
bitten wolf.

What happens when in order to impress his father so much he goes to the same college and follow in his older brothers foot steps. only to uncover multiple secrets , about his family and friends. not only that but the world come to an horrible end, left with a group stiles is considering his chances in a mate.

wildwolfgirl78 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


stiles woke to a barking sound that was all around them. He jumped up and walked out of the plane he had taken shelter from the rain in, it was barking like, Dogs. There were dogs that meant people, stiles knew someone would come, they had been here for six or seven day already. He knew that where coming he pulled feona out of the plane and set her down as he gather his things he pack his stuff up and waited, a few other were cheering for the rescue team fo hear them, a brown long eared hound dog busted through a Bush and stop in front of them, it tilted its head back a yowl so deep for the other dogs to lead the humans to us. I smile at the dogs and move to it. The first person to step out of the trees was a woman. She smiled and started to talk into an earpiece and leash the dog so it wouldn't run off.

stiles watches more people come to them, two assets Fiona and smiles at her, then leaves her on a stretcher and starts to carry her off. The rest of us that could walk followed, the rich girl sneered and walked past him. He just sturges her off and walk.

He was happy to finally get out of the forest, he had enough camping to last him for a few years. He walked next to the others who were talking about him and his genesis ideas about getting them out. To be honest he didn't know if it would work and he just hoped he didn't poison anyone with the nuts and berries, sighing he basically skipped down the path the rescue team made with flares and rope.

He was just happy to get away from the plane.

He was more enthusiastic and energetic for some reason, and it felt like something was under his skin and clawing to get out but he couldn't allow it too. Because he needs to sit still and allow the E.m.ts to check him out.

" clear, tell them where you're going and they'll take you." The woman said " by the way nice job on the rubber tube."

He smiled and nodded and walked off to find the group he would be going with. They would take him and this brother to the college where they would have their tuition paid for.

He was so happy to be able to get out of there, he realized they were in Atlanta Georgia, they didn't make it far before the plane's engines quit causing them to crash. So they would stay one night at the airport until the next plane landed and then they would fly to canada.


Meanwhile In Canada.

The Lab had been getting calls like crazy, they need a cure for the covid 19 problem and had been working over time, jax had been mixing a bunch of chemicals and compounds together trying to make the antibodies for the virus but to no avail, no matter what he mix it never seem to work, it wasn't until kristen thought she got it and knock over a airborne virus, it spread faster then melted butter on a piece of bread.

Many went home not knowing what Kristen did, Jax was one of them, he went home to spend time with his brother and cousin, Jax didn't know what would happen once those doors opened.


Sitting in a hotel with his brother stiles looks out at the full moon from the dark sky. Midnight was approximately one minute away and his skin crawled and itched, it wasn't until his brother walked to the door to pick up their Togo order of pizza. That with the click of the lock, his first bone crack and snap he didn't know what was happening as the searing heat spread he made his way to the bathroom shutting the door and pulling his clothes from his body and getting in the shower why did this have to happen to him, did he catch something from that wolf.

More bone shaping and a cry left his mouth that stretched and shape itself as he arch his back in the pouring down cold water, his finger were next snapping and retracting into his hands as white fur sprout from them and his hand turn to massive plate sizes paws, his cries turn to whimpers as he laid there his body no longer fitting into the small space of the bathtub, but he knew his fur was heavy with the weight of the water that still pour down on him.


Fallon walk to the door he didn't know what waited him on the other side by he held four boxes of all meat lovers pizza, he pulled the key card from the door and opened it, the shower was running as he sat down next to the tv and turn it to the News before walking to the bathroom and knocking on the door, he frown when he got no sound but a whimper and he bust through the door that wasn't lock, on the floor laid a pair of jeans and a hoodie that belong to his brother he pulled the curtain back from the tub and gasp.

A huge wolf laid in the bathtub, it left its head and snapped its jaws on to the outreach hand, when it whimpered.

Fallon stood shock as bones began to crack and snap as his hand bleed he back up from the wolf and out the bathroom door, his hand began to break and snap as his body did to, he reach over real fast and turn the water off before falling in the doorway as his back arch uncontrollably with a force snap, jack watch the wolf get out of the tub and sniff him before walking to the pizza box he had sitting on the table it tore through it and ate two whole boxes before moving away from them and that in front of the tv, Fallon's body grow thick grey or was it sliver fur on his hand as his face grew a muzzle.


Two hours later both twins were wolves, stiles was all white and Fallon's was a dark silver, Fallon had eaten the other two pizzas before laying down next to his brother. The two was quite for the longest time. Both trying to find out what happened to them.

" why'd you bite me." Fallon finally ask his twin.

" sorry, I panicked thing you would call animal control. Something in my mind said to bite you." Stiles said look at Fallon his twin nodded and smile.

" you ate two whole pizzas by yourself." Fallon remember he alway got four pizzas, one box for stiles and the other three was for him. Being a football player had alway made him eat alot.

" I was hungry, so I ate until my belly was full." Stiles said. " by the way your hair is lighter and you look stronger."

" well you look more like a girl, your hair is white now." Fallon said causing his brother to jump up and run to the bathroom, and indeed his hair had turn from blondish brown to a snow white color but it was all that change, did he get smaller? And why is his eyes so clear. Was this what the wolf thing did to him and his brother?.

They decide to go shopping for more close seeing as now both twins had nothing to fix them.