
Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic

Peter Parker is 13 years old and is enjoying life with his friends but after a trip to Oscorp he discovers he has powers , how will he use them. Made a younger and more immature Peter he will go down a darker road than he originally did due to his own hubris and arrogance.

TheManUnderTheBed · Filmes
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16 Chs

My Name is Spider-Man

Coughing up blood and having managed to drag himself back to the Warehouse that he had set himself up in, Peter promptly passed out on the ground just in front of the entrance having no more strength left to move a muscle. He wasn't just physically drained but emotionally as well, he had just watched his best friend brutalised and his girlfriend shot in the head all while he watched. And in the end, instead, all he did was run away, he should've let himself be killed, he didn't deserve to be alive while his friends were dead.

Peter hoped that when he passed out that he would succumb to his wounds and die he felt numb. He started doing the all because it felt good saving people and then it transformed into a scheme for him to get rich.

"What a joke..." he said to himself before closing his eyes, hopefully forever.


(Two days later)

Peter opened his eyes and immediately tensed, his body flared in pain though it seemed a lot less than before and it was more stiff than anything else. He got up and saw that he was in his bed at the warehouse and realised that Jessica must've found him, he stood up on his feet though his legs were a little shaky and he opened the door to the main warehouse.

Jessica who was on the sofa watching TV looked up and her eyes widened "Peter!" She shouted as she jumped up and ran towards him engulfing him in a hug that threatened the squeeze the life out of him "What happened to you? When I found you I thought you were dead!" She shouted, her voice full of concern for him.

Peter hated that look on her face, he didn't deserve it "I-I was-" but he couldn't continue any longer and he broke down crying. He hadn't had the chance to cry as he'd been too busy trying to escape and so it built up inside him until he couldn't keep it in any longer. Jessica took him into her arms and rubbed his back, she didn't know what was happening but it must've been serious, to see Peter so injured had scared her 'What monster could do that' she thought to herself.

Peter didn't know how long he wept but eventually, they found themselves heading over to the sofa and Jessica sat him down "Peter what happened, who hurt you so badly?" Jessica asked with concern in her voice as her own eyes watered.

Peter wiped his eyes, he went to speak but he found the words stuck in his throat as if he still couldn't accept them himself.

*Breaking news, The daughter of Police Captain George Stacy has been reported as missing, she and her friend Ned Leeds had been seen getting the subway together and exiting in Brooklyn but were quickly lost track of. If anyone has any information at all please report it to your local police station*

Jessica's eyes widened before she looked at Peter who couldn't help but start to cry again "They're dead..." Peter whimpered out.

"T-They're dead because of me" He continued as his whole body started to tremble, Jessica held him close again as he had another surge of tears.

"Peter tell me what happened" Jessica said, though it was more of a command.

Once Peter composed himself he told Jessica everything that happened, from his Uncle Ben going to his hospital, to him becoming a Vigilante and falling out with his friends and the hard part, describing how he got his friends killed. By the end of it, Jessica had tears in her eyes and a hand covering her mouth. She knew right now wasn't the time to talk so she did what a friend would do and would be there for him, everything else could wait.


"What're you going to do?" Jessica asked as she sat on the sofa with her hands wrapped around her knees.

Peter looked towards her from the computer he stood at "I'm going to get all the evidence I have and leave it to the police" he said in a deadpan expression.

"Peter! Look at what Tombstone did to you! Do you think the police can handle him, he'll get away for sure!" Jessica shouted in outrage.

Peter however didn't react at all "Tombstone was right I was never a hero, not even a vigilante, just a thief" his voice was hoarse and dry from all the crying he had done, Jessica it was like she was speaking to a completely different person, someone she didn't know at all.

"They were your best friends Peter! Don't you want to stop the man who killed them!" She shouted as she walked towards Peter and spun him around.

"I'll only make things worse Jess, just look at what Tombstone did to me last time," Peter said before turning back and transferring all the files he had onto a memory stick.

