
Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Prince Ron’s life was saved by a silver haired hero. It was love at first sight but the hero disappeared after the exchange of a few words. The young prince accompanies his sister to a mysterious Kingdom where she’s going to be wedded to the King but on getting there, they’re told that the King wants to call off the wedding. Being the good brother he is, he goes to confront the King but doesn’t expect to find his silver haired hero sitting on the throne! He had fallen in love with his sister’s husband to be! What is Ron going to do?

Zhee_Aliyu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
252 Chs

Chapter Five

Fear made Ron nearly fall to his knees. Nearly, for the silver haired man caught him before his body made contact with the floor.

Ron fell into a warm gentle embrace. He raised his head, parting his long lashes to look at the man holding him. Cold violet eyes stared straight at the running man. Ron felt that there such a huge contrast between being in his arms and those beautiful eyes.

"Don't chase him" he said, making those plum coloured orbs stare down at him. "He has never killed a person. I could tell, believe me. If he had, he wouldn't have hesitated so much to kill me. I doubt he would even hurt a fly after what he has witnessed today so please, don't go after him"

The fear he initially felt disappeared without a trace. Something told him that the man would not hurt him.

The man nodded. "You're injured" he said, eyes sweeping down to look at the bleeding wound on Ron's neck. His voice was deep, alluring and magnetic, tugging at Ron's heartstrings. Perfect. Just perfect!

Ron was confused. When did he get hurt?

The man carried him like a bride to a nearby tree and set him down, resting his back against the trunk. Ron watched as the man took out a bottle of water and a white handkerchief. He soaked a part of the handkerchief and pressed it to his neck. Ron hissed at the sudden sting. So it was true. He did get hurt.

"Who are you?" he asked. "Why did you save me? Why are you helping me?"

The man didn't reply. Instead, he gently and calmly cleaned Ron's injury, then wiped the drops of blood on his face. "Why do you want to know about the North?" he asked a while later.

Ron was shocked. "H-How did you know that I want to know about the North?" Then Ron facepalmed. If this was a trick, then he had fallen for it.

"A young poor looking man walks into a tavern and pays the bartender a gold coin for one cup of ginger ale. It's very suspicious" the man replied. "It's also very easy for me to threaten the same bartender to tell me what you talked about. Besides, I heard you say 'King in the North'. Why are you trying to find out about him? What business do you have with him?"

A drop of sweat rolled down the side of Ron's forehead. So he was that loud. He also couldn't tell the truth. "Uh...". He was trying to think of a smart excuse. "Well... you see... I uh... I'm a merchant! Yes and I uh.. I heard the North strongly deals in jewelry. I've never heard of the place before so I was naturally suspicious. That's why I went to get information"

Ron didn't know if the handsome man believed him or not but the man didn't say anything. After he finished cleaning up the wound, he pressed two fingers on the thin line.

Ron watched as the man closed his eyes and muttered a few words. He felt a tingly itchy sensation on this throat. He wanted to scratch it but he didn't dare move.

The silver haired man stopped muttering after some seconds then pulled away. Ron's hand immediately flew to his neck. He touched and touched but there was noting there. There was no pain either!

His eyes widened. "Amazing! Wow! What did you do? I don't feel it anymore. There's nothing there!" The gasped as realization dawned on him. His eyes widened and he pointed at the man. "Y-Y-Y-Y-You're a sorcerer!"

Sorcerers are humans who mingled with the Elves and learnt their magic. There were different kinds of sorcerers in the world but they were gradually hunted and killed after the Elves were deemed extinct. He couldn't believe there was one right in front of him!

The corners of the man's lips tugged up. "Scared?"

Ron shook his head. "Not at all! But wait". He stretched his hands under the man's hair and felt his ears.

The man's face went dark and he growled. "What are you doing?!"

He quickly took back his hands, wearing a nervous smile. "Just checking to see if you're an Elf"

"And if I were?"

Ron gave him the purest most sincere smile. "I'd marry you"

The man was stunned for a long time and when Ron was starting to think he was frozen or something, he spoke carefully; "You'd marry an Elf?"

Ron sighed, wearing a sad expression. "Of course. If only they were still alive. I'd definitely court and marry one". He didn't know the real reason for the war between humans and Elves. With time, even the truth was blurred but he found Elves really cool. He just wished they were still alive.

"...A man?"

"What? You have a problem against men who like men?" he asked, looking offended.

The man shook his head. "No"

Ron chuckled. "I was not mad. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What people think about me doesn't matter to me. Besides , I can't control the way they think"

Just like the way he has no control over his own life. Everything of his was planned by his father, grooming him to become the perfect King.

The silver haired man stared at Ron for a while. Then he said took out a necklace. This necklace was glistening under the moonlight. It was a pale blue colour almost looking like white. He stuffed it into Ron's hand and Ron hissed at the sudden coldness.

"What is this?" he asked, staring at the necklace in wonder. There were two initials on the small round pendant. 'Z.N'

"Ice crystal"

Ron's eyes widened, recalling Old Jack's words. So it was real! "You're from the North?"

The man nodded. "If you ever come to the North, show this to the guards at the main gate. They'll bring you to me right away"

"B-But why?"

"Didn't you say you're a merchant and you want to do business with the North?"

Ron remembered his lie and nodded firmly, looking as if he earnestly wanted to do trade. "Of course of course"

The man gave him a stern look. "Keep it safe. Only bring it out in the North. If people see it here, I'm afraid they'll kill you for it. Find me and I'll help you with your business"

This sounded like goodbye. Ron wanted him to stay a bit longer but the man stood and flicked his sword, sending all the blood off, revealing an ice cold gleaming blade. "Until we meet again"

Ron didn't even get to say a thing before white smoke started to surround the man and by the time it was gone, the man had disappeared completely. Ron clutched the necklace to his heart and sighed. He was sure of it.

He had fallen in love.