

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

91st Reconnaissance Part 2

the heavy troopers Z-6 rotary blaster were perfect cover so the others could make it to the cover, once they reached the cover we held that position securely firing back at the incoming droids.

i noticed blue blaster bolts flying past my head and looked back and saw troopers firing from the down walker, " any casualties" i contacted a trooper i sent over to recover the troops, " no captain just some injuries nothing serious" he replied firing at the droids.

" Sharpe-shooters switch with them and use the walker as cover and pick off as many as you can" they nodded and ran towards the walker as blaster and mortar rounds went past them.

once the they arrived the uninjured clones ran over to us and the injured stayed and kept firing from there, " this is gonna be a shit hole" i said inwardly as i was firing at the non stop droids.

( space pov)

3 munificent-class frigates and 1 lucrehulk-class came out of hyper space and started firing on the Altherean ships, Admiral Hill quickly took charge and deployed their shields along with fighter squadrons.

the venators advantages are their fighter capacity and quick deployment of them, while the nebula is its fire power and shields, " change to formation v" Admiral Hill ordered, formation is the nebula in front middle taking and giving the most damage while the venators are to its side deploying fighters and giving support fire.

" yes Admiral, formation v repeat formation v" one of the officers said over the com, " *sigh* we fell for the simplest trick in the book but they made 2 mistakes, 1 i'm in charge of this fleet, 2 the general is on the ground so what ever tricks you have there wont work" Admiral Hill said arms behind his back looking out at the flying fighters and exploding chunks off of the enemy ships.

( Capital pov)

the five gunships landed on the landing pads assigned by the flight control of the capital ( i dont know what there called), general chalan, ponds and the diplomat stepped out of the same ship.

General chalan felt something was off as soon as she stepped out something about the air felt metallic , " Red leader you and your squad get out of here and fly somewhere safe something's fishy here wait for further orders" General Chalan said through coms.

the Gunships quickly lifted off and flew to the outskirts of the city landed in an open area of a forest, Ponds understood what the general felt because he did too right when he got off, " B squad round up" Ponds ordered spinning his finger.( you probably know where b squad came from haha).

the 9 troopers quickly gathered around the diplomat, " Boys there something fishy stay alert" ponds said with a finger to his helmet to contact the other troopers through their helmets.

" we have company" chalan said as sensed 5 figures coming, 5 seconds later a man in a well tailored suit and a arrogant look on his face arrived with four guards.( their normal guards of the capital not droids)

" i'm sorry but we won't be joining your empire or what ever its called because Dooku gave me a better offer" he said with a smile, " i don't know how its a better offer when we haven't gave one yet" Chalan said with a pissed off voice.


metallic stomping could be heard behind the arrogant man, droids were coming up the stairs of the landing pads," Shit take cover boys" Ponds shouted aiming his Dc-15s at the direction of the stairs.

the troopers took cover behind some cargo boxes left on the platform, " protect the VIP" General chalan said to the squad protecting him as she took out her light-sabers and turned on their purple blade. ( its a normal one with a shoto btw).

the first line of droids came and started firing at them, the clones fired back while chalan blocked and deflected the blaster bolts, the wave kept coming the fire became heavier.

( space pov prt 2)

we took down the three frigates and are now focusing our attention on the lucrehulk, we too minimal damage and as well lost very small number of fighters, the lucrehulk is heavily damaged and they have a small number of fighter droids left.

" get the golden crow squadron to do a bombing run to finish it off then send backup down to the surface" Admiral Hill ordered.

the golden crows consist of six Y-wing bombers with a golden crow logo, the pilots also have the logo on their helmets forehead, they flew through the battle swiftly and arrived at the pitiful lucrehulk trying its best to turn and flee.

" all it needs is one run boys aim right" the squadron leader said as they flew over the bridge and let loose their payload right on it destroying the bridge and the lucre-hulk in one making a huge explosion.

" good golden crow but you have one more job, a company is being pinned down by mortar fire on the surface coordinates 57385" they quickly made their way to the surface to help out they weren't alone tho they accompanied by X-wings ,gunship/gunship walkers.

( captain Fold pov)

the wave of droids just wont stop along with that bombardment of mortars or casualties are getting higher, i told the walkers to stop firing at the mortars and focus on the droids because they weren't hitting anything.

the heavy troopers had to use their backup DC-15S because they ran out of ammo for their rotary gun, i just kept firing at the droids without ducking behind the cover.


was all i heard when i pressed the trigger " Shit i'm out" i dropped the blaster and took out my dual pistols, they kept getting closer and closer when one falls another replaces it the ultimate thing i hate about clankers.

they were 60 meters away from us at most and that's when i heard the best news through my coms, " this is golden crow squad here to assist you boys" the Y-wings flew over our heads dropping their bombs on the droids blasting them to bits some chunks flew past us.

they moved on to the mortars doing the same damage, we all threw up our hands in celebration, while we were doing that gunships landed behind us.

( Capital city)

the waves wouldn't stop and the clone injuries rate were going up, but luckily because of chalan there was no deaths, she was agilely blocking the blaster bolts as well as using the force to push the droids back so the clones can positions.

while they were holding them of the sound of an X-wing was heard as it flew over their heads firing multiple shots on the droids, gunships landed behind them and more clone arrived as back up.

Captain Key and Captain Tae and their companies attacked the droids at their back, which caused some droids to turn their attention to them which caused their downfall.

the clones on the platform saw the droids attention divert and used it to their advantage and moved out of their cover and move forward still firing at them.

they reached the top of the stair case and shot the last droid which was in the middle of a pile of its fallen brothers and he died in the most dramatic way like in them old movies.

" lets kill that bastard" Chalan said running to a gunship and flying towards the government building, she kicks open the door off the building with the clones rushing in behind her.

the governor replaced his arrogant look to one of a suck up he walked up to her with his hands clenched together " i'm sorry for the misunderstanding they threaten me how bout we negoti" chalan beheaded him before he could finish.

" never disrespect the emperors kindness" she said angrily at his rolling head on the floor, " i'll find someone suitable to lead them from now on " The diplomat said planning to make a puppet.

Author here

hey bitches i know i didnt write any of the negotiation just him saying we have a better offer but i just couldn't think of what to write, also chalan has short dark hair with green eyes and tanned skin also what do you think of the 91st recon plz comment lots love yr handsome author same also yes chelsea in the champs final