

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime e quadrinhos
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37 Chs

41st Elite Corps

its been 8 months since the War started and everything is going in Alteria's favor, the 41st Elite corps are stationed on a vast jungle planet to set up a base that would be the center of the fight for the surrounding planets.

they are led by General Calvin Jacobs, Black,6,0 muscle build equipped with a purple light-saber, accompanied by Commander Lake and Commander Vera while his second in command and Clone commander is Gree.

Commander Gree is in charged of a regiment of his 41st elite corps consisting of heavy,specialist,officers,arf,scout and medics troopers and 34 walkers, 77 gunships, 120 fighters and 1 endurance-class carrier and 2 vigil-class corvettes out in space patrolling the area.

they have been stationed here for 2 months and built a medium size base that fits in to the jungle environment tree watch towers that encircle the tree, portable military buildings that have grass and bushes covering them, an underground base/command center, fortification around the base and trenches just outside.

( Space prov)

Admiral Tureck just arrived on the bridge with his morning coffee asking for the daily report, as he was getting the radar went off " Admiral 6 ships exiting hyper space 20 second till contact" an officer hurriedly shouted to the Admiral as the ships came out of hyper space 1 lucrehulk,2 providence-class dreadnoughts,2 munificent class.

" Battle stations" Admiral Tureck commanded as the Ship Battle alarms,the Alterian ships started firing as did Cis for five minutes or so, the separatists secretly deployed 5 landing crafts towards the surface carrying 2,500 droids totaling 12,500 all together.

when they entered the atmosphere the droid fleet turned around,"Admiral their fleeing and powering up their hyper drive preparing to jump" an officer quickly shouted," i can see that but why they have bigger numbers and fire power they could have won this battle its just too suspicious" Tureck said rubbing his neat beard.

" Contact the surface" Tureck said to the com officer, few seconds later he got the thumbs up " General Jacobs This is Admiral Tureck a few moments ago 6 enemy vessels came out of hyper space and we engaged in combat but strangely they retreated i suggest you keep an eye out down there" he looks to the com officer and the coms off.

( Ground Base/ Evergreen )

General Jacobs got off the coms with the Admiral with Gree by his side," hmm that is suspicious, Commander up patrols and also expand there range things aren't as simple as they seem" Gree saluted and walked out the commanded room and headed down the halls up the stairs to the exit.

when he got out he saw ships being attended too squads of clones walking around some with Walkers behind them," Platoons from Alpha to Delta head out on patrol and expand your Area there's been some movement from the separatists " Gree said into his mic in his helmet as he walked for his inspections around the base.

5 minutes after Gree ended Coms 4 Platoons 4 walkers and 2 At-rt for each squad headed out, all of the 41st were in their camo gear as well as their At-rt while the walkers had a lighter camo.(their armor looks like the battlefront 2 and the scout armor is the same from the movie but don't mix them up with the Arf troopers they are separate with their own cam armor).

along with them some X-wings went out as well to cover a greater distance, the patrol were out for 6 hours each patrol with 40 men, each patrol split into a squad of ten and searched yet found nothing same for the X-wings.

what they didn't know was that the droids did the same thing they did and used the environment as cover, as soon as they landed they covered the landing crafts in branches and grass, and all the droids are in camo like the clones.

the droids landed about 25 klicks from Base evergreen, and they were fully equipped with 9,000 B1 droids 3,250 B2 droids,50 dwarf spider droids,50 spider droids,50 commando droids, 100 tanks.

(1 week later)

its been a week since Calvin up the patrols and there still been nothing as precaution Calvin made three lines of defense, filled with trenches and more watch towers.

right now a squad of troopers are walking through the jungle 10 klicks form base they're part of Platoon Charlie squad 3, 1 medic,1 heavy, 1 specialist, 6 troopers,, their walking through the bushes in the fog covered jungle they all had specialized micro binoculars attached to their helmet.

" nothing again Sargent just trees,trees and more trees" a trooper said moving some branches out of his way," do you really think Clanka's sneaked onto the planet" he continued.

" not sure but its not bad idea to be cautious" the Sargent said with his DC-15s by his stomach, they walked a few more meters when suddenly a red bolt flew past the Sargent head," Cover" he said covering behind a tree as did his squad.

" Anyone have eyes" he shouted back them " No sarg,no sarg,no sarg " they shouted as they peaked out from the tree scanning with their Micro-binoculars, while they were scanning they were dosed in blaster fire from the distant fog hitting just on trooper who peaked.

they quickly covered themselves again with their blaster's up ," Command we have encountered enemy fire east 10 Klicks from base we don't have eyes the fogs too thick we have a man KIA" The Sargent shouted through the coms.

" Unknown numbers but heavy blaster fire requesting reinforcements" he said as he poked his blaster out with his available hand and fired blindly as his men popped out randomly and fired.

" Reinforcements are a no go CT-47323 but an evac gunship is on its way and will land 200 meter from your location eta 12 minutes" he got off coms and started firing " Evac 12 minutes out 200 meters south from here" he shouted back to his men.

" At-rts and heavy cover fire the rest make a break for it while keeping fire" the at-rt came out of their small limited covers and rapid fired into the dark fog as did the heavy with his rotary gun.

the sarg and the remaining troopers made a break for it into the dense trees towards the ELZ (Evac Landing Zone), " Okay join up" he said through coms as he ran behind a different tree cover firing on the same spot earlier as the 3 other ran towards him.

they continued running towards ELZ and finally arrived before the Gunship and made a defense line facing the blaster fire, the 41st elite corps gunship arrived and descended down opening its doors as 4 troopers kneeling down firing where their comrades as Commander Lake hoped out with his shield and light-saber blocking and deflecting the blaster bolts coming towards him and the gunship which had ash marks from the blasters.

" MOVE MOVE HURRY" Lake shouted deflecting a blaster bolt, the At-rt ran back first and parked them selves in the back of the gunship, then the troopers moved as the last one got in the doors closed as the LAAT flew up and headed for HQ.

Author here

i know AT-RTS could have been used better and stuff but i thought this wasnt bad and also they wouldn't be that effective to an invisible enemy, Also i got a job and so my chaps might be weekends or every second weekend please understand also i dont know all the planets so don't expect names and i know u wont like some chaps and wont understand them etcalso theres a prt 2 on the way.