
Beyond Dimensional Boundaries

Within the vast walls of realities lies a small planet called Earth. On this small planet called Earth is a young species, called humans. These ambitious, physically weak, yet mentally powerful creatures have grown to never before seen heights. ... ... Victor Mercer, a man of genius intellect was sent to colonize a habitable planet far from their home world, Earth. However, on the way to this planet, everything went wrong. An unknown energy was discovered by the crew. Thanks to this energy, their death was imminent and they knew it. Their minds went mad with horror as they all knew there was no escaping the dark destiny. Yet their worries went away in an instant, with a stretch of their ship and bodies, each and every little piece of matter was absorbed, torn to pieces, and destroyed forever. A blackhole had formed, obliterating everything. Everything besides Victor himself... Traveling through the seemingly infinite darkness, experiencing enough pain to make any man go mad, Victor unwillingly held onto his consciousness. He held on just long enough to witness what was on the other side of the destructive cosmic bodies known as black holes. And what he saw, made him wish he had suffered a different end... Read on as the fate of Victor Mercer is studied. Learn of how he came to be known by many names, those such as The Benevolent Lord, The Understanding, The Merciful, and even, The Mad One. ========== This story has taken inspiration from Lovecraftian characters and horrors alike.

SleeepDeprived · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


"Victor... Victor... VIC-TOR!" A woman called his name multiple times, finally waking him up at her last shout.

"Urgh, What do you want from me Jareli? Don't I get to have just a bit of sleep on this stupid ship…" Victor grumbled pushing himself up off of his comfortable spot on the bed.

"I frankly could care less about your damn sleep!" Jareli yelled in her usual tone. She was quite the feisty one after all.

"We've detected a massive source of energy a few minutes away from us, and we honestly have no idea as to what it could be. Not a single one of our sensors are able to understand what it is." She spoke with incredible speed, urging Victor up and off his bed and pulling him along with her.

'And you all need me for this?' Victor thought to himself, barely being and to grab his glasses on the way out.

"Jesus…" He muttered with a sigh

Arriving in the control room Victor cleared his throat while Jareli led him to the others.

"Im back with Mercer!" The short latina spoke loudly, getting everyone's attention. Everybody parted, letting Victor make his way to the front of the group, sitting down in the recently vacated seat.

"So what am I looking at exactly?" He asked the others, letting his eyes examine every inch of the holo-screen before him.

"Ther-" one of the crewmates started, "A few minutes ago the ship was hit by a massive wave of energy. This wave, even though we have no idea how, was able to contaminate our energy supply and double it within seconds. 56 seconds later another wave hit us, doing the same as before." Victor's adopted daughter had Venessa cut in, explaining the situation better than anyone else would have.

"So-" Victor started, just to be cut off.

"Initially we thought this was a blessing and that with it, the travel to Kreole's moon would be even smoother, but we were incredibly wrong." She interrupted again.

"Even though the supply was massively overloaded like it shows on the holo, we're completely incapable of using any of it. It's as if it's so powerful that we can't harness it. And thanks to this, we've been stuck traveling off course using the remaining energy that was originally ours and still viable, unable to alter course or anything of the like." As Victor listened, he could only frown.

"The unknown energy has rendered all our commands useless. Currently, we're drifting through space with no control of our ship whatsoever." Venessa finished, completely out of breath, sweat overflowing out of the pores on her face.


The crew was silent as they all watched Victor think. They all knew there was only one way to live through this phenomenon and not get stranded in space, but they all wanted to be given the go only after Victor gave them his word.

As one of the smartest men of the human race, if he saw no other way out, then they would do it.

Through the eerie silence, the ship rumbled, the numbers showing the percentage of the energy supply shooting up to 407% out of nowhere.

Victor glanced at the blue bar, opening his mouth.

"I see absolutely no reason to call me here for this." He sighed, turning to everyone with an uneasy look on his face.

"There's unfortunately nothing we can do…" Victor shrugged, taking off his glasses and getting up from his seat.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Jareli asked, "What about manually depleting our energy reserves? I'm sure once all of the contaminated energy is gone we'll regain control, we could leave the radius of the energy waves within the 56 seconds between each blast." She spoke the words on everyone's mind.

"And what about that massive star literally right there?" Victor asked, looking out the window and staring at the blue cosmic body. "To do that you'd have to complete a space walk outside of the ship to reach where the reserves are. Do you truly think you can handle the heat of a star? Even this ship's body, which is one of the best there is, can barely even do that." He explained, making them all realize the major flaw in their plan.

"There's nothing we can do."

With that statement, the hopelessness the whole ship felt was immense. Some collapsed to their knees, others sprinted to their rooms hoping to record messages for their families, and some just stood in silence.