"You owe it to your friends to get justice Peter, for them, for the kids he blew up and for all those he's holding in cages right now" She shouted but Peter wasn't listening, he disconnected the memory stick and placed it in his pocket. A slight buzz went off in his head and he moved it to the left avoiding a punch from Jessica.

"I killed my friend Jess, I don't want to kill anyone else" Peter said before walking passed her and out of the warehouse.

Jessica looked at the gate with an angry expression on her face "If you don't do anything I will" she said to herself before turning around and looking at all the documents that Peter had pulled up.


Peter had managed to fix his web shooters with a few hours of work and he was currently swinging through Queens only wearing a balaclava to hide his identity, he was only planning to visit one place, not like he was going to be fighting thugs anymore.

The breeze he felt on his face and the rush he got from swinging so high up all seemed dull now, something he had loved doing had turned into something so painful as it was a constant reminder of what led to his friend's death. Though he wished he could say it was his powers that had led him down this path it would be a lie, it was all his own doing, perhaps this was always the type of person he was.

Shooting a web he zipped to a tall building and onto a fire escape the metal frame rattling under his weight, he then climbed towards Gwen's window and opened it. Gwen was always a little messy and even now it looked like she'd just been inside, he found it difficult to breathe in here with the constant reminders of her.

He walked towards her bed and sat down, he could hear her family having dinner in the next room though it seemed there was no conversation to be had. He shot a web at a picture frame and pulled it over to himself, tears started to fall from his eyes as he looked at the picture of him, Gwen and Ned at the fair when they were younger. Peter was a little shorter than they were back then so when he wanted to go on the carousel he wasn't allowed and ended up having to wait with his Aunt.

"I'm so sorry..." he said as he hugged the picture frame tightly and started crying again, in his heart he still held some hope that this was all a nightmare and that he would wake up soon. However, he is interrupted from his grieving when the door to her room opens and her dad walks in. Peter quickly drops the photo on the bed though it's too late to hide, so he waits for her father to react but he doesn't, Peter scrunches his eyebrows in confusion and looks down only to see through himself.

Though any thoughts he might have on that are put to the back of his mind as he quickly moves out of the way, George comes to Gwen's bed and frowns when he sees the picture on there. In the end, he sits down and sighs before wiping his eyes and looking at the frame "Please come home soon..." he said in a whisper but Peter still managed to hear them.

Peter had been so busy dealing with his grieve he didn't even consider the fact that Gwen and Ned's families didn't even know they were dead, he had to put his hand to his mouth to stop any sounds coming out. George sat there for a few more minutes before he got up and left the room, Peter stopped out of camouflage and once again had to wipe his eyes. He had hurt so many people because of his selfishness.

'Just do what you came here to do' Peter thought to himself and he brought the letter out of his pocket that was addressed to George. It had all the evidence he had on Tombstone and his operations... it was mostly Ned who gathered it as he had thought they were doing hero work.

He dropped the letter on Gwen's bed and went to leave however something caught the corner of his eye, on her desk was a briefcase with a letter on top and it was addressed to him. He slowly walked towards her desk with his heart beating out of his chest, he didn't know why he felt so afraid but he did. He picked the letter up with trembling hands and opened it. He couldn't help but chuckle because it was written in an old code that they used to speak to each other when they were younger.

*Hey Pete,

Listen I know we've had a bit of a falling out but I don't want you to think that means I don't love you, Ned does too by the way. We both knew you were going to grow up to be amazing, even before your powers. I know you have what it takes to be a hero and so I decided to do my part since Ned was doing his, and what does every superhero need? A suit! And so I played around with a few designs and made it for you though it's a little cheesy. Peter no matter what happens know that I love you, I'm not worried about you stealing at the moment because I know In the end you'll do the right thing.

Love Gwen (And Ned)*

Peter's tears dropped onto the page as he held it in his hand, he had to stop himself from clenching his fists too tightly otherwise he'd crunch the paper that he currently held like a prized possession. He put the letter in his pocket and opened the briefcase, inside was a red and blue suit with a webbed pattern across it with a spider on the front. He closed the suitcase before walking away and not picking it up 'I'm sorry Gwen, but you were wrong about me' he said before jumping out of her window and webbing away.


