

He is in love with the sister in-law of his cousin. Loving someone is not a problem. But the fact is the woman that he want to be with for the rest of his life is younger than him of twelve years. Along his way of living, he learnt that Adel is also in love with him.

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7 Chs


"Thank you very much for agreeing to live here with us, Hija. We will feel better when you are here with us while your sister is away. Feel at home, Hija." Grandma Queenie greeted her happily.

"I'm the one who should be thankful, Grandma. Because even though we're not like you, you still care about my sister and me. Thank you, Grandma," Adel replied then hugged her.

"This young lady really. Yes, we are not related by blood but we are all family. In God's will, after your sister goes to Saudi to finish her contract, she and Khalid will get married so we will be legally family. By the way, Hija, just focus your attention on your studies. In order to relieve your sister's tiredness and wakefulness," the old woman said again.

"But I would like to ask you something, grandma," she said when she broke away from the embrace.

"Sure, Hija. Go ahead and tell me." She's nodding.

"You let me live here for free, free from everything else. I'm begging you to let me help with the work here, Grandma. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday is only a half day of my class. So I can help here," she said.

Before the good lady could answer, the cousins ​​who had just arrived from work interrupted.

"Just don't neglect your studies," said Khalid.

"Your big brother Khalid is right, Adel. You can rock and roll the world. As long as you make your studies a priority," RW also said.

That's why their grandmother smiled too. She also understands the girl especially she is good at housework. She was just hesitant to accept her request because she might neglect his studies. Being an engineering student is no joke.

"There, Hija, you heard what your older brothers said. So the decision is yours as long as you don't neglect yourself and study." That's all she said.

"Thank you, Brother Khalid and brother RW and of course thanks to you, grandma. Don't worry about me because I can balance studies and house works." Upon hearing the approval from them, Adel happily faced the good lady and hugged her again.

Well, their approval is what she needs. He was not used to being served so he himself begged to let her help with the work inside the household.

On the other hand, after arranging everything that was needed, he also left his room.

"Do you really have to leave, Sister? We're the only two left, why do you have to go away?" Jomar asked his sister.

"I know you understand me, Jomar. With all the hardships we have gone through in life, I want to stabilize myself first. I'll be back some other day when I'm ready to face the world again," she answered.

"It's been a few months since everything happened, so I'm repeating my question, Sister. Is that the right reason you walked away or did you just want to avoid Abrasado?" the young man asked Jomar again.

That's why Analyn immediately turned around. She wondered how she knew about her secret look at the young Abrasado. Before she could speak, her brother spoke again.

"With that reaction, Sister, you don't have to answer. It is confirmed that he is the reason why you want to go away. But I hope, Sister, at least you can think of only you and I'm the only one left in our family. I don't usually care about your personal life. But like I said, I hope you can think about having a brother." He left without even waiting for her to answer.

She was left with nothing to leave her lips. Her brother pointed out her real reason for her plan to leave. In fact, she didn't know where to go, the only thing on her mind was to get out of their place. That's right, the city of Manila is big for both of them. But she felt very small because she could see it in every move she made. At least everywhere she went it was there.

"My God, am I that bad to leave my brother here? Teach me what I should do," she said softly as she sat down on the sofa.

As the days went by, couple Jannelle and Pierce couldn't stand the visible change in their eldest child.

"If you're not that busy, son, can we talk to you and your daddy?" Introduction of the first. They even put it in his room on purpose.

"Oh by the way, Daddy, Mommy. Sure, sit down." Reynold Wayne was prompt and asked the parents to sit down.

"Thank you, Son," the couple answered at the same time.

That's why he adjusted his sitting position and finally faced the parents.

"It seems that what we are going to talk about is very important. What is it, Mommy, Daddy?" he asked again.

"I know you already know what we want to ask you, son. Ever since you and Khalid were children, you have been stuck together like bananas. One's pain is for both of you, the other's walk you two go for a walk. But recently we noticed that you two seem to have a conflict," said his mother. face That's why at that time he couldn't help but be nervous.

"Even when you went to Saudi, we also noticed that you rarely went with him or should I say since the accident happened with your cousin, you didn't go with him anymore. to him. While he has been back there three times and according to Gwendolyn, Khalid is also going there to arrange his and Antonette's upcoming wedding. In important occasions, especially for you and Khalid, it is surprising that you are not active, son? Now I will ask, what is the reason for the misunderstanding between you and your cousin?" asked Mr. Pierce.

Everything the father said was true. How many times has he not gone with the Saudi thing which is surprising. They still go to and from work together but it's not like before that they hardly ever part ways.

"I'm sorry, Mommy, Daddy, if I worried you all. You're right that I distanced myself from cousin, but it's not because we have a conflict, but I just want to train myself not to be attached to him. Apart from being married to him, I intend to I know you're wondering why I want to go away when my job here is stable. Because when insan was in the hospital, he got married while we planned to meet and get married. I want to forget mommy, daddy. Because even though we only talked on the internet, I loved him completely. That's why I feel so much pain that he must have married a fellow Saudi." From the serious explanation he even managed to joke that the mother pinched him out of time.

"Sure, Mommy. Why are you frowning?" He avoided it with a grimace. It hurts to be pinched.

