
Beyond humanity

Through the age of humanity mankind has done vile things and has shown that they shall not stop intill they destory human are trash but one day humanity gain the ability to evolve and finally become perfect being but they choose to be greedy and choose to pick on those who could not defend themselves that when Hu decided that shall end of human and become a perfect being.

Tigerhiddeningrass · Action
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As Hu and Chain awake they see Sophia laying on the floor thr crowd chatting Nick name and the announcer say that he has won Nick does something outrages he announce that he will be foregoing his reward and handing them over them over to the loser of the match and Hu look over at Sofia who is fuming over this insult and just leave without claiming her reward and the judges just give everything to the two since it was such an out roar this year

As they are told to come in tomorrow to pick up the reward the two don't know what to do so they use their money to go out and spend a night eating and partying as they got back to their little small tent after enjoying the night

"Hey you give me all your money" said a hood man or boy they couldn't tell

As they hear this they release to mana sense to see who it is it is a young children who look to be standing on each other 3 of them a older look boy who seem to be a year from awakening while to younger twin

Chain say "come out you 3 we know that your hiding around the conner"

As the 3 boy jump back one of the younger twin say "big bro we been caught what do we do now"

"Uh hold up I thinking"

As the 3 boy are standing their Chain and Hu laugh at this until they finale think of something which to run away

Hu while wiping the tear out of his eyes "some funny kids took them a little while to figure out to run away I surprised they even tried to rob us in the first place"

Author note: sorry again everyone I am currently a junior in high school so this semester is a very bigger time but I will upload more stories in the summer