Peter swung on a web before flipping and landing flat on the wall to the hospital where they kept his Uncle, he climbed up to the room that he was currently in before checking that it was empty and silently climbing inside. He wasn't planning on talking to him but he just wanted to see him, Uncle Ben was the only positive thing to come from any of this so Peter thought maybe it would help.

Peter saw that his Uncle was sleeping though he didn't blame him as it was late at night, he took a seat and just watched. Eventually, he took the letter out again and began reading it over and over, he wanted to be the person they thought he was but he couldn't, he tried and looked where it got him.

"Must be an interesting read son if you've read it so many times"

Peter looked up startled and realised his uncle was awake, he quickly stood up instant on disappearing but he was waved back "Please, sit back down I don't mind you popping a squat, you must've come here for a reason right?" His Uncle said with a smile.

Peter found himself falling back into his chair as if the strength left his body "You look troubled son... had a rough couple of days?"

"Yeah... I tried to be a hero and ended up just being a regular old thug and getting my friends killed" Peter said as his eyes watered.

"The man that did it is still out there and I have no idea what to do! He has so many others he is still hurting and I can't do anything" Peter said as he poured out everything he'd been feeling this whole time.

"I'm sorry for your loss son, losing loved ones always hurts" His Uncle said in a morose tone.

"Now you say you don't know what to do but it seems to me you know exactly what to do" he continued.

"He beat me the first time, I can't stop him, if I try I'll only make it worse" Peter cried

Uncle Ben shook his head "Now that reason might just be convincing enough to other people but what about you"

Peter went to reply but he couldn't, because in the end he knew his uncle was right, even without knowing who he was his uncle had read him like a book "I'm scared, of him and of getting more people killed" he finally admitted out loud.

"It's natural to be scared son, but the true measure of your character is what you do when you're scared" his Uncle said.

"I may be a little old-fashioned but if I see someone getting mugged I do my best to stop them, if you have the power to stop something bad from happening then it's your responsibility to do so" he continued.

"And sure you may mess up now and then or you may hesitate, but just remember to always keep getting back up" he finished.

Peter hesitated for a moment before he got up "Thanks for listening" he said before opening the window and jumping back out.

His Uncle smiled sadly "Anything for my nephew..."

Peter swung back towards the warehouse, he had to apologise to Jess as he had been pretty harsh with her, he flipped off a lamppost before landing in front of the doors. He opened them and went inside "Jess you here?" He called out but there was no reply, only the sound coming from the TV.

He saw that the computer was still on and so out of curiosity, he walked towards it. He frowned as he saw all the files on Tombstone had been looked through 'She isn't!' Peter thought desperately as he turned around going to the bedroom and opened it, but she wasn't there.

"JESS!" He shouted she had to be here, there was no way she would've gone after him alone.

*Trouble on the Brooklyn bridge as a fight seems to have broken out between Police and some sort of gang, in the centre seem to be two figures who seem to be fighting barehanded, though it seems the smaller one is having a difficult time, more to come.*

Peter was already gone before the news report was finished.



Jessica was slammed into the railing at the side of the bridge, the metal creaked under the force and she felt like her spine might snap in half. Coming after Tombstone was definitely not her brightest idea but she couldn't just stand around with her metaphorical dick in her hand. What she didn't expect was for Tombstone to be moving his entire operation when she arrived.

She managed to sneak onto the truck at the front so she thought that punching out the driver and making him swerve and block the bridge would be a good idea. What she didn't expect was the police to get there so fast, it seemed Peter had managed to get Gwen's dad the information he had as they were fully mobilised in such a short time.

She messed up, she thought they'd surrender but they didn't, his men just formed a barricade that's stopping police from getting close. There are police on the other side of the bridge but they are small local departments woefully undergunned.

