

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime e quadrinhos
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37 Chs

91st Reconnaissance

2 Venator class star destroyer and a Nebula-class battle ship slowly made their way towards an earth like planet, on board the Venator are general Ali Chalan, Diplomat Jackest Barnlee and clone commander ponds of the 91st reconnaissance corps.

" Commander get your men ready" General Chalan said to Commander ponds on the bridge, " understood" Ponds saluted Chalan before leaving the bridge.

( Hangar Bay 1)

the hangar was filled with gunships being checked and loaded by the engineers while the clones are checking their equipment, the doors open and Commander Ponds walks in " ROUND UP" he shouted getting the attention of all the clones.

they quickly stop what their doing and fall in line in front of Ponds, " i'm gonna explain this once and once only understood", " YES SIR".

" Good first of all we are here for a diplomatic mission to get this planet to join the Alterean empire, but that is only one of the reasons" Commander ponds said walking back and forth hands closed behind his back.

" We believe the separatist have already reached their Metallic arms here and have stationed themselves somewhere outside the capital, the general and i along with Alpha company will escort the diplomat to the capital to hold the negotiations" he stops in the middle.

" Captain Key, Captain Tae, Captain fold step forward" three clones stepped forward obviously more equipped than the rest, Captain Key had a micro-binocular attached to his helmet as well as a kama around his waist with two pistols in holsters.

Captain Tae Had a Barc helmet a leather strap holding grenades across his chest like a heavy trooper and a 1 pistol holster on his waist, Captain Fold had a red pauldron on his shoulder along with a Kama on his waist with two pistols holders. ( all phase 2 btw and also ponds looks the same a phase 2 trooper but with his markings and a kama okay).

" Key your Beta company, Tae your delta company, Fold your Company Zeta, when we hit the planet atmosphere each will will break off towards the coordinates given to you UNDERSTOOD", " YES SIR" .

" UNDERSTOOD" Ponds shouted again not happy with the response, " YEEEESS SIIIIR"every clone present shouted, "good now get your shit done we go out in 20 minutes " all the clones dispersed and got ready. ( A company consists of 144 troopers and are led by captains).

20 minutes later the clones are boarding the gunships, each company will get 3 gunships along with 3 walkers( the walkers can hold 20 clones each so i fully loaded them with clones and 2 gunships have 30 clones while the 1 is carrying the remaining 24 just so u know ).

(3rd person pov)

the hangar doors opened on the venators and 12 gunships exited leading 9 other gunships carrying walkers, Commander ponds doesn't need walkers in the capital because of negotiations obviously.

when the gunships hit the atmosphere each company broke off in the respected directions using the clouds as cover, Key has northeast, Tae the east and Fold is west.

( Captain Fold prov)

we broke off towards the west while the commander and general headed straight towards the capital, there was small chatter in the red dimmed light confinements of the gunship.

i turn to the men " you already know the mission boys just recon if we find anything suspicious we call command and wait for orders" i said with a stern voice.

" what if things turn messy" a trooper said standing in the middle off his brothers " simple light shit up" i said causing a bit of laughter," LZ 1 minute out" the pilot said over the intercom.

" Lz one minute out Lz one minute out" i said getting my DC-15S ready while the others do the same, i felt the gunship landing and the lights turn green when the doors open to reveal waving grass.

we stepped down and formed a perimeter as the others did to when they landed and got out, once the walkers landed we move out, i spread the troops out with me leading and the walkers in the back beside each other.

we walked ten Klicks in grass knee high and we still haven't came across anything yet except the odd piece of mood, i switched the troops on the ground with the troops in the walkers to keep them energized.

20 Klick since Lz and the only thing in our eyes is the green grass and and a pair of mountains 800 meters ahead, i still haven't made the decisions to stop at the foot or to trail up it i have to consult command.

" Captain do you really think the seps got here before us" a trooper on my right asked trailing through the knee high grass, " its possible they're sneaky bxastards" i replied keeping focus forward.


i heard a whistle and not a second later * BOOM* hit the trooper to my right i was just talking to " MORTARS GET DOWN" i shouted ducking down in the high grass.

every trooper got down confused where that came," Walkers do you see anything" i asked through coms, " NO SIR" .

" Sharpe-shooters what bout you" the sharpe-shooters have micro-binoculars with better vision, " Captain i see a smoke trail from mid mountain" one of them replied.

* whistle* *whistle** whistle*


three more rained down on us luckily no one was hit, " OKAY LISTEN UP INFANTRY STAY LOW AND MOVE FORWARD, WALKERS MOVE FORWARD WHILE LAYING COVER FIRE ON MID MOUNTAIN" i shouted through our coms.

" Command this is captain fold of company zeta we came across mortar fire 20 klicks from LZ" i contacted command while moving forward .

" Sorry captain we can't give you any support at the moment a 4 enemy ships came out of hyper-space and we are in the middle of engaging them" the officer on the bridge said.

" shit it was a trap what bout the commander" a trooper said through com, " they should be fine the general is there" i replied.

we moved about 500 meters forward with no casualties, but once we got closer the mortars came down heavy hitting one of the walkers toppling it to its side, " get them out of there" i shouted to a squad.

shit went sideways again when blaster fire started coming 2 hundred meters ahead" SHIT RETURN FIRE" i shouted standing up returning fire.

" sir i found cover 50 meters ahead" one of the sharpe-shooters said to me pointing to a small cliff waist high, " OKAY SQUAD A,C,E,F MAKE A BREAK FOR THE COVER WHILE THE REST COVER FIRE" i shouted given orders running towards the cover.

the red blaster bolts flew past me as i made my way towards the cover ducking behind it as i watch the others coming some sadly being hit, but more than 40 troopers made it.

" ON THREE WE GET UP AND COVER OUR BROTHERS UNDERSTOOD HEAVY TROOPERS I WANT YOU TO RAIN HELL ON THEM" i shouted to the 12 heavy trooper behind the cover along with 7 Sharpe-shooters and normal troopers.




" NOW" we stood up and fired at the incoming droid platoon of b1 and b2 battle droids, the remaining troopers made their way to us returning fire at the same time while mortars still rained down.

Author here

what do you think i know its not the best but not bad also the 91st normal clone troopers look like the ones from the 5th season of the clone wars and the heavy and Sharpe-shooters or specialist are obviously from battlefront so just look it up if you dont kno what they look like lots of love outerself. prt 2 tomorrow hopefully no promises