
Bigwheel and Lame

Everyone knows the past can never be forgotten… However, Zazriel had forgotten that night long ago when she nearly died, and her father saved her and began to train her. However, she is forced to remember when her pack members are being killed one by one. Mourgent is a powerful alpha with a powerful pack. When he finds out there’s more to his mate than her paralyzed legs, he becomes protective. No one thought heartbreak could be fatal… Zazriel’s and Mourgent’s first meeting starts off rough. However it becomes worse when Zazriel finds another female kissing her mate. She slowly begins to die. Mourgent must convince Zazriel he had no interest in the female and save her from a very slow, very painful death.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Mourgent woke to both pain and panic. Where was he? Who shot him? Was that what Nyx wanted? Where is Zazriel?

"Mourgent, you need to calm down. Your heart rate is speeding up too fast," he heard Matilda's kind voice.

He blinked his eyes open and looked around. He was in Matilda's home with bandages around his torso. He groaned, but tried to calm his heart. "What happened? Did Orion get the shooter?"

Matilda pressed a cool cloth to his head. "He didn't. By the time he arrived, they were gone and you were bleeding to death."

He groaned again. "Where is Nyx?"

Matilda gave him furrowed brows. "Nyx?"

"Zazriel's bird."

"Oh!" She looked around, obviously having no idea there was a pet bird around. "Mourgent, there haven't been any signs of a bird here."

He cursed. "Orion?"

"Out doing duties while you were incapacitated."

He nodded once. "I was stupid, Matilda. So, very stupid."

Matilda didn't say anything, but went about the room, checking his vitals and fluffing his pillows.

Orion was exhausted. Mourgent had been out for two days and Zazriel was nowhere to be seen. There was no trace of her anywhere, no indication she had even been around except for the clothes in Mourgent's house. The patrols had seen not heard anything, and Orion was worried.

Matilda had told him about Zazriel's sickness, and if he didn't find her and help her find the truth about Mourgent, she'd die. He didn't want that. He liked the female. She was intelligent, funny, and hard-headed. But she was good for Mourgent.

"Orion?" Orion looked up to see Jasmine.


"Where is Zazriel? I have something I want to talk to her about."

Orion silently cursed. He felt like a failure. "I don't know. I haven't been able to find her for two days."

Jasmine tilted his head to one side. "Where is Mourgent?"

"With Matilda being treated for a bullet wound."

"Orion, I know I am not at the same level as you, but I know Zazriel best. What has been going on?"

Orion sighed. "She's not doing so well."

Jasmine cocked a brow. "Obviously."

Orion scowled but told him what he knew. When he was done, he said, "She will die if we don't bring her back and help her see reason."

Jasmine shook his head. "She is stubborn. She does not like to admit that she's hurt, but she also doesn't forgive easily. It's going to be nearly impossible finding her and convincing her to come back."

Orion nodded, agreeing with the male. "So, do you have any ideas?"

Fifteen minutes later, Orion gathered Zelda, Carlotta, Jasmine, and Ansel. Each would go to a different spot in wolf form and try to find any sign of Zazriel. Once someone does, they would howl, and all five would gather again to strategize. Jasmine told Orion of Zazriel's hide outs that she liked to use while in the old pack territory. He was sure she would be in one of those spots. Or at least, have been to one recently that they could follow her trail.

For now, Orion didn't want Mourgent knowing. Still unsure about his alpha's intentions, he just wanted Zazriel found. After, once he was sure she was safe, he would interrogate Mourgent and find the truth. Orion wasn't sure what he would do if the truth hurt Zazriel more than she already was.

They split.

Zazriel's pack territory was smaller than Mourgent's, but it was big enough to have spread out her hide-outs easily. Orion found that Zazriel was awed by the beauty of nature, and that her hide-outs were somewhere naturally beautiful: a stream, a meadow, a pocket of trees, a little clearing, a rocky hill. Orion took the rocky hill, as he wanted the farthest point she might go.

It took him thirty minutes to find the hill. And when he did, he stopped. He smelled blood. It was not fresh, but somewhat faint, as if from a day or two ago. Looking about, he saw that the hill had been disturbed: rocks having fallen to the ground below, patches where rocks should have been securely fitted but now empty, and splatters of blood. Putting his nose to the ground, he sniffed. He caught Zazriel's scent, but another's too. It was female. Unfamiliar to him. And wolf.