The ship stayed like this for multiple moments, until before they could even realize, a darkness encompassed them temporarily, then a bright light.

And then, everything was gone.

It was all ripped and stretched away, the ship, and everyone in it destroyed in an instant.

Victor could barely comprehend what had happened when the pain overtook him.

All he could see was pitch black.

He could feel his body flying through space at unbelievable speeds, though only for a moment as his senses were overwhelmed.

He could hear nothing, not even his own screams.

He could see nothing, even though he knew his eyes were open.

He could feel nothing, only pain.

His nose was stinging, the pure nothingness around him damaging his body to the fully.

Even as his mouth opened wide, screaming with no sounds, his lungs burned, "breathing" in the toxic nothingness of the void around him.

He didn't know what to do, even with his mind that could only be described as superior, no other thought besides one would come to him.

"Make it stop."

And after an unknown time of pleading, praying to whatever god he could think of, his prayers were heard.

With a flash of light, and a burst of even more intense pain, his senses returned to him.

Though he wished they had not.

His mind was in a daze, the pain imprinted into his mind, but in the next second, he experienced something even worse.

In front of his now functioning eyes, laid the vessel of a creature so disgusting, so revolting, so… utterly maddening.

Looking at its being, Victor's mind and body, which had both somehow withstood the density of a black hole, had broken.

His eyes almost instantly turned gray, pure lifelessness shown.

Not a single thought in the once creative mind of Victor Mercer, the 2nd smartest man in all of human history, holding an IQ of 261.

The man whose drive was so strong, that he built a name for himself throughout the entire world in under 20 years.

He invented countless technologies, uncovered many new theories, and even proved those already made.

Yet such achievements Had no meaning when standing before such a creature.

Such an amalgamation.

A being of pure madness.

"…" It stared at Victor with its multitude of eyes. Examining him, reading every last bit of information it could see in his soul.

And with a single command in its mind, a command that not a single being could hope to interpret, Victor woke.

His conscience returned to him as his eyes gazed upon the creature once again.

Yet this time, instead of dying before he could even attempt to process what he was seeing, he slowly went insane.

"Avert your eyes." The demon spoke, its voice appearing within Victor's head.

Though Victor would never be able to understand the words of the voice, he could feel the meaning behind them.

And with that feeling, came the overwhelming force. His mind denied the thought of disobeying this voice, and did as it said.

Victor had looked away from the amalgamation so fast, he thought his neck would break.

"W-W-" Victor stuttered, not able to get his words out while in the presence of such a being.

"You're outside of existence." The voice answered in Victor's head, its indescribable vocals made him shake.

"And as the Merciful Ancient I am, I offer you a chance." It spoke.

"I can see your intelligence is high, higher than it should be. The lowly vessel you reside in doesn't display what you are capable of. I can give you the chance to become one of my children. An elder god of the cosmos." The words entering his head made Victor frightened, slightly because of the fact that he was being spoken to by such a horrible creature, and partly because of what he was hearing.


How could he believe the situation he was in?

To him, he could only think one thought.

'This is too good to be true.'

Being the insanely narcissistic, power and knowledge driven man he was, what was being offered to him was only a dream.

A god? If he had the abilities of a god, he could only imagine what he would be able to do.

He wouldn't be shackled by the confines of his mortal body, having to rely on technology to live a life longer than 100 years. Taking damage at just a papercut, not being able to comprehend monstrosities like the thing before him.

As a god, he wouldn't be trapped in 3 dimensions as he is now.

He would surely be able to travel beyond that, becoming 4th-dimensional, 5th-dimensional.

He could uncover the secrets of the universe, create his own lives, destroy whatever he wanted.

"I take this as a yes." The creature said to Victor, taking him by surprise, but he welcomed it.

He would have surely acknowledged all the risks and flaws in what was being said, he wouldn't have been so trusting. Yet the insanity that was induced by the being before him made him naive.

His intelligence had fallen temporarily, making him no smarter than a young child.

"Then let us begin." It said, and as it did so, Victor could hear the movements of its slimy body, a tendril of incalculable proportions appearing before him.

"I shall let Yubshuba inhabit your existence. From this instance you two are one, and you are now the 7th child of ——————." As the words entered his head, Victor could feel a burning feeling in his head and chest.

He ignored the fact he could not understand God's name, and decided to relish in the pain he felt this time.

Only anticipating the outcome of what was to come.

He could barely contain his joy.

'A god.' He muttered in his mind, a wide smile appearing on his face as he let his arms stretch out, his eyes widening, absorbing his new parent's body in all its glory.

This was a testament to his insanity, and only the beginning of his story.