
Becoming Invincible With My Revenant System

After dying in an explosion. Lin Min, an ordinary man with and extraordinary hidden past travels to a world unlike any other, a world filled with many mysteries and realities. Since time innumerable humans and beasts alike from this strange world have harnessed 'Vibes' energy to acquire immortality and unimaginable power. As fate would have it Lin Min's new body had limited talent and could be considered utter trash incapable of cultivating. Luckily he hears a Whisper from within and awaken a God-like system with the ability to seize chattel of the dead including cultivation talent. Walk with Lin Min as he starts his cultivation journey side by side with the Revenant system while experiencing the terror and cruelty of this new world and discovering the mystery of his Prodigious past Until he becomes Invincible in the Myriad realms!.

Pizza_overlord · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Gather Around

chapter 8: Gather Around

~East of Azure sky city --- Wang clan~

A young messenger was on his knees in a big hall, his entire body was shivering and he was now socked with beads of bean-size sweat!

A group of mighty figures sat side by side in elevated platforms right before him, all of them were wearing expensive garments, their figures were like armour , their expressions were one of aloofness and they collectively exudeed domineering aura so powerful, to the point that poor messenger was only able to breathe with great difficulty in their presence.

These mighty figures were the Clan leader and elders of the clan, all of them were powerhouses that could shake and destroy a large part of Azure sky town with a wave of their hands.

"What did you say? the bitch daughter of that venomous woman has appeared and she isn't headed for the city lord mansion as usual?" the deep hollow voice echoed in the grand room sending a sense of dread to all present,

The high and mighty voice belong to a Middle-aged elderly man sitting at the highest sit, emitting the most powerful aura amongst the few of them .

The messenger didn't dare reply slowly for fear that he might be killed by the man who spoke, no one would care, after all, that man was the clan leader of Wang Manor!, "Y-yes clan lord, I saw it with my own eyes she appeared just fifteen minutes ago and didn't immediately go to the inner parts of the town to meet her father like she usually does but headed to the west side of the town"

The Wang Clan clan lord raised an eyebrow and stroked his beards upon hearing the confirmation his pricing gaze remain fixed on the messenger bowing in front of him, "the west side of town, isn't that where the Lin clan resides... what that little devil planning, is this a trap by that cunning bastard or the mischievousness of an ignorant child" the city lord said hus thoughts aloud for all in the room to hear then he fell silent and pondered, his eyes stared upwards for a moment, it glowed like a few fire fliers before coming together to form an even larger sun!

He once again glanced at the messenger and asked, "did you see if the city lord was with her?"

"no sir, only the black-robed swordsman is accompanying her as usual and....." the messenger hesitated not sure whether he should say the last bit of information.

"spit it out" seeing his hesitation The City lord's heart tightened afraid that there was a variable that might disrupt any attack on that daughter of the devil,

Then he bellowed impatiently causing the messenger to almost dying from fear.

The young messenger quickly kowtowed, his bean-sized sweat was already bigger and shivers were going through his spine, but he managed to speak with great difficulty, "It's the Perverted Fatty my lord from the Lin Clan"

The Wang Clan Clan Lord furrowed his brows in confusion, 'perverted fatty from the Lin clan' who the hell is that, he was sure he hadn't heard any expert bearing such a weird name from the Lin clan.

"wait did he come from there!" The Wang Clan Clan leader thought of something and suddenly felt deep terror in his heart, if that fellow came from there then he must possess so much power that he couldn't afford to mess with otherwise the clan he inherited from his fathers would be wiped out.

The room fell into silence and all the elders had a pondering look on their frowning faces.

But soon someone spoke up, "can you describe the appearance of that perverted Fatty"

The Clad leader's ears perked up when he heard the elder's question and he couldn't help but ask, "Third elder do you know who that expert is?"

the Third elder shook his head slightly, "I have some guess, it might not be an expert but a popular hooligan of the town"

The Wang clan leader felt hope upon hearing that, deep down he didn't want to pass up this opportunity for revenge for what happened that year, so he said with a trace of hope, "Answer his question."

"yes sir" The messenger politely said and then proceeded to describe Lin Min's appearance including his bandaged eye.

"it's him," The third elder said with a relieved smile on his face attracting the attention of the other elders and clan leaders.

Wang Clan Clan Leader asked immediately, "who"

The third elder replied sharply, "clan head, you don't have to worry that perverted fatty isn't any expert at all but the worse among all trashy cultivators, he's just a fool that likes chasing older women, I only know about him because the bastard slept with my grand daughter's friend uncles wife"

The Wang Clan Clan leader sighed in relief after hearing his words, then he glared at the kneeling messenger and coldly said, "why are messengers these days so useless, what's the point of being one if you can't express information well!" as he said those words his aura grew more and more and pressured the young messenger completely until he was lying face flat on the floor.

"Spare me, clan.." The messenger tried to plead with great difficulty before the immense aura crushed his internal organs completely, broke all his bones, and sent him to his death.

The wang clan Clan head didn't spare his corpse another glance after killing him but looked at the elders around him and said, "It seems that the Lin clan have forgotten the past and have chosen to ally with the city lord manor in that case they've now before enemies with my Wang clan and should be dealt with!"

When he said that everyone present in the room faced turned solemn and they all all fell into deep thoughts, some of them had their doubts but didn't dare voice it out in fear of their clan leader casting his wrathful eye at them.

In incident several years ago the clan leader lost his first and most promising child to that fiendish woman and since then the calm leader had completely change into a completely different person driven by hatred devoted with only one goal - destroying the city lord manor.

Several opposition to his goal have spranged up this past few years but have all since been silenced under his blade.

"first elder! " the clan leader called out after a while.

"clan head!" a white-haired old man step forward from the group of elders and cupped his hands.

"immediately gather three Xi death guards, one Core fusion realm leader and the remaining two should at least be at the foundation establishment realm! the send them out now to capture that bitch, they are not allowed to fail or they'll die!" The wang Clan clan leader said, his tone was completely cold like ice and his killing intent was released to the fullest extent for all the elders to know how serious he was, it seemed like he was a sword of vengeance ready to smite anyone that stood in his way!

The first elder felt bitter about that other, those Xi death guards were very expensive to buy and train. especially one that managed to reach the core fusion realm, these were powerhouses that could rule small village in this parts of the world.

The clan only had one of those and he was being sent to a life or death mission! The black-robed swordsman was also at the core fusion realm and would likely kill more than two of their death guards even if the mission succeeded!

But being bitter was being bitter and he could only accept his orders, "yes clan head I'll see to it now!"

"And one more thing, if they are able to capture the girl good.... but if not make sure she dies in the Lin clan and make sure everyone knows!.." The clan leader said sinisterly, his eyes flashed a terrifying glint.

The First elder eyes lit up, as a shrewd old man himself he immediately had an idea of what the clan leader was scheming, he gave a quick bow then he retreated from the hall.

When he left The clan leader raised his head and stared at the sky with a sinister expression on his face , "Lin clan...since you have chosen to ally with my enemy then don't blame me for being heartless!!"

his voice was low but every one left in the hall all felt the immeasurable killing intent coming from him.

Soon a group of men and women dress in a phantom black garment from head to toe gathered, fierce killing aura that surged to the sky cane from them, it was unknown how much deaths and blood they had on their hands to have such thick killing aura, later on they stealthily left the Wang clan and went west of town.

On the south side of town, in The yang clan, similar discussions and conclusions were made!, so the Xi slaves Kill squad if the Yang clan also stealthily left to capture the city lord's daughter.

As for Lin Min and the carriage they soon arrived at the Lin clan manor.