Jessica pushed herself up on her arms, the mask she used to cover her face had long since fallen, her vision was blurry and it seemed like everything she heard was background noise, people still ran from the bridge and there was even a school bus, probably returning from some trip 'I messed up badly' she thought to herself as she clenched her fists. She now knew why Peter was so afraid, not just of messing up but the whole situation.

"It seems I am destined to fight wannabe heroes barely out of their diapers" Tombstone said as he approached Jessica, she managed to get herself onto her feet albeit a bit shakily.

Jessica scowled at Tombstone and clenched her fists, luckily her hood still managed to obscure her face so Tombstone couldn't see her properly "But no matter, I'll do to you what I did to the last one" He said as his hands delved into his pocket and took out his black leather gloves with metal plates embedded.

"You're just an asshole too delusional to see that it's over! Look around you, the police have you cornered and it'll only get worse you can't escape" Jessica shouted as he walked closer.

Tombstone laughed as he stretched the leather over his large hands "You severely underestimate the power we wield, but as someone who always wished to be a teacher I shall educate you" he said as he put the other glove on.

Jessica rushed forward and threw a punch as hard as she could at Tombstone's stomach, a blow this hard would be enough to impale a normal person but Tombstone was anything but normal. He grunted slightly before chuckling "Watch as I show you how I murder the little girl in front of me, throw their head and spine onto the police cars over there and still manage to walk home a free man" he said before bringing his fist down upon her, she crossed her arms to block it but was quickly overpowered and slammed to the ground.

Smiling more malevolently than before he grabbed Jessica by the leg before sprinting across the bridge slamming her against each car he passed and eventually throwing her against the school bus, he threw her so hard that it shifted the whole bus to the edge of the bridge making those onboard scream. However, they didn't dare leave the safety of the bus or they otherwise might get caught in the firefight between Tombstones gang and the police.

Jessica fell to the floor but was quickly grabbed by the neck "I'm sorry that this has to happen... but you live in a fantasy world where heroes beat villains and good always prevails, and I hope wherever you end up next is just like that" he said before squeezing tightly around her neck causing her to start to choke.

Jessica hit his hand as she tried to free herself but she couldn't overpower him 'I'm going to die' she thought to herself as she felt her vision start to blur 'I'm sorry Peter'


Tombstone dropped Jessica as he was seemingly punched in the face, but when he shook off the blow there was nothing there.


He was hit back again and he started to growl "Is that you Thief?" Tombstone said as he nursed his bruised jaw.


He was hit once again only this time it wasn't once, he was seemingly pulled into the air before being slammed into a car. Tombstone looked at his suit and saw it had webbing attached "THIEF! Show yourself" he shouted as he stood up.

"My name isn't Thief" Peter said as he came out of his camouflage, he was wearing the suit that Gwen had made of him and was perched atop the school bus. He launched two webs at Tombstone before yanking himself forward feet first and slamming into him sending him toppling over the car "It's Spider-Man" he said as he flipped off him.

Peter quickly jumped over to Jessica who was struggling to her feet "Jess, I'm so glad you're okay"

"Do I look okay you ass?" Jessica said as she nursed her bloody head.

Peter chuckled humourlessly "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, but let me take care of it now"

"I want to help, I can fight too," Jessica said as she struggled to stand straight.

"Then make sure the people get away, there are fewer gang members on the exit to the bridge, lead them out that way," Peter said

"But I-"

"We are heroes, right? Save the people first" Peter said as he smiled under his mask.


They both turned as they saw Tombstone standing up with a manic grin on his face, his black claw-like gloves cut into the metal of the car as he grabbed it "I knew you wouldn't leave! I knew you'd be back" He shouted as he threw the car out of the way.

"Jess go now! Get everyone out, focus on the ones trapped in their cars" Peter said before he jumped onto a car in front of Tombstone.

"You're wearing a new suit... but a rose by any other colour is still a rose" Tombstone stated as he walked closer. Peter struggled not to lose his cool as he looked at the man who had killed both of his friends, he wanted to grab the man's head and rip it off, he wanted to tear out his spine and beat him with it, but he forced himself to calm down, he placed his hand over his heart where he currently kept the letter inside his suit.

