
Bio-Mechanical Monster

Kane, a loner highschool student, has a rough life but a few things will soon change that. What follows is a moral struggle between his wants and his thirst for revenge against those who've wronged him.

Monkey_Godking · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


A few months passed

Kane and Venom had been going to school as usual and training while hunting down the bullies at night.


Venom was crouching on a roof in the middle of the night and said "We need it." Kane said "I know but.." Venom said "We can't eat, it's a necessity." Kane finally sighed and said "Be careful of innocents." Venom grunted and jumped from the roof.

They landed on the ground in front of a massive bank.

Kane took up at the Bank and used his electromagnetism powers, suddenly Venom growled and said "What are you doing?!" Kane was confused and said "Using my powers? We haven't used them together before." Venom snarled "Hurts!"

Kane frowned and cancelled it before punching through the door of the bank and running inside.

Kane said "Sorry Venom, bear with it for a bit." before lifting his palms and activating his powers. All the metal in the bank flew towards him and formed giant metal arms, but Venom covered over them and made them end with sharp claws.

Then something strange happened.

On Venom's hands a purple square appeared and Venom felt better. The symbiote and metal melded together and seamlessly integrated with each other. Kane didn't notice and crushed the wall with his giant metal arms, grabbing on to the vault door and ripping it out.

The guards in the bank were already unconscious and it was in the middle of the night so there were no people here.

Kane reached into the vault with one arm and activated his power again, sucking all the deposit boxes onto his arm. Kane grinned and punched a hole through the bank walls before running out and disappearing into the night as police sirens sounded outside the bank.

Kane chuckled and Venom said "Ouu, I like it! What about the cameras?" Kane said "I have them all on my arm, even the hidden ones..." Venom frowned "Hidden ones?" Kane said "Maybe this world is more complicated than I originally thought. Are you okay?"

Venom got excited and said "Better! Seems like I evolved. I didn't tell you before but Klyntar are weak to soundwaves and fire, but now.." Venom paused for a second and continued "I adapted to your power and lost my sound weakness, as well as my weakness to electricity."

Kane said "Didn't you just say you were only weak to fire and sound?" Venom explained "Electricity just breaks me down and disrupts my movements, but it doesn't matter anymore because its gone." Kane said "So only fire now?" he chuckled and said "Should we sit in a campfire? Maybe you'll evolve again."

Venom said "Very funny, Kane." Kane chuckled and jumped from rooftops to their base.

He landed in an abandoned Steel mill and dropped all the metal on his arms. The purple squares on the back of Venom's palms were still there, but Venom receded and Kane broke all the deposit boxes and put all the money in bags.

Kane looked at all the bags and frowned "Not good." Venom said "What." Kane replied "What are we going to do with all the money? Am I supposed to carry it around with me?" Kane chuckled and said "I don't think we can walk back into the bank and open an account anymore..."

Venom said "Just use cash." Kane frowned again and said "Difficult. How am I supposed to explain where I got all the money? It just fell from the sky?" Venom was silent and Kane mumbled to himself for a bit before saying "We'll just have to do that..."

Kane hid the bags of money and took a bit with him before leaving and returning home.

The next day

It was a weekend so Kane went to the mall, he bought 2 cell phones and some new clothes before going back home. He had bought an old phone, only good for calls and nothing else. He opened one phone up and fixed it so that it couldn't be traced and inserted a ghost chip when he was done, he had the same phone but it was a normal phone.

Kane used the ghost phone and called the owner of the Steel Mill, after a bit of bartering he bought the Mill, then he used the same phone to call a furniture company before running back to the mill.

After a while

He settled the payment with the Owner of the Mill and got the deed, the furniture arrived and Kane paid them before moving all the furniture inside. The metal from the Bank was already gone and in one of the melting basins as the workers moved everything inside.

After a few hours

Kane was sitting on a couch and watching TV, but he was thinking about what to do with the rest of the money. He basically didn't need a house anymore and he still had a few millions, the money didn't really make Kane excited, it was just money he could get it anytime. If it was before he would've been ecstatic, but now he broadened his horizons.

Kane thought for a moment and used his ghost phone before calling a different bank, he changed his voice and said "Hello, I would like to open an account over 1 million." the voice stammered "Sir! It's best if you come in to our establishment!" Kane said "I have an important meeting, thus I cannot come. I will send my aide, is this acceptable?"

The voice said "Of course sir! What's the name on the account?" Kane thought for a moment before saying "Lee Mo." the voice said "Well Mr Lee, I will wait for your aide to arrive." Kane grunted and hung up.

Kane stood up and grabbed all the bags and disappeared from the Mill. It was a bit in the middle of nowhere, so someone wouldn't just stumble on it, it was also covered in vines and over grown grass. From the outside it looked like an abandoned building.

Kane stopped outside the Bank in an alley and put on a nervous face before holding the bags tightly and walking towards the bank anxiously. A man was looking outside and saw Kane holding a bunch of bags nervously and assumed that was who he was waiting for.

The man walked towards Kane and said "You are?" Kane stuttered "M-Mr L-Lee's a-aide." the man smiled and said "Right this way, sir." Kane followed the man and came to a private room in the bank.

