
Being a God is a Game

I'am tired of this life. losing my mom, being deceived by my own father, then living like an actor to deceive people around me... Well since I don't have anyone to blame so I can just blame it all to the the Gods right?? "Fuck you all so called gods out there for making my life like this, at least give something fun for my life you bunch of shit!" *DING* [WELCOME TO GOD GAME ONLINE] [PLEASE SELECT YOUR WORLD TO START] . . . "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" . . . Well... come and see how I become a being that I just cursed out from being pent up, yup I become a fucking God. ________________________________________________________ Average Words Chapter 1,5k-2k words This is my first time writing my own original novel and English is not my mother language so please tell me if there is any mistakes in grammars or wrong wording, or even any missing words. I'm writing this novel all by myself right now without any editor help at all so your help if there any mistakes is very appreciated.

SenYong · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Great War Story



The air is very festive , Everyone is eating meat with joyful heart. From old to young, they all cheered and laugh like there is no tomorrow. Seeing them like this really made me feel happy. After I really came to this world, I erased any thought about them as NPC or treat this as just a simple game.

I mean they are alive, laughing, talking cheery, crying, they have their own thoughts, their own dream,their own life. They are real for me and since I have literally become their god, I will do my best to protect them and help them grow. I don't know why the Boss God make this as a game like are they that bored or something. Not like I have any place to say in this since I joined this game after asking something 'fun' to those so called Gods.

Ah yeah, since I have literally become and god here and the game also named God Game Online, then I can't just called the one who made this game with only 'god'. It will be very confusing right since literally we all can be called god after all. So I gave him or her I don't know a nickname and that is Boss God since he is the boss. Nice nickname don't you think so?

Continuing what I'm talking about before, me being here, partying with my people also makes me feel alive. Three years of constantly working while also attending school in the same time, plus the thought that my sister life is my responsibility made me feel so burdened. I never realized this feeling before but right now I can feel it, the longing to have fun with others that reside inside me.

We partied for 4 hours non stop, just having fun all the time. At first they still treated me like as their god and savior with full respect, but after some grandpa's dwarf come to me and talk while joking with me, the other started to warms up to me as well. Kagura still quite stiff though when she talk to me. She said to me that,

"I am my lord chosen saint so I cannot treat my lord lightly as how someone treat a friend. As a God my lord should act befitting your title more. Why did my lord change all of the sudden if I may ask? I still remember how majestic my lord voice is when I heard my lord voice for the first time."

"Well that's a rule to show our majestic image when we first met with our saint. Just think of it as a rule within the gods community. " Yup I lied to her. I can't just say that I want to imitate god character from a movie because I thought it would be fun right?

After the party, I ordered them to count the loot that we got from the raid. I also tried to talk with the human captives but I don't understand what they are saying. But when I ask Kagura whether she can communicate with them, she said that she can. When I ask her how can she understand them, she looked at me weirdly and said,

"Except of the dark forces and the wild beast race, almost all the race in this world speak only this language my lord. I honestly find it weird that my lord use a different language from us."

It seems that the language of my world and this world is not the same and the only one I can communicate with is my saint. So I told her that I am actually not originally from this world but came from another world. I expect her to be surprised at first but no, she still keep her calm and act like it was something normal to her.

Then what she said next really blown my mind since it was not what I expected.

" So my lord came from another world, that's make sense why we have different language." (Kagura)

"Hmm? You're not surprised?" (Valir)

"I'm not that surprised my lord. It is already known as a normal thing for a person from another world to suddenly appear in this world and we called them as the 'unknown'. Each unknown have their own special ability and they usually likes to help people in need. They start to appear at the time when the great war happened,Even the heroes who defeated the evil gods 400 years ago was also an 'unknown'. But this is the first time I know that a god can also appear here, since all the unknown before were from the human race." (Kagura)

"Wait the great war?And what is this evil gods are you talking about?" (Valir) Oh no... those evil gods, it can't be like I'm thinking right?

"This is not something that the world know a lot since it happened a long time ago, but my great grandmother once said that the world was peaceful at that time. Even though there still some small conflict, it didn't affect the peace at all. But one day some tribes from different races start to attack others and they got strong very quickly as well." (Kagura)

"After that, wars occurred everywhere around the world. The once peaceful races start to band together and made the world alliance to fight the back. My great grandmother said that she was a bowman at that time and every time there was a battle, the enemy always shouted their gods name." (Kagura)

Alright, I'm sweating a lot right now.

"The alliance investigated about how those forces can become so strong in a short time and the result of their investigation is about the evil gods. There several evil gods that back up those forces and helped them to become strong. After knowing that, the alliance started to make plans to find the evil gods whereabouts but it all ends in vain, until the heroes appear." (Kagura)

"After the heroes appeared, the alliance were able to fight back and eventually they won the war. I don't know what exactly happened after that because my great grandmother didn't participate in the last battle because of an injury, but she heard from her friend that until the end of the war, the evil gods didn't show up at all. The heroes also disappeared after the war ends. But the next day, a very mysterious voice said that the evil gods has been killed by the heroes, and the world won. Until now no one knows who's that voice belong to." (Kagura)

'....' Valir.exe has stopped working...

I knew it! This fucking game is not that simple. The key here is the evil gods that the heroes defeated 400 years ago and the mysterious voice that appeared after the war. Damn I think I know who those so called evil gods, they are the same as me! A player!

What is the truth behind this game? Argh!!! I will just try get stronger as fast as I can. They strong will survive after all so I will gather my strength first. I will think about this later it's still the beginning after all and the system haven't even give us the promised rare grade piece yet. I reckon that the battle haven't really started yet so I need to prepare as much as I can.

"My lord... is there something wrong?" (Kagura)

"Hmm? No, nothing. I just thinking about something for a moment." (Valir)

While we were talking, a young dwarf came and said something to Kagura. I can't understand what he said but I can see that while talking to Kagura, he glanced at me times to times. After they finished talking, Kagura told me that they we're done counting the loot.

In total the loot that we gained are :

- 3 Gold, 40 Silver, and 231 Copper

- 20 Kg of meat

- a bag of corn seed

- 1 swordsman token (common grade)

- 1 cow breeding manual

- 1 book of herbs knowledge

After checking the loots, I decided to go back but of course not forgetting the herbs book. I remember that there still 4 other books waiting in my room. I was to busy with the raid and forgot to read them and even after that I was to curious with this 'materialization' ability. I will read all of them after this, can't wait for it.

Without wasting any moments, I told Kagura that I'm going to go back and will visit the village again another time. After all that was done, I said to the system

'System, please bring me back.'

[Time Remaining : 6(Day) / 19(Hour) / 40(Min) / 37(Sec)]

[Do you want to go back to your original world? Please confirm]

[YES] [NO]


Then a bright light appeared once again and enveloped my whole body but this time I already prepared myself so and closed my eyes so that the light won't hurt them. The next second I opened my eyes, I already back in my room. Then I remember that I spent about 5 hours in that world.

I searched for my phone to check the time and got surprised. The system made it sure that I have spent more than 5 hours in that world but it barely pass 15 minutes in my world. I then tapped the minimized game screen and got bewildered by what I see.

The people are moving very fast, it's like I'm watching a video but with fast forward. I still don't know how big the time difference between my world and that world but what I'm sure of is if more than 5 hours there is almost equal to 15 minutes in my world, then the time difference would be about 20 hours per 1 hour here. This time difference make this game difficulties raised by one level for me.