"We'll have to work on that…"

After it was over, he explained to me that the reason that spell failed was also the reason for his face looking like it did. He thinks it might be about knowing your true self or something, but I couldn't understand him after he started rambling.

Now that I mastered the whole Tome, I don't know what else to do…


"You mastered the whole thing? Already? Really? I knew you were talented, but this is just too much."

After living with Kreechur for so long, I was now able to read his facial expressions, and the one he had on now was one of disbelief. I couldn't understand this, however, because only a few of the spells in the Tome were actually difficult, and it took me a whole year simply because there were so many of them.

The most useful of the spells are probably "Water" and "Pocket Trashcan" (which I call "Storage" instead). Water simply creates water which needs no explanation of the vast amount of uses it has, and Storage initially creates, then allows for the storage and removal of items. It says the size of the space is based on the amount of Mana one has, but I don't know exactly what that means.

The absolutely most useful thing that I gained, however, was not a spell, but the gift that Kreechur put in my left hand. When I pushed Mana into it, some sort of crystalline formation grew out of it in the shape of a staff that perfectly fit my hand. But that wasn't the last of it. Whatever shape I wanted it to take, it took. Whether it be a comfortable shape I was used to like a staff, or some strange shape I thought of for a weapon.

Kreechur calls it "Soul of Hapexi" for a reason he won't divulge, but it's a name that I think sounds nice. I think I'll call it Hapexi, or even Happy for short.

"Happy? That's that name you chose?"

A voice rang out in my head, prompting me to look around frantically as a spear formed from my left hand.