
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Hated By Many

chapter 7: Hated by many, curses from all directions.

Jun Tao sighed then he gave Lin Min a profound look, his thoughts unsure, 'what's so special about this boy, regardless of how kind the young miss is she shouldn't be that eager to help this guy at the risk of her safety,.....maybe she sensed something about him that I didn't, but what can be special about this pig face fatty that only knows how to snore.... wait now that I think of it this bastard fatty seems to match up with that guy... what's his name perverted fatty....oh now I see why he ended up he such a pathetic state, the husbands of his victims must have dealt with him, serves him right! oh well, I can only pretend to do what the young miss ordered and hope the City Lord noticed our arrival and stop us."

Despite his negative thoughts, Jun Tao nudged his horses towards the Lin manor, he was confident of his strength and escaping skills, even if the heaven fell he would be able to hold it for his young miss!

Lin Min was a little bit curious about the dramatic conversion between the miss and subordinate pair had just now, he would have asked but the pain from his eyes forced him to keep his mouth shut or he might let out a scream.

To neglect the pain he decided to listen to the bustling noise coming from the first town he visited since his transmigration to this mysterious world.

And he could hear people whispering aloud and even felt the eyes of many people rest on him, like daggers stabbing his frigid skin, he felt the gazes carrying different feelings, some pity probably directed at his sorry state, but when he listened a little bit closely he was little bit taken back by what he heard.

"Look at that luxurious-looking carriage, just take a look at how beautiful and majestic those dragon colts are, I wonder who is so wealthy to have two of them, if I could have even on I would die with out regrets .....uh? wait a minute? the carriage carries the city lord manor insignia!"

"that's a surprise didn't they say most of the City lord guards have been in hiding since the great purge led by the three top clans of Azure sky town started last weak" Someone exclaimed loudly with an excited expression that soon turned to rage when he saw the owner.

"what do you know, that's no ordinary City Lord guard, can't you see the coachman driving the carriage is the Blackrobed swordsman!, the third strongest member of the City lord manor!" another person said, it sounded like he was parising but his tone revealed a lot of disgust he had for that man.

"That means the person inside that carriage is most likely the evil spawn of the bitch that disrupted many lives that year including my poor family! may the earth afflict you and your ten generations with ten thousand sickness and afflictions and may your remains be buried without a grave even after death may you never find peace!" Someone angrily cursed, he held cold wet soil missed with his blood in his hands.

"How dare that bitch show herself in broad daylight again!, does she think she can trick us or appease us with all those shameless good deeds she has been performing these few days!, what a hypocrite! you even move with the infamous perverted fatty that sex addicted demon, my children all died because of your bitch mother! plus almost a third of the town and you think being good will wash all that death away!, not even ten thousand deaths can atone for all the pain you have caused us!!" Someone yelled out, her head was brimming with smoke and her eyes were blood red from hatred, she even almost charged forward to attack the carriage but she was held back by people around her, a brown-haired man held her shoulder down.

"We can't provoke them otherwise you'll die without a burial place, just relax and watch the three clans get justice for us all," The brown-haired man said, his eyes also flashing with hatred.

Everyone in the town were well aware of the heated tension between the three clans and the clan Lord mansion, it was only a matter of time before they shed all pretence and attacked each other.

more and more people gathered and followed the carriage from a reasonable distance, sometimes someone within the crowd threw tomatoes at the carriage.

"These bastards! how dare you!" their actions angered Jun Tao to the point that Lin Min could hear him gritting his teeth hard, and he jumped down form his seat and nearly attacked, but the girl's low voice interceded for them from within the carriage.

"have mercy uncle Tao, I'm already used to it anyways let's just get to the Lin Manor first!"

"As you wish young miss," Jun Tao said with an ashen pan face, and could only helplessly watch as mere weaklings boldly mocked them without stop.

By the side Lin Min was impressed by her fortitude and patience in the face of all that insult and mockery, he felt more and more convinced that the girl wasn't simple at all, at the very least she had the demeanor that could be rarely seen in anyone back on earth, even rarer among people her age!, and he looked forward to seeing her real appearance one day.

'But what did she and her family do to incur such hatred from citizens they are supposed to be ruling" Lin Min wondered in his heart as their voyage got closer and closer to the Lin Manor, his current home in the world! and his mother.

[I also want to find out, things might get interesting soon ] the system suddenly said

"like hell it would, I really have to grow stronger soon otherwise I might end up dead when the elephants of this town fight" Lin Min shook his head with a self depreciating smile.

Jun Tao happened to catch a glimpse of his actions and snorted unhappily, "why does he always act strangely everytime, I have to distance my self from this bastard soon"

The crowd kept following them like bees attracted by honey and continued cursing and throwing things.