*I know In the end you'll do the right thing*

Peter looked up at Tombstone "Maybe you're right, but the story hasn't ended yet"

"No... but it will after tonight" Tombstone said, then he rushed forward bringing his arms up like a gorilla and slamming down where Peter was perched. Peter received a small buzz in his head before Tombstone had brought his arms up fully and so he managed to flip backwards out of the way.

Peter managed to conclude that the painful throbbing in his head that he felt was the development of a new sense which was why it hurt so much when he used it at first, but now rather than a painful sting it was a buzz in his head that varied in intensity. Peter decided to creatively call it his Spider-Sense.

Peter shot a web at Tombstone's face before jumping at him and punching him, Tombstone swung wildly causing Peter to jump over him attaching himself to his back, he then flipped forward while keeping his hands attached which lifted Tombstone off his feet. With a yell, Peter tossed Tombstone into another car before following after him and jumping onto his body hitting him in the face multiple times.


Peter flipped backwards barely avoiding a slice from the claws on his gloves 'I need to watch out for those' Peter thought to himself. Tombstone rushed at him like a rhino, Peter shot a web to swing out of the way but Tombstone pushed off his feet at the last moment and grabbed onto Peter's leg. He laughed manically as he slammed Peter down on a car over and over again before holding him up and attempting to impale him with his gloves.

Peter avoided the first thrust and grabbed onto the hand he then shot a web at Tombstone's face, however, he wouldn't fall for the same trick again and he moved his head avoiding the web. Tombstone tried to move his hand back but with Peter's strength which nearly rivalled Tombstone's own combined with his ability to stick his hands to any surface, he wasn't budging. Tombstone let go of Peter's leg before drawing back his own and booting him away, Peter had no choice but to let go or he'd risk getting hit again.

Peter had mostly healed from their previous encounter but he still ached slightly, however being smashed against the car multiple times had reminded him how his body wasn't in top condition right now. Peter pushed himself up against as car and saw that there was someone inside of it, they were gripping the steering wheel so hard their hands were white, Peter guessed they were having a bit of a breakdown as they only stared ahead.

Peter then saw that Tombstone was charging right at him 'Shit'. Thinking quickly he ripped the door off its hinges before spinning around and throwing it like a shield towards Tombstone hoping it would slow him down enough. He then ripped the seatbelt off the woman in the car and carried her out "AHHHH LET GO LET GO LET GO!" She started screaming as she beat on Peter's back.

"Calm down lady I'm here to help" he said to her trying to reassure her that he wouldn't hurt her.


Peter's eyes widened and he threw the lady up into the air, he turned around just in time for Tombstone to make contact with him as he charged. He grabbed Peter by the throat as he charged forward, as Peter was held in front he made contact with every car and truck they ran into. But his concern wasn't for himself rather the woman he'd thrown into the air, he grabbed onto Tombstone's hands before lifting himself and booting him in the face, the first hit loosened his grip and the second one released him entirely.

Jumping off Tombstone's shoulders he shot a web at the woman before she hit the ground pulling her back up and into his arms, he then looked around for Jessica and saw her ripping the door off a car "Hey Strong Girl! Catch" he shouted to her making her look up as Peter threw the woman to her ignoring her screams.


Peter looked around and barely avoided a car door being thrown at him the same way he did to Tombstone, though it did manage to cut his web making him fall. Peter landed on the ground and turned to see Tombstone looking at him with a scowl "Are you finished playing around? I thought this was our moment and yet you ruin it by saving these peasants" he said as he clenched his fists.

"This hasn't got anything to do with you, you're just another criminal that needs to be put away" Peter said as he faced the giant.

Tombstone laughed "Oh? Is that what this is, you think because you save someone and get a fancy new suit that it changes who you are?"

"No, I don't... I'm just trying to do better" Peter replied.

