
Behind Humanity, Vol. 1: Doomed to Chaos

In a city dominated by high crime rate, Slezzy Kaliman, a young police recruit underestimated by most of his superiors, is willing to take action to change all that when he receives an unexpected visit from a pair of creatures, that show you a totally different face of the world before your eyes and offer you a mysterious contract. Which will bring great secrets to the surface.

Chris_Henry · Fantasia
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28 Chs

Chapter 17

The sound of the cries of pain of all the people in black, after the shots made by the FMA agents, could be heard within a block of the bank.

In a matter of seconds, the people who were around the place, between buildings and the streets, started a rain of curses and boos, between tears and much despair, against all the soldiers. Some threw stones among several other objects, as a real revolt.

"It's done..." concluded Saith. The background of the message on the radio was dominated by the roars of the crowd.

— I hope the governor's occupations were worth it. — commented Yuki, tearing a pack of gum. Then he gave a new order to all the soldiers, with the radio in the other hand. — I NEED EVERYONE TO MOVE TO THE SOUTH EXIT, IMMEDIATELY!

As FMA agents withdrew from the scene, all the rioting crowd around still threw objects at them. Some were crying and even kicking.

— What a load of shit... — Said Slezzy, watching the screens.

— Look at the amount of journalists, it seems that they arise from the sewer. For sure, this will have a great impact. — commented Jean, with the tone a bit loud.

— First, let's end it all! Then we deal with it... — Said Yuki. — I need information from the helicopters on the south exit!

Another wave of gunfire dominated that place.

"They're on the run! I managed to spot them!" alerted the pilot of one of the helicopters flying over the site. "The assailants are shooting at our troops!"

— What? Who took charge of protecting the southern exit!? — asked Yuki.

— The NCC agents! — answered one of the officials.

— Do you have a problem? How could you let them in here!?

Slezzy held on to those words.

A new recording appeared on one of the screens. They were images of the southern exit, transmitted live by the view of that same helicopter.

It was possible to visualize five men dressed in black clothing, as well as those of the ten people from the main exit. They were shooting at NCC officers, who were protecting themselves on walls and in the bodywork of cars.

A new conversation ensued through the communication system:

"The agents won't be able to stop the robbers!" said the pilot. "We need the FMA troops to arrive on time!"

"They need to hold them for just two minutes!" replied Saith, still at the top of the building, watching the whole scene from there.

— Two minutes? The robbers will escape with only half that time!

Slezzy swallowed those words with great indignation.

"There are many officers injured!" said a soldier present in the helicopter.

— Screw it! Change of plans! Prioritize the life of the police! Ignore the escape of the criminals and land the helicopter safely!

"All right, sir!"

With an intense exchange of fire between the criminals and the NCC officers, the assailants advanced towards one of the streets adjacent to that place and, in a fraction of a second, used a kind of hook weapon, similar to which were used by the FMA special agents, climbing the orange building, approximately three stories high, nearby.

As the assailants climbed the building, the first FMA soldiers arrived, firing several shots at a gigantic distance.

The helicopter had landed near the wounded police officers, being escorted by FMA soldiers. Soon, they began to provide first aid.

"Sir!" said another pilot. "We have the image of the robbers!"

Yuki, Slezzy, Jean and the other employees settled on the screen that conveyed such an image, with a wealth of details: the four remaining robbers.

The first two masked men, who had already reached the top of that building, turned back and watched around for a few seconds. At that exact moment it was possible to detect all the details of the two masked.

The first wore a mask with the shape similar to a Crow's face. It was white and had some golden details. In addition, he had long, smooth, black hair, which was easily carried away by the strong winds. However, his costume stood out for its stylish black overcoat and detailed by a kind of "wing" odd on the right sleeve.

The second had a black mask, traced by some white and minute details. He wore a kind of unusual glasses, with circular and reddish lenses. His body was also covered by black clothing.

They each carried a white bag on their backs, where they probably had stolen from the bank.

— It's... he... — Said an employee of the room, trembling.

— Hey! No need to be scared, mate! — said Yuki, quietly. — In fact, for an act like this... I should have known it was this guy's idea.

— Yuki... — Slezzy commented, confused.

— Ah, you must never have seen him before, right? — The boy pointed at the screen. — That man is the fucking Crow!

— Who is the other masked? — asked Jean.

— Um... I've never seen him before...

More FMA soldiers arrived at the site, also shooting at the two who finished climbing the building.

One of the assailants was hit, falling after unbalancing due to a sharp shot that pierced his right leg, shattering into the ground then.

The soldiers advanced, but it was too late. The last assailant climbing the building had already completed his arrival at the top of the building.

The two masked men still watched the FMA agents, showing no fear. Soon after, they entered the building through a trapdoor.

"Keep advancing" ordered a soldier in front of the building. "Don't stop until we arrest all those bastards!"

— Waste time... — Said Yuki, without activating her radio. — They will never reach those bastards.

— Why don't you warn them then? — confronted Jean.

— I don't want any of them to think that they didn't try their hardest.

Soon after, the pilot of the helicopter that had landed to rescue the wounded policemen informed Yuki:

"We have three NCC agents seriously injured, we have to get them to the nearest hospital! All the others are dead..."

A new real—time recording appeared on the main screen of the operating room. It was the camera of one of the FMA soldiers. He helped another soldier carry one of the wounded agents into the large flying vehicle.

— Do it now! I don't want any more death! — ordered Yuki.

As he turned, the boy came across Slezzy completely frightened:

— Um? Are you okay?

Slezzy watched the main screen. His trembling. Soon, he commented:

— This man... with his belly pierced by two bullets... San... Sanches!?

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