
True Form

Eunica continued on asking Jin who's head is resting on her arm he's holding

"Um, what's their purpose?"

She looks at him, his broad shoulders, his strong arm, 'They all look so comforting and hot,' she thought.

"It's true that they want to be free... but they also want to bring back the old system to this sick institution."

His voice was a bit lazy since he was beginning to doze off from resting on her arm.

"Old system?" She whispers.

She suddenly remembered what Syp said.

"Hey," She leaned forward to Jin.

"Do you know Sup Yong Park?" She whispered.

"Hyung?" He asked.


"Yeah, hybrids call him that." He rests his head on Eunica's shoulder.

"What? He has a lot of names, like someone I know..." She smirked while feeling Jin's head on her shoulders.

'Ah, even if my back will ache with all this leaning. I won't mind' she thought while feeling a slight pain on her back.

"Oh? Really? Anyways, why did you asked?" He asked.

He did felt something with what Eunica said but he brushed it off.

They are still whispering to each other, the Observation Room can't hear what they are saying with such low sound.

"He said that I can only trust him and hybrids, especially you."

Even though Syp did generalize the hybrids, she made him special for herself once again.

"Oh? Yeah, that's right. Only us." He raised his head then pushed her away.


"Now, what was that about?" The Head's tone is showing suspicion and irritation.

"I asked whether spicy or not," Jin said while laughing.

Eunica then joined the laughter and other soldiers laughed as well inside the Observation Room.

"Shut up!" He shouted making everyone that's inside the observation room stop laughing.

"Okay," Eunica cleared her throat.

"How many hybrids escaped?" The question itself was kind of stupid because the staffs should know how many.

They don't have to ask Jin.

"Hmm, five." He was counting his fingers.

'Jhon, Rocel, Melanie, um, Jermyn and Camil. Yes, five of them.'

"Who's the leader?"


"With who?"

"Rabbit, Twins, and Wolf."

"How did they escaped?"

"Hmmm. I don't know? Chemicals? Bombs? No idea."

He smirked.

He knows how but he doesn't want to say.

"Okay. Done."

That was the last question she needs to ask.

She looked at the Head who then leaves.

Jin was trying to hide his laughter.

"That was fun!" He said.

He stands up then held Eunica's shoulders, moving her to sit.

"I had my share of your sit. Where's my jacket?"

He squats, "Hm? I wore your perfume!"

He sniffs his shirt.

She noticed that Jin's clothes were getting nicer every day.

His wounds were also healing and he's getting a bit fatter.

"Hey, you were not eating before, right? You were so thin!" She said.

"Hm? No, I did not like my food but now, I can stand it because you said I need to be fatter." Jin smiled.

She blushed, "What, you're doing it for me?"

"Hm, maybe? Where's my jacket?"

Eunica felt happy that he was eating because she said he needs to.

She pulled the jacket.

She put it inside her jacket to make it feel warm for him. Her jacket is large and stretchable enough for the jacket she put inside.

It's a blue sweater. It has an 'I'm the one!' print on it.

'It totally fits him, since he's the one for me!' Eunica smiled.

"Here, I put it inside to make it warm." She tossed it to him.

"Wow, it is warm!" Jin stands up, he immediately wore it.

"It smells like you, and it's warm like you!"

She was watching him put it on when a group of office outfit people went inside with the 'fake' Head of Force.

"I told you, don't play around with us." The head said while walking towards them.

Jin had put on the sweater and he looked behind him.

Eunica stands up.

"And you, E.A. You were asked to do a job, and you have to be sure you do it fast, neat and orderly. We did not ask you to joke around with this hybrid."

They stopped. They were only about two meters away from them.

"Maybe if you saw what type of hybrid this friend of yours is, you'll be afraid of him from now on." A guy behind the Head said.

He pulled a gun, Jin moves backward protecting Eunica.

"Hey, I think I should be the one protecting you," Eunica whispered while holding Jin's arm.

"No, whatever happens, never lose your trust on me, okay?"

He turned around, holding Eunica.

His eyes were scared, he's afraid that if he turns into his animal form, Eunica will fear him and lose her trust. He fears that she will not look at him like before.

"I know. Don't worry."

Eunica has seen a lot of hybrid turn into their animal form, and there was nothing to fear.

They are all small creatures or anything that you can usually see in the wild.

He was looking at her when she heard the sharp sound.

The gun was a tranquilizer.

It hit Jin's back, he lost his balance the second the medicine entered in his body.

"Go... away... Run over.. there." He tried to push her while pointing where she needs to go.

Even though she feels bad for him and scared as well, she ran to where he said to.

He falls down on his feet while trying to fight what he feels.

It was painful, too painful to stop.

So he let it go.

Letting the animal inside him go free.

Eunica watch as Jin turns into the furry animal he is.

But to her surprise, Jin's not a regular furry animal.

He's very large and scary.

She can't figure out what he is.

Is he a tiger, lion, jaguar or a leopard?

Is he mixed of all?

'He's a Panthera hybrid? I thought they don't exist. They are the most complicated and delicate form of hybrids.'

The stripes, the dots, the color, the fur... everything is mixed.

But the only thing that is weird for him is his height.

He looks like a giant cat.

He's two or three times his original height.

She leaned on the wall, trying to maintain her composure even though she is quite scared.

After a minute, Jin finished his transformation.

His blue cat eyes looked at her.

"I'm here, don't worry."

She heard Jin's voice while the animal was making eye contact.

"I'll make sure they won't hurt you."

The tawny fur, the proud posture, and it's calm eyes,

Eunica never felt more in love with Jin.