Tombstone growled before he charged forward and punched at Peter who ducked underneath before jumping up and catching him in the chin with his punch. Tombstone leaned into the punch shooting his foot at Peter who jumped onto it and spin-kicked him hard enough to make him nearly fall to the ground. Tombstone screamed before he threw rapid punches at Peter, they were far faster than someone would expect a person of that size to throw but Peter was still able to avoid them.


It seems that one of the punches was a trap and Peter fell for it, Peter was new to his Spider Sense so it was hard to differentiate different levels of danger. Tombstone opened his hand when Peter avoided the punch and then he dragged it back scrapping his Vibranium claws across Peter's back and side and making Peter scream, he was unable to avoid the next punch which smashed right into his sternum which he felt crack.

Peter hit the ground so hard that he bounced off it and while he was up in the air again his body connected with Tombstone's boot and he was launched across the bridge and into the school bus that Jessica had been thrown into sending it even closer to the edge.

Peter groaned as he pushed himself out of the indentation and onto his feet. His eyes widened as Tombstone was already there, he grabbed his fist as Tombstone punched him but it still had enough force to push him back into the bus. Tombstone laughed as he pushed Peter onto the bus which moved the whole thing to the edge, Peter used his other hand and went to shoot a web at Tombstone but it was quickly grabbed by his other hand "I don't think we'll be needing this anymore" Tombstone said as he dug his claws into Peters wrist crushing his webshooter and cutting into his wrist.

Peter grit his teeth in pain as he felt the claws cutting into his skin, he put all of his strength into pushing back Tombstone's fist and to his surprise he managed to, with a bit more space he could act now and he kicked at Tombstones knee, it felt like kicking a solid wall and that was before he got his powers. Tombstone smiled and pushed further but Peter braced himself on the bus with his feet before jumping off it and onto Tombstone's neck with his legs on either end of his head.




He smashed his fist into Tombstone's face over and over again making blood pour out of his nose. Tombstone lost the grip on his other hand as he tried to grab Peter and throw him off, Peter let himself fall off Tombstone while keeping his legs entangled, the momentum combined with Peters strength was enough to flip Tombstone onto the ground. However, before Peter could capitalise on his advantage his spider-sense went off again.



It seemed that their fight had pushed the school bus enough that it had put too much pressure on the railings and now it had snapped, Peter saw that Jess hadn't evacuated the bus yet which was his fault since he told her to prioritise those that were trapped.

The bus started to slowly slide off the bridge, Peter immediately launched a web at it and was pulled along with it until he managed to secure his footing. His muscles strained as he tried to keep the 12-ton metal bus from sliding off the bridge.


Peter turned around seeing Tombstone standing up and smiling at his predicament "This is where being a hero gets you" he said as he approached Peter.

"But I am a generous person, so I will give you a chance" he continued.

"Drop the bus and we shall continue our duel, who knows you may even get your revenge," Tombstone said with a grin.

Peter didn't answer and was rapidly going through ways in his head to get out of this "No? That is a shame, you were doing so well" Tombstone said as he held his arm up spreading out his claws.

As he swung his palm down Peter leaned as far back as he could dodging the hit, he then shot a web at Tombstone before attaching it to the bus "Here hold this for me would you" he said as he shot multiple strands at him.

Peter then quickly leapt off the ground and onto the bus before ripping the door off "Get out quickly!" Peter shouted to them, the bus was halfway off the bridge and would fall off any second now. The school kids along with their teacher listened to him and immediately started leaving, Peter turned and saw Tombstone staring at him 'Man if looks could kill' he thought to himself. Tombstone cut the webs one by one but growled in frustration as Peter kept shooting them at him, Peter shot some at the ground as well just in case.

Peter sighed in relief when the final person got off the bus, he shot a web at Tombstone and yanked himself towards the large man his knee connecting with his face. While he was weighed down by the bus Peter launched a vicious combo at him, he heard multiple cracks sound out until finally tombstone roared and cut the rest of the webs, Peter tried to jump back but Tombstone managed to grab him and slam him to the floor before bringing his leg up and straight down on his chest.