His claws clicked on the rocks as he tracked up the hill to the top. Then, he paused and took in his surroundings. Now, Orion could see a whole new reason for Zazriel liking this spot. She could see all around her for a mile or so, enemies, pack mates, other creatures. The only blind spot she'd have is the tall grasses to one side. It would hide a wolf easily.

He howled, but heard another. It was Ansel. After a moment, there were three more. Everyone caught a wig of Zazriel. Orion thought this perhaps made everything a bit more difficult.

Zazriel crawled along, following her captor the best she could. She had fought. Of courses she had, but was too weak to do much. So she ran and hid, but her blood left a trail. Finally, she gave up and surrendered. They had been going for a whole day now, and she couldn't take it. She collapsed, breathing hard and ragged. It felt like her lungs had shriveled. She coughed and shuddered, then groaned when her captor began dragging her by the back leg, impatient. Zazriel didn't fight, didn't protest. She just let it be.

Mourgent was released by Matilda that night with strict orders to be careful. Though, Mourgent was bad at following medical advice, Matilda was adamant that he healed all the way before doing anything strenuous. So, the alpha smiled, said he would be careful, then stride towards Orion's home with a determination to find the killer who ripped apart Zazriel's pack mates.

However, Orion wasn't home. The door was locked and windows dark. He went over to Carlotta's instead, but found it the same. Where were they?

"Orion?" Mourgent called through the pack bond.

No answer.

"Carlotta? Ansel? Zelda?"



"Alpha! How are you feeling? I was so worried about you!" Eva's voice was dramatic and high.

"Where is Orion?"

"I don't know. I saw him earlier this morning but not since."

Mourgent growled in frustration. "What about Carlotta and Zelda?"


Turning, Mourgent made his way home and stormed into the kitchen. There, he found a note.


I believe I have found a lead to the killer's whereabouts. I have taken Zelda, Ansel, Carlotta and Jasmine with me. We have blocked out any communication with you and the pack so we don't get distracted. Until you hear from one of us, please go about as normal. We will be returning by the end of the week.


Mourgent growled again and made his way to his room. There he stripped and showered, trying to release some tension. However, the tension wouldn't go away.

When he stepped out and dried off, he went to dress. In his closet, he found another note.


I am going away for a few days to think. I hope you feel better soon. Please don't come looking for me. I need time. Away from pack. Away from everything wrong that's happening. Away from you. If I need anything, I will send Nyx.


Mourgent sat on the bed, towel around his hips, and stared at the note. He didn't know what to think. This is the third time she runs off to think alone, third time she shut him out for whatever reason. He understood she wasn't very social, understood she needed to adapt, but this was too much!

"Z, come back," he whispered, broken and lost.

Without realizing what was happening, he shifted into his large wolf. He began tearing things apart: bed, clothes, furniture, pictures. Everything.

His mate wasn't being open about this relationship. She didn't talk to him. She didn't give him the chance to help her. She shut him out. She ignored him. She left him behind! She was not being fair! He had thought they were doing fine, then after the first week, she changed. She became aloof, tense, quiet, robotic.

It wasn't to everyone though. Just him. Why? What had he done to deserve the cold shoulder? What would it take for her to tell him?

He howled. Mournful and begging. He howled for his mate to come back and give him the chance to make things right. Howled for her to open up to him. Howled for her to allow him to comfort and sooth.


He growled, turning to see Eva standing in the doorway.

"Alpha, you're in wolf form. Why don't you shift and we can make dinner?" she asked brightly, but he smelled the fear beneath.

He roared.

"Alpha, no one can help you like this. Shift and talk to me, then I can help."

He had enough of her. He had enough of Eva's games. He wanted Zazriel. He wanted his mate, not some cheap-shot!

He bounded past her and out the front door. He crossed to the forest and flew through the trees. He needed to calm down, but couldn't. He had to get far away from Eva, had to get far away from everyone before he hurt them. He was losing control. It was nothing exhilarating and terrifying.