
Being a God is a Game

I'am tired of this life. losing my mom, being deceived by my own father, then living like an actor to deceive people around me... Well since I don't have anyone to blame so I can just blame it all to the the Gods right?? "Fuck you all so called gods out there for making my life like this, at least give something fun for my life you bunch of shit!" *DING* [WELCOME TO GOD GAME ONLINE] [PLEASE SELECT YOUR WORLD TO START] . . . "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" . . . Well... come and see how I become a being that I just cursed out from being pent up, yup I become a fucking God. ________________________________________________________ Average Words Chapter 1,5k-2k words This is my first time writing my own original novel and English is not my mother language so please tell me if there is any mistakes in grammars or wrong wording, or even any missing words. I'm writing this novel all by myself right now without any editor help at all so your help if there any mistakes is very appreciated.

SenYong · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The Real Beginning

It's been 7 hours since i came back to my world and from the past 7 hours. In that time I used Saint Revelation to give my instruction for the village. I ordered the workers to start mining the mines, especially to mine platinum ores. For the human captives, I made them work at the cattle farm and sent 10 dwarf to learn from them.

I also ordered them to cut down the trees near our cave entrance and gather woods. I gave them a plan to build another village right in front of the cave entrance. I also gave them a task to plow the soil outside and plant the corn seeds that we got from the raid.

If you want to know how can I give them a lot of instruction when there's a time limit for the saint revelation skill, I will just drop this to you all. An hour here equals to 24 hours or a day there. So while I feel that only 7 hours has passed here, 7 days has passed in Matsue.

While giving them all that instruction, I also tried to figure out the time difference between my world and Matsue and I confirmed that an hour here equals to a 24 hours or a day there. I know that the time difference will be more than 20 hours but I didn't expect it to be that big.

And with that big time difference, it brought me another problem. Since the time difference is very big, I need to constantly checked the village condition every 20 to 30 minutes or so since and hour means a day there. I can't even slack off a little. And there also one more thing that I found out.

I don't know how it works but the time difference seems gone when I use 'Saint Revelation'. I also forgot to mention that since the time I visited World Matsue, the saint revelation duration has increased to 10 minutes from the original 5 minutes. I don't know about how the materialization privilege and saint revelation skill relate to each other but I have some speculation about it.

As Valir was lost in in his thought, his room door suddenly opened and a girl show up. She has a somewhat sleepy brown eyes, long black hair reaching her tight. Her clothes are quite revealing, with the top being a white crop shirt that expose some of her cleavage and white navel, a black jacket on top of it, and a blue short jeans that shows her slim legs.

She is my supposed to be maid and now a free loading girl in my home.

Natalia : "Hey Val, you there?"

Valir : "Yeah Nat, I'm awake. What's up?"

Natalia : "Are you hiding something from us?"

Valir : "Huh? What do you mean?"

Natalia : " I mean you are acting weird today. You didn't show up in the morning and only got out from your room at noon. And look at you now. Did you even aware that the sun is already gone?

Valir : " What do you mean I'm acting weird? I just kinda feel like to lie around for the whole day today, that's all. Nothing weird about it right?"

Natalia : "That's what I'm talking about! You never did this before. Usually you never miss your morning and evening work out, even if you were busy with your work or there's an exam at school, you always did it without fail. You even miss today's breakfast."

Valir : " I swear it's really nothing Nat, trust me."

Natalia : " Hey, is there a problem with your work? or maybe did you found a girl that you like? You can just tell me you know, You don't have to hide it. We have been together since we were kids."

Valir : " For fuck sake Nat, I really just sleeping today!"

Natalia : "Val, you're not involved in something bad right? You're not on drugs or try to fuck with some sluts right? I know that with your schedule you're still a virgin, I can help you to get rid of it if you want. We can take each other first time with that."

The fuck is she talking about?!?! Is she high or something??

Valir : " Natalia!"

Natalia : "Alright alright you won this time, but I will wait for you to tell me okay. Now get out from here and join us for dinner. Lia and Ela are waiting for you in the dining room."

Valir : " You.... *sigh* fuck it. What are we eating for the dinner?"

Natalian : " It's your favorite stuff, sweet curry. I can't understand how a big guy like you to like sweets stuff."

Valir : "Don't mock my taste alright."

Natalia : "Fine dear~"

Valir : *sigh*

We walk to the dining room together while joking with each other like usual. Went I got in the dining room, I see 2 beautiful girls already sitting there side by side, waiting for me.

The one on the right has a pair of beautiful purple eyes, long white hair that reached her waist. On her neck is a heart shaped pendant with a red gem inside it. She wears a simple and plain blue pajama. She is my little sister, Emilia.

The one on the left is a girl with a pair of black eyes, a long black hair tied on ponytail with a white ribbon. Unlike Natalia who like to wear revealing clothes, She wear a plain light blue shirt with white jacket on top of it, and a red training pants that covered her legs. She is my little sister maid, Rafaela.

Emilia : "You're late." She pouted a little

Valir : "Sorry about that, I forgot to check the time and didn't realize that it's already dinner time."

Rafaela : "Don't be like that Lia. Come sit down Val, we can't start dinner without everyone complete here."

Valir : "Sorry about that. I won't repeat this again Lia, so stop pouting kay."

Emilia : "I'm not pouting! Just sit already, I'm starving."

*sigh* Handling girls is really difficult. I don't know why she got mad really easily lately. Maybe it's her rebellious phase or she's currently having her a period. Well, one thing I'm sure of, it's a drag to talk with girls, even if it with my own sister. Girls still girls after all.

*Time Skip*

It's 10 at night right now. I had dinner around 7 and spent two hours talking with the girls. They really talks non stop you know. At first we talk about normal stuff like school, home work, my jobs, till suddenly the talk lean to girls underwear, cosmetics, accessories, and stuff. I tried to retreat to my room but the girls didn't allowed me to with the reason that I haven't got out from my room for the entire day so I need to spend some times with them now.

3 voices over 1 which is mine, so they won the argument and I was forced to accompany them till they finished chatting. Well I still able to glance the game screen from times to times, but somehow the girls always notice when I got distracted and stopped hearing their talks.

So technically I just missed two days worth of my village growth and didn't give any instruction to Kagura at all. Fortunately the plan still progressing well even if I didn't give them any instruction for a while. And that was the moment I realized that I don't have to watch them all the time and just give them some plans and instruction times to times and let them work on it by themselves.

They are dwarfs you know? If someone ask which race is the best in building, smithing, and drinking, then the answer would absolutely be the dwarf race. They are a bunch of natural builder so I can just trust them with my plans and let them work on it.

With that in mind, I can relaxed my own body without constantly thinking about the village well being. Well I will still check on them every hour or every day there to check their progress but that's all. Now that I have done everything I need to do, It's time for me to sleep.

At last, I can have some sleep. Good night , me.




*2 hours later*

00.00 A.M.


Suddenly I heard a very loud sound in my head and it makes me jolted out from my sleep.

Valir : " What the fuck is that fucking sound?"

[Preparation time is over, the game is officially start now]

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[The First competition has been launched]

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[Good Luck players!]

Valir : "YOU MOTHER FUCKING SYSTEM!!!! DAMN IT! THE HELL WITH THIS! *sigh* Calm yourself Valir Nezar! This is more important than your rest time, you can do it Valir!" Right now I haven't noticed it yet but technically I was shouting out a loud my thoughts in the middle of the night, and it almost cost me my own safety. You know what I'm talking about right?

*BAMM* Sound of door being opened forcefully

Natalia : "Valir my dear~~ doesn't it seems you need to do some explaining to me right now? You agree with me right? Fu...fu...fu"
