
Chapter 5 Rejected Promotion

My alarm clock rang around 6 am on Monday morning,I had to pause my lovely sleep and wake up to prepare things before going to work. I stretched out my right hand to the alarm clock, and turned it off. I stood up from the bed, pandiculated and went into the bathroom to urinate.

I came down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I fried bean-cake and pudding for us to serve as break fast. I called out to Owen, letting him know breakfast was ready. I was going to rush my breakfast, and prepare for work in other to avoid being late.

I drove off to work,I got to the company, and parked at the parking lot,then headed through the hallway,then to my office. I dropped my bag on the table and sat down to start working, before the Tea Lady came in. Congratulations to you she said.

Congratulations for what exactly? I asked

So you haven't heard that you've been promoted by the company as the Executive Assistant, but how can you get promoted without your knowledge, the good news is everywhere, she said.

Ohh, I'm sorry, I really forgot that I was promoted, you know when you have lots of things in your head, it can make you forget so many things, I said trying to cover up.

So when are we celebrating it? She asked, making a smiling face.

Ohh that, I will call out for the celebration as soon as possible, when I'm done with arranging my new office.

And you are next in line for a double promotion, I said to her.

Thank you so much Mrs Lara, I believe one day, God would definitely answer my long time said prayers,she replied, bowing her head a little.

Amen! He will, yeah, God is going to surprise you,I said to her as she left my office.

I couldn't wait for her to shut the door behind her, I rushed to my system and logged in, there were lots of congratulatory messages from colleagues and board of directors.

I knew all these was Caleb's handwork

I checked my personal email address, there was a message,is been sent some days ago.

The email carries Richard's address, but the body of the message was written by Wisdom. He was asking to have dinner with him. I was really sorry not to have seen this message, and he has been waiting for my reply.

I had to accept the dinner offer, I asked Wisdom to send me the venue and time.

Good morning Executive Assistant, someone said, I raised my eyes to see who was speaking,

then it was Caleb.

I have been standing here for the past ten minutes, and my presence wasn't even noticed. Seems you were deeply buried with what you're doing,he said.

Good morning,I'm sorry,I didn't know when you entered. How have you been? I'm also sorry I haven't called to check on you since the day you drove me home.

I'm also sorry, I should have been the one to have called, I heard about what happened, sorry about the miscarriage too. I'm always here if you need to talk,he said.

I heard I was promoted without my knowledge, I knew it was all your doings, I said.

Yes, anything I can probably do to make you happy, and to put smiles on your face,he replied.

I couldn't withhold my tears anymore,I instantly hugged him. Thank you for always being there for me, I said to him as I wiped out my tears.

I already fixed your new office, everything has been set, you just have to walk in and start working. And please check your email, I think the venue and time for your dinner has just been fixed,he said leaving my office.

Alright, thanks alot, I really appreciate everything you did for me. I was really happy for the promotion, even though he just promoted me in other to ease my sadness .

I closed work by 4pm, I got home to freshen up before going for the dinner with Wisdom and Richard.

I prepared dinner, and was ready to go, before Owen came home.

Are you going somewhere? He asked.

Yes, I'm having dinner with Wisdom and Richard, you can come with me if you wish to, I said.

No,I'm tired, and I don't intend going anywhere. Please any food in the house? He asked.

You just want to ask, you know there is no way there won't be food available in the house. You can serve yourself after you freshen up, I stated. And I have something to tell you when I'm back.

I kissed him, and left.

I entered my car and drove off. I was going to let Owen know about my promotion when I get back home,then we would call out for celebration. I have already phoned Dena and leaked the secret to her, she was very happy and shared good wishes with me.

I got to meet Wisdom and Richard, I'm really sorry, I had to tidy some things and prepare dinner at home after I came home from work, before coming to meet you guys, and I'm totally sorry for late reply on your message, I had alot in my mind.

Is okay, we understood what you're going through, and we knew it has not been easy for you, that's why we called out and chose a place like this to have dinner with you, just for you to be happy.

Request for anything you want, and feel free to associate with us,Richard explained.

Thanks to you guys, I'm glad to have friends like you.

Aunty Lara,I'm really sorry, but thank God I have to see your face again, Wisdom said.

