
Being A Superhero

We probably had that dream of wanting to become a Superhero. And if it finally happens, what then? Dan Stevens was an average student who was a nobody. His life was pretty routinary -- Going to school, be bullied, made fun of, go home, and repeat again the next day. Everything changed when he woke up with two options: Hero or Villain?

Doxi · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Bank Robbery Part 3

Blood was rapidly leaving my system as three holes were letting it escape from my body. Well… four… if you include me coughing out the blood.

I still couldn't believe what happened. The guy whom I thought was my friend turned out to be a traitor. There are things in this world that seemed real in front of you only to disappoint you in the end.

The face of that man was now smiling at me evilly. I wanted to tear that off his face.

I looked around to see the situation. He was now dragging me on one foot. Probably trying to find a place to dispose me.

Ah… is this the end for me?

"Don't take this personally… It's just business…" Clyde said.

I didn't even have the energy left to say anything back.

[Host is now in a critical condition. Current <Life Points> is at 19%. Scanning <Inventory> for <HP Potions>.]

HP… Potions? My mind was starting to go blank and my vision was blurred.

Did I read it wrong?

[0 <HP Potions> found. <Life Points> down to 6%. Activating emergency safety precautions.]

Someone… anyone… please… save me... I don't want to die…

[Purchased 1 <Large HP Potion>. Deducting 10,000 <Villain Points>]

[Infusing the <Large HP Potion> to the Host]

Then, the weirdest feeling happened, my body which was turning cold a few moments ago is now becoming warmer. The wounds on my body were starting to itch as well.

My senses were coming back and my vision was no longer blurry. I slowly tried to pat the places that I was shot at. There was no sign of any gun shot.

This has to be a miracle!

I smiled in relief.

This has got to be my second chance. This time, I'm going to pay him back!

I slowly turned my head to look for my dagger.

Just my luck, it was currently in Clyde's utility belt beside his gun.

Well, payback is not an option for now. Unless, I battle him with raw strength.

[Warning! Only 1 minute left before the mission fails.]

Well, there's my cue!

Without delaying any further, I pulled the leg that he was dragging and kicked him as hard as I could.


He slammed on the side of the Van before falling on the ground hard.

I did a backhand spring to stand up and seeing him trying to stand as well, I went into a defensive stance and readied myself.

This guy has a gun and a dagger on him. Meanwhile, I'm left with my hands and feet.

If this goes down in to a gun fight, I'm still diving in. I have no choice.

[45 seconds left]


It's now or never!

I dashed towards him and threw a punch aiming for his face.

Without looking at me, he caught it.

I flew to the side of the van and fell hard on the ground as I felt my face go numb. This guy actually punched me!

Wait… he punched me. And he actually hurt me. How?

"The look on your face confirms it." Clyde said.

This confused me even more. What the heck is this guy talking about?

"You really are pretty slow. No wonder your dad left you." He continued to mock me.

"You have no right to talk about my father!" I retorted.

He gave me a kick to the ribs making me roll over several times before stopping.

God! This guy is really strong! How the heck did he get this strong?

I was having trouble breathing and standing up was even harder. There wasn't any strength in my arms for me to pull myself up.

Clyde then approached me and pulled my hair up as he stares at me with an arrogant smile plastered all over his face.

"Listen kiddo… you aren't capable of defeating me." He sneered before saying, "I got my system earlier than you did."

I was shocked with what he said. So it is true. There are more people that has the system and not just the President.

"Seeing that you aren't as shocked as I hoped you would be, you've probably managed to meet someone who has the system as well? Hmm?" he asked.

This guy is way too smart.

"Not going to answer me? Fine. I'll find out eventually." He said.

[20 seconds left]

Well… I should at least get ready for my life to enter into a deeper part of hell.

"Any last words?" These words came out of his mouth like it was a venomous snake waiting to attack its prey.

I just closed my eyes and waited for death to come.

Thinking about it now, in the end, I wasn't strong enough to beat anyone.

What was I even thinking? Everything was just wishful thinking.

Clyde then slammed my face to the ground and pulled his gun out, "I guess you're just a wimp."

[10 seconds remaining]

"I hate scum like you." He pointed his gun and pulled his trigger.


A loud explosion came in front of me. I waited for the bullet to penetrate through my skull, but after waiting a while, nothing happened.

Is this what heaven looks like?

Huh. I guess you won't feel any pain when you die quickly.

When I opened my eyes, there was a cloud of dust everywhere and I couldn't see clearly.

What just happened?

Suddenly I noticed that there was an exclamation point at the bottom of my screen. This signified that there's notification that I haven't read.

So I'm not dead yet?

I moved a little and I could feel my body burning up from the pain.

Yep. I'm definitely still alive.

I rolled over to lay on my back. The next thing I did was open the notification window.

"I guess I failed it…" was what I thought.

Well what the?

[Congratulations! You have completed your quest! Quest reward: 30,000 <Hero Points>]

Are you serious?!

After reading the notification, I immediately stood up disregarding the pain.

What happened to Clyde then? I frantically looked around while barely managing myself to stand.

While this questions were filling my mind, a figure from the cloud of dust started to emerge. I could feel the pressure coming out from that figure. It nearly suffocated me.

As I was struggling to get the words out of my mouth, I managed to suppress the difficulty of the pressure.

After which, I managed to ask the "thing" that stood in the cloud of dust, "Who are you? What are you? Are you an ally?"

As the figure of this "something" became more like a human holding a long bow staff, I somehow regretted asking the last question. This person raised its weapon high in the air and was ready to swing at me at any given moment.

I panicked a little thinking that just when I thought that I was safe, this guy was now turning his sights on me. "Wait!"