Peter lifted his hand but Tombstone grabbed it "I am tired of your tricks" he said as he crushed Peter's final web shooter before lifting him from beneath his foot, he punched him over and over again while keeping a hold of his hand, he used Peter as a boxing bag as the boy struggled to escape.


Peter looked down to see Tombstone's fingers embedded in his stomach, the claws had ripped through his skin like paper "I will never forget you... Spider-Man" Tombstone said before he formed a fist ripping his claws out of Peter nearly disembowelling him.

Peter screamed in pain but he managed to bring his fist up and down onto Tombstone's thumb snapping it. He let go of Peter who pushed himself back, he looked down at his wounds and saw blood pouring out of them, he was barely holding himself together.

Tombstone looked at Peter who was barely standing, then he looked to the firefight between his men and the police, it seemed the police were getting the better of them 'Time to go' he thought to himself.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to watch you leave our world, while I managed to deliver half the product already I can't allow this shipment to get lost" he said as he looked at the large truck that contained some of the children from the warehouse.

"Retreat!" Tombstone's booming voice echoed across the bridge, and without question, his men started to back up while still firing at the police.

"Set the charges!" Tombstone commanded and some of his men started placing blocks of C-4 to cover their escape. Peter looked on helplessly as he saw Tombstone turn away from him and walk to the truck, his guts were almost spilling out of him but he still tried to follow.

Tombstone walked towards the truck that had the product inside, he'd need to make sure that it was all undamaged. Kingpin would already punish him for the spectacle that has been made but if he lost the product he can count himself replaced.


Something tugged at Tombstone and he frowned, he turned around and saw Spider-Man who who had just shot a web at him 'I destroyed his web devices' he thought to himself with slight confusion. But as he looked closer he saw that Spider-Man's gloves were off and the web was coming from his wrist.

"I see... he can make his Webs" he whispered to himself, he lifted his arm and sliced the web where it was attached to him.

"You're not... going anywhere" Peter breathed out, he had made himself a makeshift bandage out of this new webbing he could produce, hopefully, it would last long enough.

Tombstone men pointed their guns at Peter but the man held up his hand "Continue with the retreat, I won't be a minute" he said before cracking his knuckles and walking back towards Peter.

Peter had an idea albeit a stupid one, he just needed to last long enough to get Tombstone to the right place, he wasn't concerned with the other men, he trusted Jessica to handle them. Tombstone rushed towards him and with great effort Peter jumped out of the way, he felt his wounds stretch and tear as he did making him want to curl up in pain.

Peter launched another web at Tombstone with one hand while he launched one at the ground with another, he tugged at one end trying to get Tombstone off his feet but the large man resisted. However Peter let go of the other web attached to the ground, and the release of tension had the effect of launching Peter at Tombstone feet first.

Tombstone felt his vision darken for a second, when it cleared up he realised he was on the ground. Peter had kicked him straight in the jaw knocking him out. Tombstone stood up looking at the small boy in disbelief, though that disbelief soon turned into anger.

Tombstone rushed him once again, and a rapid flurry of strikes aimed to kill him were launched at Peter who managed to dodge them, though each time he did his wounds worsened and more blood poured out. Peter was leading him to the space where he'd spring his trap but it seemed Tombstone caught onto something when he saw Peter didn't try and fight back.

"Why are you fighting so much!!! You have lost do yourself a favour and give up!" Tombstone shouted as he threw punch after punch.

"Because... It's what a Hero does" Peter breathed out as his body wobbled.

"YOU ARE NOT A HERO!" Tombstone shouted as his punch connected with Peter's stomach causing blood to splatter everywhere. Peter was launched into the side of a car as he coughed up blood.

He couldn't feel most of his body, he felt cold and weak, he had tried his best but it seemed, in the end, it wasn't good enough.

*Just remember to keep getting back up*

*I know you'll grow up to do amazing things*

Peter forced himself up and stood up, if he got hit again he didn't think he'd be getting up again. But he looked down and smiled 'Guess the Parker luck is on holiday' he thought to himself as Tombstone lumbered over to him.

