
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Sci-fi
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136 Chs

Chapter 99: The Lost and the Past

The *Leviathan* cruised through the inky blackness of space, a lone sentinel in the void. Inside the ship, the Helldivers were a whirlwind of activity, preparing for their next mission. Jack Steele stood in the command center, his eyes locked on the holographic display. It showed the coordinates of a distant system, a faint blip where the remnants of the Earth Federation were last detected.

"Captain," Zara's voice broke the silence, pulling Jack from his thoughts. She approached with a data pad, her face illuminated by its glow. "We've got intel on the Federation signal. It's weak, but it's there."

Jack nodded, taking the pad from her. "Good work. Any idea what we're dealing with?"

Zara shook her head. "Not yet. But it's definitely human. Could be a survivor, or... something else."

"Something else," Jack muttered, his mind racing. "We need to find out. If the Federation's still out there, they could have crucial information about the Terminids."

Reyes stepped into the room, a grim look on his face. "Sir, we've also picked up chatter from the Xarnath. They're mobilizing. Looks like they're planning something big."

"Figures," Jack said, his voice edged with frustration. "We barely got out of that last engagement. What's their target?"

Reyes glanced at the display. "Hard to say. They're being cagey. But we intercepted a few transmissions that mention 'the core.' Could be strategic, could be bait."

"Either way, we can't ignore it," Jack decided. "We'll split the team. Zara, you take Alpha squad and investigate the Federation signal. Reyes, Beta squad and I will handle the Xarnath."

"Yes, sir," Zara and Reyes said in unison, saluting before heading out.


Hours later, the *Leviathan* descended onto a barren moon, the suspected source of the Federation signal. Zara led Alpha squad through the desolate landscape, their movements silent and precise. The moon's surface was a graveyard of old battles, debris and wreckage scattered as far as the eye could see.

"There," Zara whispered, pointing to a faint glimmer in the distance. "Looks like an old outpost."

As they approached, the outpost's decrepit state became apparent. Rusted metal and collapsed structures hinted at a long-abandoned facility. Yet, the signal was strong here.

"Stay sharp," Zara cautioned, motioning for the squad to fan out. "We don't know what's waiting for us."

Inside the outpost, the air was thick with dust and decay. They moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls. Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught Zara's eye.

"Hold up," she signaled, raising her weapon. "Identify yourself!"

A figure emerged from the shadows, hands raised in surrender. It was a man, disheveled and gaunt, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief.

"Don't shoot! I'm—I'm human," he stammered, his voice trembling.

Zara lowered her weapon slightly. "Who are you?"

The man took a deep breath. "Lieutenant David Harrington, Earth Federation. We—we thought we were the last ones."

Zara's eyes widened. "Federation? How many of you are there?"

Harrington shook his head. "Just me. The others... they're gone. The Terminids... they wiped us out."


Meanwhile, on a different front, Jack and Beta squad moved stealthily through the dense jungle of an alien world, the suspected gathering point for the Xarnath. The air was thick with humidity and the buzz of unknown insects.

Reyes led the way, his eyes scanning the underbrush. "Tracks are fresh," he murmured. "They're close."

"Keep it tight," Jack ordered, his voice a low growl. "We need to find out what they're planning and get out."

As they neared a clearing, the sound of guttural voices reached their ears. Jack signaled for silence, and they crept forward, peering through the foliage. In the clearing, a group of Xarnath warriors were gathered around a makeshift command post, their leader barking orders in their harsh tongue.

"That's a lot of firepower," Reyes whispered, eyeing the heavy artillery.

"They're gearing up for something big," Jack replied. "We need to disrupt their plans. Reyes, you and the others set charges around their supplies. I'll create a diversion."

Reyes nodded, moving off with the rest of the squad. Jack waited until they were in position, then stepped into the clearing, firing a shot into the air.

"Hey, you ugly bastards! Over here!" he shouted, drawing the Xarnath's attention. The warriors roared in anger, charging toward him.

Jack ducked and weaved, leading them away from the command post. He fired in controlled bursts, picking off a few as he moved. "Now, Reyes!" he yelled into his comm.

Explosions rocked the clearing as the charges detonated, sending Xarnath warriors flying. Jack sprinted back toward the jungle, meeting up with Reyes and the squad as they made their escape.


Back on the *Leviathan*, Jack and Zara reconvened in the command center. The holographic display showed the moon where Alpha squad had found Harrington.

"Lieutenant Harrington's intel checks out," Zara reported. "He confirms that the Federation was working on something called Project Genesis. It's supposed to be a weapon against the Terminids."

"A weapon?" Jack's eyes narrowed. "Do we know where it is?"

"Not yet. But Harrington thinks he can lead us to the last known coordinates," Zara said.

Jack nodded. "Good. We need to get there before the Xarnath do. Reyes, what's our status?"

"Charges disrupted their plans, but they're not done yet," Reyes replied. "They're regrouping, and they won't be happy."

"Then we move fast," Jack decided. "Set course for the coordinates. We need that weapon if we're going to have any chance against the Terminids."

As the *Leviathan* powered up and set its course, Jack felt a glimmer of hope. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but with the possibility of a new weapon and the unexpected ally in Harrington, they had a fighting chance. The battle was far from over, but the Helldivers were ready for whatever came next.