
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
136 Chs

Chapter 98: In the Shadow of Giants

The metallic tang of the air inside the *Leviathan*'s med bay was a stark reminder of the dire straits they were in. Jack Steele stood at the threshold, watching as Zara and Reyes hovered over the alien corpse. The harsh fluorescent lights cast sharp shadows, making the room feel colder than it was.

"Captain," Zara's voice was clipped, business-like. "We've identified the species. They're called Xarnath. Records show they're a nomadic warrior race, known for their brutality."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "And what were they doing here, attacking the rebels?"

"Scavenging, perhaps," Reyes suggested, not looking up from his analysis. "Or maybe they're part of something bigger."

Jack's mind churned. The discovery of the Earth Federation symbol amidst the wreckage hinted at a larger conspiracy. One that could change the course of their war against the Terminids.

"Reyes, I want a full report on the Xarnath. Weaknesses, strengths, anything we can use," Jack ordered. "Zara, get me a secure line to command. We need to debrief them on our findings."

As they moved to comply, Jack's gaze drifted to the viewport. Outside, the barren landscape of the planet stretched endlessly, a grim testament to the devastation wrought by endless conflict.


Minutes later, Jack stood in the command center, the holographic display flickering to life with the image of General Hayes. The older man's face was etched with lines of worry and exhaustion.

"Steele, what have you got for me?" Hayes' voice was gruff, but there was an underlying note of concern.

"We've encountered a new enemy, sir. The Xarnath. They've attacked the rebels, and we found evidence that the Earth Federation has been active in this sector," Jack reported, his tone steady.

Hayes' eyes widened fractionally. "The Federation? We thought they were wiped out."

"So did we," Jack replied. "But their presence here complicates things. If they're still out there, we need to find them. They could have vital intel on the Terminids."

Hayes nodded slowly. "Agreed. I'll allocate resources to track down any Federation activity. In the meantime, focus on the Xarnath. We can't afford another front in this war."

"Understood, sir," Jack said. The transmission ended, leaving him staring at the empty screen, his thoughts a turbulent sea of strategies and uncertainties.


Back in the field, the Helldivers moved with practiced precision. Their target: a nearby Xarnath outpost identified from the wreckage. The mission was simple—gather intelligence and neutralize any threats.

The terrain was treacherous, filled with jagged rocks and deep crevices. Jack led the way, his senses attuned to the slightest movement. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the crunch of their boots on the gravel.

"Eyes up," he murmured, signaling a halt. Ahead, the outline of the Xarnath outpost loomed, a fortress of twisted metal and debris.

"Reyes, take point. Zara, cover our six," Jack ordered, his voice barely above a whisper. The team moved like shadows, slipping through the darkness toward their target.

The first sign of trouble came as a low growl, followed by the appearance of a Xarnath scout. The creature's eyes glowed in the dim light, its exoskeleton glinting menacingly.

"Engage!" Jack barked, raising his weapon. The Helldivers opened fire in unison, the air filled with the deafening roar of gunfire.

The scout went down quickly, but the alarm had been raised. From within the outpost, more Xarnath warriors emerged, their war cries echoing through the night.

"Hold the line!" Jack shouted, his rifle spitting fire. The Helldivers formed a defensive perimeter, their movements synchronized and deadly.

"Reinforcements incoming!" Zara reported, her voice strained. "We've got multiple bogies on our flank."

Jack's mind raced. They were outnumbered and outgunned, but retreat wasn't an option. "We make our stand here. Reyes, set up the charges. We'll blow this place sky-high."

As Reyes worked, the rest of the team laid down suppressive fire, buying precious seconds. The Xarnath pressed closer, their sheer numbers threatening to overwhelm the Helldivers.

"Charges set!" Reyes called out, sweat pouring down his face.

"Fall back to the extraction point!" Jack ordered, firing a final burst before retreating. The team moved as one, covering each other as they withdrew.

"Detonate on my mark," Jack said, his voice steady despite the chaos. "Three… two… one… now!"

The ground shook as the charges detonated, the outpost erupting in a fireball. The shockwave knocked Jack off his feet, but he scrambled up, urging his team onward.

The *Leviathan* loomed ahead, its ramp lowered in anticipation. The Helldivers sprinted for it, bullets whizzing past them. They dove inside just as the ramp closed, the engines roaring to life.

"Punch it!" Jack yelled to the pilot. The ship lifted off, leaving the burning wreckage of the Xarnath outpost behind.

As they ascended, Jack's thoughts turned to the future. The Xarnath were a formidable foe, but they were only one piece of a larger puzzle. The Earth Federation's reemergence, the unknown forces at play—everything pointed to a conflict of unprecedented scale.

And Jack Steele was ready to face it head-on.