
Bigwheel and Lame

Everyone knows the past can never be forgotten… However, Zazriel had forgotten that night long ago when she nearly died, and her father saved her and began to train her. However, she is forced to remember when her pack members are being killed one by one. Mourgent is a powerful alpha with a powerful pack. When he finds out there’s more to his mate than her paralyzed legs, he becomes protective. No one thought heartbreak could be fatal… Zazriel’s and Mourgent’s first meeting starts off rough. However it becomes worse when Zazriel finds another female kissing her mate. She slowly begins to die. Mourgent must convince Zazriel he had no interest in the female and save her from a very slow, very painful death.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Zazriel only left Matilda's home slash hospital when Nyx was around. Then, she went running. She had asked Matilda not to allow anyone to see her, that she wanted solitude until she was ready to face the world. But a week and a half later, she hadn't changed her mind about seeing anyone.

Not that it stopped her heart.

Any time she went running, she would catch sight of Mourgent. Usually, he was in the training yard. But sometimes, she would see him with Eva. And her heart broke a little more each time. Not only that, but he sent little notes to Matilda to give to her. They were sappy and full of false care. Every note, she threw away, more of her heart crumbling.

Her heart crumbled until she physically could not get up from bed anymore. Until she was pale and thin from sickness Matilda could not cure with medicine. Until she felt like her body would break down any minute and die. It hurt. Every moment of every day. She couldn't sleep for long. She couldn't eat. Matilda had to hook her up to an iv for fluids. She just couldn't do anything.

Matilda finally couldn't handle it. She broke her word to Zazriel and went to look for Mourgent. However, she stopped at the sight of Eva and him kissing. Matilda now understood everything.

Zazriel had a very rare type of sickness that had only one cure: a cure that consisted of no physical medicine. What Zazriel had was what Matilda called a Broken Bond or Heart. It is caused when one's mate becomes tangled with someone other than said mate. It begins with just sadness, then builds to heart ache and finally a true sickness where the person can't move. For some, the sickness could last months. For others, only weeks. Matilda didn't know how long Zazriel had, but nothing she could do will help the female. Only Mourgent. Only the mate can help heal the sickness.

However, the mate must be genuine. Meaning, if Mourgent wasn't true to his bond with Zazriel, then the sickness would continue and Zazriel would die. Also, Zazriel must accept Mourgent and be able to give him another chance if she wants to live. Both must happen. One cannot do all the work.

Matilda only hoped Mourgent has not had intercourse with Eva or everything is lost.


Matilda jumped and spun to see Zelda. "Oh! I'm sorry."

Zelda smiled. "It's fine. Are you alright?"

Matilda glanced back to see Mourgent dragging his fingers through his hair, looking frustrated. She didn't know if she wanted to find out why he looked frazzled. "I'm not fine, Zelda. I am not at all fine."

Mourgent was trying to run his pack and act normal, but Zazriel was not leaving Matilda's care. She wouldn't allow him to see her. She wouldn't allow anyone to see her. He was starting to feel very concerned, as if something bad was about to happen. He just didn't know what or why.


"Orion, I can't deal with whatever is going on right now."

Orion looked around, but had no one else to turn to. "Alpha, Gatrie is dead."

Mourgent cursed loudly. This was the tenth member of Zazriel's pack that has died since she joined his pack. He wanted to tell her, but couldn't. He wouldn't in writing. He had to do it face to face. She had to know he was doing everything in his power to find the killer and end this madness.


Mourgent growled and stalked away.

A squawk caught his attention and he saw Nyx fly over to Phelan and poop on his head. Mourgent paused in his stride to watch the beautiful bird as she pooped on five others. All of which didn't like Zazriel. Then, the bird swooped around and flew towards him. When she didn't stop, he ducked her talons, not wanting his skin ripped off or to be pooped on. However, Nyx landed in a tree not far from him and sat there, staring at him. He hesitantly stepped towards her, not wanting to spook the falcon. "Nyx?"

She squawked at him.

"Where is Zazriel? Is she safe? Is she okay?" he asked softly.

Nyx cocked her head, listening to him. However, she only stuck out her leg. Mourgent was momentarily confused, then saw the slip of paper tied to the scaly leg.

Mourgent walked slowly over and untied the note, opening it to read. It had one word. Dangi.


Nyx gave what sounded like a battle cry, then flew off, her squawking angry and demanding. Just as when Zazriel ordered, "Dominoes," all kinds of birds joined Nyx. This time, coming out of the trees to follow the falcon. Mourgent joined the chaos and managed to follow Nyx. However, it wasn't to Matilda's, but to Zazriel's old pack territory. Nyx flew all the way to the cluster of ash piles that still littered the forest floor, where houses used to stand. Mourgent looked around, but saw nothing at all. Nyx squawked.


No answer.

"Zazriel!" he called.

He didn't hear her answer. He didn't hear a voice at all. He heard a gun shot.

Pain exploded in his stomach. He looked down to see himself bleeding. "Orion! Get Matilda! Z's old territory. Now!"

Zazriel heard voices and went still. Her ears alert. "What happened to him?" That was Matilda's voice.

"He was shot. On Zazriel's old territory."

"Why was he there?"

"I don't know! He was unconscious when I got there!"

The voices softened momentarily. Then Zazriel heard Matilda say, "He is to blame, Orion. For how she is!"

"He isn't doing it on purpose!" Orion growled.

"Then why hasn't he told her?"

"Alpha!" A new voice joined the others. One that made Zazriel's hands ball into fists.

"Get out of here, Eva!" Matilda hissed.

"What happened to him? Is he going to be okay?"

Orion rolled his eyes. Matilda narrowed her eyes at the female. "If you hadn't came back and seduced him, none of this would have happened!"

"How is any of this my fault?"

"The alpha is dying and Zazriel can't help him because she's dying!"

Eva went silent. "She is?"


Orion crossed his arms. "Eva, you need to stay away from Mourgent from now on. He's off limits. If I find you within arms length, I will kill you."

"You can't! Alpha won't let you!"

Orion gave the female a malicious smile. "Try me."

Matilda sighed and after patching up Mourgent the best she could, went to check on Zazriel. However, she was long gone, not having heard the entire conversation the three had.

"Orion…" Matilda looked around, but Zazriel wasn't there. "Orion!"