"NOW IT IS TIME TO END THIS!!! I WILL KILL YOU JUST LIKE I DID YOUR FRIENDS" Tombstone shouted as he raised his fist.


Peter felt a spark erupt from him at the rage he felt, he ducked low and raised his fist, he saw his fist covered in a sort of blue electricity. Tombstone was knocked into the air by the uppercut, Spider-Man quickly jumped up with him and grabbed him.

"You're right... I'm not a hero but maybe one day I can be" he said as he stood up on his chest and launched two webs to the ground. He felt the spark of electricity burning in his core and so he drew it out and through his legs. He yanked on the webs sending them both shooting down to the bridge.

Tombstone felt the air knocked out of him as he was slammed into the bridge, he looked up at Peter with venom in his eyes "This won't be enough to beat me!" He spat out.

Peter smiled "I know, and let the current flow out of him and into Tombstone, who just so happened to be on top of a brick of C-4.





Tombstone heard the sound and then his eyes widened "You fuc"


The whole section of the bridge exploded as the first brick of C-4 set the others off in a cascading effect. Peter was blown away and off the bridge, he felt himself fall into the water but he couldn't move a muscle.

'I did it guys' was the last thought Peter had before his mind drifted off and he fell unconscious.


"Hey Peter get up!"

Peter opened his eyes as he was startled awake, he felt something cold fall onto his leg and looked down seeing he'd dropped ice cream on himself.

He heard laughing at his predicament so he looked up, he felt his heart tighten when he saw Ned and Gwen in front of him "Falling asleep at the fair, such a Peter thing to do" Ned said as he shook his head.

'The fair?' Peter thought to himself as he looked around, the last thing he remembered was falling into the river after beating Tombstone. He looked around and saw a familiar sight, it was the fair that the three of them went to when they were younger.

"Hey Pete, you there? Come on we don't wanna waste any more time" Gwen said as she pulled him up from the bench.

"But what about-" Peter tried to say but was quickly interrupted.

"Pete, relax and enjoy this for what it is, don't worry about anything else," she said with a smile.

"Okay..." Peter said with a smile as Gwen and Ned pulled him along.

It was exactly as he remembered it and they went around to the different stalls trying to win prizes, they enjoyed the rides together and ate enough candy to make themselves throw up. But the sun started to set and Gwen and Ned brought Peter to the final stop they went to at the fair.

Gwen and Ned both went through the turnstile to the carrousel but when Peter went to follow but stopped himself "Am I allowed to come?" Peter asked them.

They both looked at each other and smiled "Of course Pete" Gwen said with a smile on her face. But as Peter tried to go through the turnstile Gwen put her hand on his chest.

"But not yet," she said with a sad smile.

"But I won, I've finished what I needed to do," Peter said a little desperately.

"You're just getting started Peter, and there are still people who need saving" Ned said as he put his hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter found himself trying to come up with a reason to stop them but he came up blank.

"I-I don't want you to leave" he stuttered out.

"Then make sure not to forget us," Gwen said as she cupped his face. They both then let go of him as they backed up and stepped onto the carousel.

"Wait! I didn't get to apologise, Ned-"

"Peter, there is nothing to forgive, just be the person I know you can be," He said before getting on one of the horses, he then disappeared the next time the carrousel spun around.

Peter looked at Gwen who still smiled at him "Have we ever needed words?" she simply said to him.

Peter felt tears fall down his face as he smiled at her, "I love you too" he said as she got onto the carrousel and soon after Ned disappeared too.

Peter then saw the world start to collapse, white assault his vision and then soon after, nothing.

(AN: So a pretty long chapter, but that's it, end of the prologue. Tbh I don't like the beginning that much but it's hard to write someone grieving, anyway hope you enjoyed it. I'm glad that I'm passed the beginning now and can just write spider man that being said he won't be the same as usual, I mean he watched his friends die at 13 and he's not going to deal with that for a while.)

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