
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Ação
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32 Chs


Most of the seeded player knocked each other out while in the finale 4 it was Chain vs Sophia while Nick vs Hu

As the call out the match up Nick step forward and says "why don't we try something different this year."

While audience is surprised by this sudden announcement commander Yu and Kai look over and they shake their head disapproving

Nick say "what about a battle royal."

Hu and Chain hear this they decided that if he planned something like this he must have one skill that strong enough to take all of them

As the adventurer association took a minute to decide after some discussion they decided to allow it

The crowd seem to be fine with this decision so they have all 4 participants enter and the battle starts Sofia rush toward Nick ad he take his spear swinging it down at Sofia forcing her to jump to the side

Once Sofia out of the way Nick fires mana blast at Chain and Hu as they rush ahead as well and get close enough to swing thier weapon down on Nick as he block both of then and release his skill randomize

The area begin to change to a ice snow tundra and it seem like all of hell has frozen over

"Hey Nick do you think a little bit of snow and ice will defeat us" as Hu yell that Nick replies "no no no you see I wanted to show you the difference between us as I will show you my true capabilities."

While Hu and Chain are confused by Nick statement Sofia is not and yell "Hu, Chain run before you" while Sofia was trying to finish her sentence Nick attacked her as Hu and Chain see they they both call out their attacks they hace been holding out on "piercing wire, sleepless nightmare" As they both called blue wire came out of Hu hand and pierce into Nick bodybuilding Jim and releasing his own mana and blocking off Nick mana and temporarily immobilize him while sleepless nightmare trapped Nick soul and mind was locked away

While Sofia see this opportunity and shot a scorching hot fire ball which was redirect and smashed into Hu body and Nick get up and say "my my how impressive the 2 of you are to have come up with the skill to seal one own movement and mana to bind they from fight back and a skill that lock away the mind and soul would have worked if not for my own skill canceling them out."

Chain look at Hu that getting up and charges in while Sofia follow behind as Nick easily take them out Hu charges up a condensed chain to latch on to Nick as he easily knock it alway it give Chain and Sifia enough time push Nick near the edge

"Haha you pushed me this far I have to say all you skill are excellent." Well Nick was talking Sofia activated a skill called sinkhole as the snowfield became to sink in while it trapped Nick he used his spear to throw himself out while Hu and Chain charged in

As they did Nick said "Well I guess I should end this." Nick mana released all around and it knocked put everyone and even the barrier protecting the viewer was shaken