
Chapter 6 Holiday

I climbed up to our bedroom, Owen was fast asleep, I quietly took my blanket and left for the adjoining room.

I was half asleep and half awake, I don't want to give a chance to avoid being strangled to death tonight.

The next morning, I was packing some of my stuffs, before Owen came in.

Going somewhere? He asked.

Good morning,yes I'm going on a holiday.

I need to be left alone for sometime, I said.

Hmmm, so where are you heading to? Family house?Owen asked.

Anywhere I find myself, I said.

He was silent for a while. Then he asked again, why are you going on a holiday,are you on leave from your company?

No I'm not on leave, I will be going to work from there,I replied.

I'm going on a holiday because I need peace of mind. I need to extend my longevity. I'm tired of being your punching bag.

How can a married woman leave her husband's house and say she's going on a holiday to an unknown place, he asked.

I totally ignored him and continued what I was packing. I don't actually have time to indulge in an argument with him.

I prepared some foods for you, when you go to the kitchen, you will see the way I arranged the foods. I made soups,stew, sauce and the rest..

I pulled the bags into the car, I made sure I picked all the important things that I might need and left.

Where should I drive to right now?

Family house or Dena's place. I don't know how Gerald would feel, and I don't want to lodge in a hotel,it would be all lonely there. Just then,my phone rang, the call was from Caleb.

Yeah, hello and how are you doing?he asked

I'm good, just driving out for a holiday.

Trying to get fresh air and peace of mind,I said.

Okay! just let me know your final destination,he said.

I picked up my phone and dialed Dena's number, she didn't even let it ring much before picking up.

Hi Lara, how are you? She asked.

Hello Dena, I'm on my way to your house right now.

Alright, I would be waiting to see you, she answered.

I let out a heavy sigh, I was now a little relieved about my unknown destination. I hope Dena's husband would accept me in his house or is he going to be like his friend Owen,I thought.

An hour later, I got to Dena's place, hey baby girl I'm at your door,I messaged her. Just then,she opened the door and hugged me.

You don't look good,she said, what really happened to you? She removed the scalf I tied round my neck, saying I know you ain't a scalf type, so why did you tie it. Tell me what happened?

I mean look at your face, bruises everywhere .

See your neck, where you kidnapped,who plotted this evil against you?

She asked so many questions, but I couldn't even answer any of her questions.

Please I will answer all these questions, but let me just rest for now, I said.

She led me to the visitors room, and helped me with my bags.

I was preparing food in the kitchen before you came in, so just wash up,I will be waiting for you down stairs,She commented.

I got into the bathroom and showered,then I was still thinking why my early marriage has to be so hard for me.

No breathing space,no enjoyment,no happiness. All these started from the onset,did I actually married the wrong man? Or is there something I don't know about our marriage. Why does he wanna treat me with so much hatred?

Why is Owen an obstacle to my blessings?

Is there something I need to know?

All these thoughts were roaming within me, but I still had no answers to them.

I walked down to meet Dena at the dinning table, the meal smells great, I'm sure it would be very delicious,I commented.

Yes dear, after you called me on phone, I decided to prepare you nice food,Dena said.

So tell me how you got all these on you?

My dear, your sister hasn't been happy ever since she got married. As I was about telling my story, the door bell rang, Gerald came in and was surprised to see me.

Ahh! Lara, you're here, welcome.

How is your husband, Owen?

He is fine,he was at home before I left.

You have really added lots of weight,seems Dena is doing a good job, I remarked.

Ohh, yeah, definitely she is a good wife.

But what happened to you?

You don't look great, is there something bothering you? He asked.

That's the more reason I left home, to clear my head.

I don't really know what came over Owen, there is nothing I do that pleases him. I lost my pregnancy because of him, and he almost strangled me to death yesterday after I got promoted at my work place. He asked me to reject my promotion and I said no, and he almost killed me last night.

I'm getting tired of my marriage.

Hmm! this is unbelievable, I don't know Owen to be like this, something must be wrong somewhere, and it must be corrected, Gerald said.

Just then my phone rang, it was Caleb,I picked up the call.

Sorry Caleb,I forgot to let you know I've gotten to my destination. I went to my sister's place,Dena.

Alright, just wanted to know if you're safe,he replied, and ended the call.

I signed... That's Caleb,my CEO's son, he has been my saviour throughout all my problems, that I didn't die last night was him. God just used him to save me.

We are going to let our parents know about the situation, then we can know how to handle it,Dena stated.

All of a sudden, I felt like I want to throw up everything in my tummy.

Then I tapped Dena and said "I want to vomit"

This way,she rushed me to the bathroom, there,I vomited everything I ate.

Are you okay? Gerald asked?

Yes, just feeling a little dizzy,I replied.

Okay,we will take you to run some tests, you could be pregnant,Dena stated.

I thought as much, after I vomited yesterday's morning while preparing for work, I replied.

Just dress up lets go to the hospital,we need to be sure and know what measures to take in other to avoid mistakes, Gerald explained.

I'm good to go like these, I told him.

Alright, let's go.

He drove us to the hospital.

Please we want to run some pregnancy test and also see the doctor,is very urgent,Dena said to one of the nurses.

You can just sit while I put down your details on the folder, without the documentation of your information, you won't be able to see the doctor.

So what's your name? She asked

My name is Lara Wilson Chris. I didn't throw away my maiden name, because I still believed I'm clearly part of my family.

Okay, how old are you? she asked.

Just write adult, I told her.

Sorry dear, is from your age, that the doctor would know the type of prescription to give you after your complaints, the nurse said.

Alright, just write 25 years.

Who is your next of kin, tell me his or her phone number, and your address,too.

I quietly answered all her questions.

And when last was your menstrual period ,she asked.

Please I can't remember all this things, I said.

Okay, you have to go for lab tests, once the result is out, you can then see the doctor, the nurse explained.

Okay, I answered.

After the lab tests,we waited for our turn to see the doctor.

Mrs Lara Wilson Chris? A nurse called from the consultation room.

Yes? I answered.

Please come with me, the nurse said.

We entered into the doctor's office.

Please sit, you're Mrs Lara Wilson Chris, right? The doctor asked.

Yes, I answered.

So, how are you doing? The doctor asked.

Im fine,I replied.

Any complaints? He asked.

I feel dizzy, I also vomited yesterday's morning and some hours ago, I answered.

Is okay, your lab result says your hemoglobin (HB) is 78 percent.

There is no malaria parasite, Your urinalysis is quite okay.

And the Pregnancy Test ( PT) shows positive, so you're pregnant,he said.

Congratulations Mrs Lara. But you have to take the Tetanus toxoid (TT)injection and collect your routine drugs from injection room, before going.

Don't worry, the nurses would direct you, the doctor said.

Thank you,I said,as we left the consultation room.

I thought as much,Dena said as we left the hospital.

Getting to the house, Gerald said "Thank God for another baby we have two pregnant women in our families now, You and Dena"

Congratulations to us,Dena and I said in unison.

Please I'm hungry,I said.

You two can just sit, while I go into the kitchen and prepare some delicious meals for us, Gerald stated.

Has Owen called you since you got here? Gerald asked.

No,I haven't received any calls or texts from him,I replied.

How long do you intend staying here,he asked.

Just for some days, I would soon go back home,I replied.

We need to be extremely careful this time, and we are going to call on a family meeting, to make sure Owen stops this domestic violence, Gerald said.

Or else you should just quit, your life is more important to me than that marriage,Dena blurted out.