I'm always here little one,I said tapping his shoulder.

Wow, the food is very delicious.

Hmmm, seems they prepare nice meals here, and I have never been here before, I never knew this kind of place existed, I said as I enjoyed the food.

Yeah,The Nolans are good at what they do, they make everything to their customers' satisfaction, anytime you feel like you want to eat good and delicious meals, you can always come here,he said smiling at me.

I love coming here often to eat anything I want, while my cousin Richard pays for everything, Wisdom added.

Thanks for the entertainment,I really appreciate, I said as I led the way outside. We waved goodbye, then I drove off.

There wasn't any traffic, so it didn't take much time for me to get home.

I stood for like ten minutes after I rang the doorbell, before Owen opened the door.

How was the dinner with Wisdom and Richard? Hope you really enjoyed yourself, Owen asked.

Yeah,it was amazing, I've never been to somewhere like that before, never knew a place like that really exited,I said.

Hope you've had your dinner? I asked.

Yes, I had dinner immediately you left,he said.

Which means you didn't freshen up before having your dinner,I asked.

I did freshen up before eating, he replied. So tell me about the good news, I have been waiting, moreover that's why I'm still awake.

Babe, you won't believe the goodnews, or can you guess? I asked.

Of course not,you know I'm not good at guessing, so tell me.

Okay! I was promoted at my work place, not just promotion, I was promoted to Executive Assistant. Babe I couldn't even believe it at first, but then, it was real and true. And it calls for celebration, I'm going to inform our parents,then we would fix a good day for the celebration.

Nonsense! Reject the promotion immediately,he blurted out in anger. When you go to work tomorrow, tell them, that you can't handle it, they should offer it to some other person.

Babe what do you mean I should not accept my good news?

I still don't understand why I should forfeit my promotion.

I don't care if you are looking forward to hearing reasons from me, all I know is that you can't take that promotion, not in my house.

Well I'm not rejecting the promotion, and nothing would ever stop me from accepting it.

You should be very happy for me, and you are asking me to forfeit a beautiful opportunity, something I've been looking forward to for a long time.

Are you trying to challenge me? So your husband cannot tell you something and you do it, he said with rage.

I'm not challenging you,I'm only trying to tell you the simple truth.

Why do you like to obstruct my goodnews?

Are you really an obstacle to my blessings?

So I cannot have peace again because I'm married to Owen.

Don't you think you have done enough?

He quickly rushed to where I was sitted and released a sounding slap on my face, he wrapped his hands around my neck, trying to strangle me, I couldn't even breath anymore,I stared at him trying to tell him to let go of me, but he was mean, and ready to kill at that moment.

I was going to die I thought, I felt it deeply, there was no help from anywhere,he should have allowed me to bid goodbye to my families and friends before sending me to my early grave.

God if this is your will for me to die like this, then,I would accept it, but if is not your will, please help me,I said these prayers within me.

Just then the door bell rang persistently, that was when he let go of my neck. It seems that God heard my earnest prayers and sent someone.Then I began to cough and breathing heavily.

Are you expecting anyone? He asked me.

I only shook my head, because I'm still trying to recover from the trauma.

Who is that? Owen asked in a harsh voice, please just leave, you are in the wrong house.

The door bell rang again,he angrily went to open the door, and was shocked to see who was at the door.

It was Caleb.

Owen made an ugly face and left the door for Caleb to come in and shut it.

Sorry, I shouldn't be here, but you left your phone at the dinner spot.

You're lucky I met Wisdom and Richard on my way home, so they handed the phone to me to give you.

And I thought it might be of a very good used to you tonight, so I didn't wait until tomorrow to bring it to you,he explained

Caleb drew closer to me.

Are you okay? I'm sorry I came late, I had the feelings that you might be in serious danger that's why I brought your phone home tonight.

Can you manage staying here tonight or you want to come with me? He asked.

Thank you for always being there to help me out, I hugged him as tears filled my eyes,then he patted me at the back.

Owen signed and climbed upstairs,I'm sure he doesn't like the way Caleb interrupted him from strangling me to death.

I will be leaving right now, unless you wanna come with me,he said.

Thank you,I can manage, I will be fine, I assured him.

Then he left.