The man sat behind the desk and said "My name is Colin, nice to meet you." Kane shuffled in the seat and nodded wordlessly, Colin said "No need to be nervous young man, it's safe in here. Haha" Kane 'relaxed' a little and said "Thank you." as he passed the bags to him.

Colin processed everything and Kane handed him an envelope saying "Mr Lee told me to give you this." Colin opened the envelope and saw a stack of bills with the words 'I hope everything will go smoothly' Colin grinned and said "Tell Mr Lee, I understand."

Kane nodded and Colin finished everything before handing Kane a black card and saying "This is for Mr Lee." Kane took the card and stuttered "T-Thank y-you, M-Mr Colin."

Colin waved and said "No problem, kiddo! See you next time!" Kane nodded and left the bank. He walked through the alley and sneered "Another scum, a little money does solve everything." Venom chuckled "Seems like money is important on this planet." Kane sighed and said "You can't do anything without it. Let's go."

Kane's arms turned back and sharp as he scaled a building and jumped across the rood tops back to the Steel Mill. Despite Kane's careful considerations when acting, he was actually not hidden at all from those who were paying attention to him.

Kane was smart and when he did things he was cautious, like with the Bank robbery, he made sure to take all the cameras with him and even got some hidden ones but, intelligence could only go so far. 3 big organizations had him on their radars. There was practically no escape from their eyes, as they had vision everywhere!

In a quaint mansion, a bald man in a wheel chair said "How strange." A giant blue ape-human said "What's wrong professor?" Yes, this was Charles Xavier or Professor X.

Professor X said "I cannot contact that boy.. I can feel his powers but they are very peculiar, I cannot even speak with him, something is blocking me." the blue Ape, Hank, said "Should we go meet him?"

Charles waved and said "Not yet, have you seen the video?" Hank nodded and said "His powers look like.." Charles nodded and said "Eric." Hank frowned and said "If he hears about the kid, do you think he'll..." Charles frowned and said "I can't be sure of this, but this child reminds me of him quite a bit.. Who is the father?"

Hank opened a folder and shook his head before saying "It doesn't say." Charles hummed "How strange indeed.."

In a high tech office, a black man with an eye patch was sitting at a desk going over video of the bank robbery. He suddenly said "Do we know who this is?" A woman was standing next to him and said "He just popped up on our radar but we have transcripts from an untraceable phone call for furniture and the ownership of an abandoned Steel Mill."

The woman paused and said "There was also this security camera footage from this morning." she pressed a button and Kane 'nervously' walking into a bank was shown, the man, Nick Fury, frowned and said "What are you showing me?"

The woman, who's name was Maria Hill, said "His name is Kane Spietato, a high school student and he was apparently bringing cash directly from a 'Lee Mo' to open an account over a million." Fury narrowed his eyes and said "Who is this Lee Mo?" Hill shrugged and said "This person isn't in our records, perhaps he is the monster?"

Fury tapped the desk and said "I want surveillance on this kid, if there is a 'Lee Mo' find him, but don't come to a conclusion that there is 2 people. Something is fishy about that kid, he acts nervous but his eyes are calm." Maria Hill nodded and left.

Fury leaned back in his chair and said "Kane... Are you an enemy or an ally..." suddenly a breaking news screen popped up and Fury raised an eye brow at what he saw.

In a secret underground facility located in a secret location, several men were watching several screens.

There was footage of Kane beating up Keith and robbing the bank, as well as a press conference of Tony Stark.

One of the men said "Bring me the boy, watch Stark carefully." a man with a metal arm nodded and left.

The man, who spoke turned around and said "Perhaps we will get a new soldier soon..." he walked away revealing a skull with tentacles symbol on the wall.

Back with Kane

Kane was sitting on the couch in the Steel Mill watching Tony Stark on the TV. He said "Woah! A real superhero!" Venom scoffed "We are better!" Kane grinned and said "Of course we are, hahaha!" he rubbed his chin and said "Venom, we might be able to get to Klyntar in the future with him..."

Venom said "You think those suits can breathe in space?" Kane frowned and said "Not at the moment, but if I get my hands on one, perhaps I can build a better one suitable for space travel.." Venom said "Let's go!" Kane said "Not yet. After revenge." Venom chuckled and said "I want to try using both of our powers together."

Kane grinned and walked out of the Mill to a clearing in the surrounding forest, there were piles of metal objects everywhere. Venom came out and they used their powers together.

Giant metal arms formed and Venom covered them before making them smoother and sharper.

Kane swiped his arms and made 5 deep cuts in the ground, Venom felt like he had a new toy and formed the claws into an axe. Kane chuckled and slammed the axe sideways, cutting down a group of trees. The duo continued with their fu- experiments for the rest of the day before going out on the town at night.

Unfortunately they couldn't find a single piece of evidence that would lead them to the 'centipede symbol'. Kane complained "We should've interrogated that guy!" Venom said "People were coming, we had to leave." Kane retorted "But you stopped to eat him.."

Venom said "I needed food to achieve symbiosis with you, maybe you don't want me?" Kane sighed and said "Never mind, we'll find them eventually." Venom chuckled and they disappeared once again.

(Author's Note)

hey! A bit super slow pacing, I kinda am trying to push it.. idk I'm excited but I just have to get the ball rolling I guess... maybe introduce a love interest? He needs a solid goal still!

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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