"You child when the conversation is serious don't mix it up with nonsense. Tsk! Tsk!" The annoyance on his mother voice is very strong.

But his father said otherwise. The nagging mother was no longer punished. That's the nature of his mother by the way. Their father said that's how he loved their mother, her true nature.

"We trust you, Reynolds Wayne son. Go and find yourself in another place if that's what you think it's right or best for you. as your father and Khalid's uncle, even if you have a reason for your silence, it's better to talk about that matter. Like us, Son, we misunderstood your sudden changes. So, it's better for you to be back to the old Reynold Wayne. My first-born joker who is not immune to his amazon brother. We miss you, Hijo." The Lord of Abrasado patted his son on the back when he sat down next to him again.

"I'm sure that your cousin's will be here too because f Khalid's wedding, or in Africa with Fatima especially since your Mama Gwendolyn said their son might not be able to come home because the due date is near. Anywhere of our relatives son so we know." The mother immediately seconded.

Because of this he smiled, because his parents were right. It seems that he suddenly left the group.

"Thank you, mommy, daddy. I'm so lucky to have parents like you. But I will go against your suggestion of the country I'm going to. I want to have new experience in life too, as if I want to try a life without a wealth. Maybe it's not difficult to live as a worker not as a boss. Who knows with my way this is where I will meet your future son-in-law," he said.


The young lawyer of their family!

"Let him go, Mommy, Daddy. Because he is right. But I am against that in love life. I suspect that I don't have a love life, brother, but I know that love is not sought, it comes by itself. I just passed by because I thought there was a meeting ahead of time. It turned out that the older brother was emoting. Good night everyone and Alma and I will go early tomorrow."

If it suddenly appeared, it suddenly disappeared. That makes them giggles.

FINALLY! After few months of preparation.

The wedding of Khalid Mohammad and Antonette was successfully done!

"So you can continue on your way, cousin?" asked the groom.

"Yes, cousin. There's no turning back, so you two go ahead and multiply."

"Kapre, why are you sulking?" He frowned at his sister.

"It's their wedding so don't say anything. Naturally after the wedding where will the newlyweds go?" Rennie Grace replied with a smile.

"Cousin is right. So leave them so that they can start breeding," Benedict said that their cousin is also a lady priest if it is considered to be a moaner.

"You are the one who said it. It's our cousin's wedding so they know that but you're also the vulgar. Come on and give them privacy," he said shaking his head off from their cousins.

ONE night before he (RW) took a flight, he thought of going to see his sister-in-law's youngest brother. He treated her like a brother, so he thought it might not be too much if he left his ancestors here, even if it was said that their houses were close to each other.

"Oh, it's you, big brother RW. What can I do for you?" she immediately asked when she noticed him.

"Nothing, Adel. I just thought I'd stop by your room and I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. Hmmm, the engineering course is really for you, look at your paper works. Maybe am I already disturbing?"

"I'm done with my homework, Brother. I'll just put it away. By the way, where are you going? I mean which country?"

"I'll try my luck in Bangkok, Adel. But as a worker not a boss. I thought that because your Brother Khalid and Sister Antonette are on vacation, I will also leave. So I thought leave Lolo and Lola to you while we are away. You already know and know what they want because you have been here for almost a year. And two years from now you will also finish your studies. Who knows that time will be here again me."

In her (Adel) mind, even if no one will leave her husband Wayne and Queenie, she will take care and love them. Because she thought that even in that way she could repay their kindness to him. And before she could stop herself.

"Don't worry, Big Brother. Because I consider Grandpa and Grandma my own family. I will take care of them and love them. Be careful where you go."

She wanted to add 'I will pray for your safety because you are in my heart, I will wait for your return' but she stopped herself because she didn't want to look cheap either!

"Thank you, Adel . I know you'll do that. By the way, here's my initial birthday present, I'll be in Thailand for your debut so I'll give it now." Reynold Wayne pulled out a small piece of jewelry from his pocket.

One set of jewelry!

"It's too much, big brother."

"That's a small thing, Adel. Compared to the love and appreciation you have for Grandfather and Grandma. I designed it. The bill has your name written on it, the bracelet is ADP or Adel Dela Pena, as well as your earrings. If I write my name, you might be loveless for all your life. You might think they gave your boyfriend so I engraved yours. I'll come and wear it on the bill." Reynold Wayne cut the girl off and put the necklace on without malice.

"Thank you, big brother. But I think it's too much." It's obvious that the girl still can't believe that she looked at him.

"No, Adel, you deserve it. I'll leave you alone so you can rest. You have school tomorrow. Take care of yourself too," he said again.

"Can I hug you, big brother. I'm lucky to have a brother like you. God will bless you, brother RW."

But in her mind something's telling her that she's so lucky to have a special gift from the man who captured her young heart.

"Sure, Adel." RW said without malice and hugged her back.

The hug lasted for several minutes as if they were enjoying each other's warmth. They stayed in that scenario until the young man said goodbye.

"You will be the first and last man in my heart. I may call you Kuya but deep inside my heart is loving you as a man. I will love you 'til my last breath," Adel whispered before closing the door of the room she had been occupying since the day she entered that place.