Before I could finish, he swung his staff down forcing me to close my eyes while waiting for the impact.

One second… two seconds… three seconds…


I slowly opened one of my eyes. The cloud of dust had cleared from the swing.

And I saw a man wearing a fitting black leathery one-piece suit that covered his entire body. Along the suit were golden streaks of lines and runes that glowed as if there was golden lava flowing through him.

The lower part of his face is being covered. It connected to his suit. Silver hair with a golden crown on top. His eyes were black and red which made him seem dangerous.

He offered his hand to me and said, "Get up. Your safe now kid."

I was lost in thought after he spoke.

Thank God he's an ally!

I grabbed his hand and stood up. It was only then that I saw a body of a person on the ground just beside the van. There was a massive crater surrounding the body.

"Clyde…" is he dead?

This guy turned around and looked at Clyde and said, "Oh, don't worry about him. He's just knocked unconscious. He's going to be asleep for a while."

He then turn to face me and said. "You on the other hand need to come with me."

"Where are we going?" I asked. I'm still not sure if I can trust this guy.

He shook his head like he was disappointed at something. After which, he walked towards Clyde and picked him up.

The sirens were getting near us and I started to panic when I remembered about the bombs.

I was about to run to the van to go after them when this mysterious guy stopped me, "Don't worry… I've already diffused all of the bombs when I heard their conversation at the vault."

He walked towards me and handed me my dagger and said, "It took me a while to find all of them before coming back here."

What? He was there? How in the world? Was he also invisible like me?

He then tapped his ear and said, "Super hearing. Quite a useful thing to have. You should buy the skill and upgrade it when the time comes."

Is this guy reading my mind or what? And wait? Did he say skill? Is he like me too?

The police were now arriving at the scene and were madly rushing inside the place.

"We should get going. It'll be hard to explain why a masked guy is carrying an unconscious body and why a high school kid is holding a murder weapon." He said.

I simply nodded and we both started running. Just as we were about to enter an alley, I could hear something chasing us. When I turned to look, I saw four robot canines running after us.

I tried warning him, "Uhh… sir… we have to get out of here or else…"

"I'm very much aware of that. Thank you very much." He casually replied.

We finally reached the alley where he was leading me. But I started to fear for my life as the robot dogs were closing in on us.

When I turned to look in front, we were now heading towards a dead end. But the worst part is we couldn't even turn back now. It was too late. The robot dogs were about 10 meters away from us.

I tried warning him again, "Sir! I'm pretty sure-"

"Just trust me! Okay?!" He yelled.

We were madly dashing towards a wall. Yes you heard me. A WALL!

This guy must be insane! I'm crazy to think that this guy would actually help me! Instead, he's trying to get us both killed!

5 meters more and we'll get devoured!

I used whatever remaining energy left to catch up to this guy.

I practically screamed as I was running beside him.


The dogs were growling and barking at us.

3 meters before we get chewed off!

Screw this! I'll listen to what he has to say! If he's strong enough to face Clyde, he's definitely strong enough to get us out of here!

This guy then smirked at me and grabbed me by the waist and said, "Hold on kid! It's going to make you puke!"

A few inches before the jaws of the first robot was about to grab ahold of my leg, he made a huge leap forward heading for the wall.

The leap was so strong that a footprint could be seen being imprinted on the ground.

Robot dogs were the least of my problem now. The thing that worried me was the wall in front of us. The leap he just did garnered a speed of probably a 100kph. If we hit that wall, death would be eminent.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled at him.

He just smiled at me.

Just as we were about to hit the wall, a black void opened in front of us. And as soon as we entered, it automatically closed leaving the robot canines behind.

After arriving to the other side, I puked.

That must have been a black hole or something. It made me really nauseous that I could barely stand.

"What the hell was that?! Who are you?! What are you?!" I asked him.

I think it's about time I hear some answers. This guy has been mysterious and shady all throughout this time.

Instead of answering me, he went into a room and strapped Clyde on some kind of advanced handcuffs.

Ignoring me again…

Well whatever. At least it gave me time to look around.

We were in some kind of a warehouse. There were supplies and rooms everywhere. There was even an elevator.

Is this his secret base or something?

Just then a notification popped in front of me.


Monkey King has added you as a friend. Do you Accept or Reject?]

Monkey King? Who's that?

"Just accept it…" This guy said.

I turned to look at him with a curious look. This guy just became more intriguing by the second.

"You're Monkey King?" I asked.

"The one and only." He answered with a bow.

I was still puzzled but I accepted his request anyway. The more allies I have, the more information I can get. Besides, having another mentor would mean I could get a better grasp of these powers.

"Well what the hell do you want?" I asked him.

He didn't answer me and just smiled before walking on to the wall and leaning on it.

This ticked me off and so I asked him again for confirmation, "Well?! Are you going to answer me or not?"

"I believe I can provide you with an answer." A woman's voice sounded from a dark corner of the room.

I squinted my eyes towards the direction to see who it was.

"Just as we were about to leave, you decided to cause trouble." She sighed before she continued. "What were you thinking Dan?"

How did she know my name?!

As she approached the light, the figure emerging became somewhat familiar. And when she finally showed herself, I was shocked to the core to see who it was.

"President Lancaster!" I was surprised. I thought she was leaving for a meeting.

She just smiled at me like she was enjoying this sort of thing.

"Then that means-" I turned to see Monkey King and I was even more surprised to see who he really was.

The costume he was wearing was slowly fading like it was burning. It turned back to what he was wearing earlier in school: A suit and tie!

"Secretary Ren! You're the Monkey King?!" I exclaimed.


Hey guys!

Here's another update! I hope you guys enjoyed this one as well. Please don't forget to vote, comment, and rate this chapter.

Thank you!

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