
Beast Invasion

Losing his family all because of the beasts attack on their city, Jace vow to take revenge by erasing the beasts from the face of the earth. Stay turned as we witness how Jace could achieve the impossible.....

flamezdoa · Ficção Científica
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11 Chs

Battling The Fang Wolf

"See, I told you the academy won't abandon us" said Mr. Norman with a smile on his face.

"So it seems alright, guess we can now free ourselves from worries and have a rest" replied Mr. Donald.

After making his way to where the two men were lying, the young man bent down with a worried look on his face as he let out a sigh before saying.

"I am sorry for making you go through all the trouble of tending them off when knowing that you have passed your limit of using the gear".

"You don't have to feel sorry, if we were given another chance, we will still repeat the same action since we are doing for our family" replied Mr. Norman with a smile on his face.

"Are you the only one sent by the academy to help us" asked Mr. Donald after nothing that the young man before was the only one in the area.

'Of course not, doing that would be the same as sending me to my grave. Three squads were sent here to get rid of the beasts and escort you all back to the fortress" replied the young man with a smile.

"I see but it is such a shame that we won't be able to go back with you. As you can see the effect of using the gear has already spread throughout our body and all that is left for us is death" said Mr. Norman.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard and if we arrive on time, there might be a way to help you stop the effect but it is already too late for that now" commented the young man.

"Worry not young man, we have made the decision from the start. All we asked of you is to protect our families when escorting them back to the fortress" replied Mr. Norman.

"You can call me Ryder and I assure you that we'll lead them all to safety but to do that I will need you to tell me where I can find them" replied Ryder.

"Urg, go north from here you will see a big warehouse they are hiding in there" said Mr. Norman in pain.

"Okay, you can leave the rest to us now" replied Ryder.

Getting up, Ryder left the spot as he went to meet up with the rest who were busy taking the beast out.

"So were you able to find where they are hiding" asked a lady who has a rifle in hand.

"Yes I did Chloe, they seem to be hiding in a warehouse north from here" replied Ryder.

"Who would have thought that a B-rank beast will be in a place like this" said a blonde boy who dawn a blue hoodie with black jeans while welding a saw-like sword that is also blue in color.

"That's right Axel and they seem to be attacking more frequently these days" replied Chloe.

"Oh well since we came across it, we better take it down before it run away once more" said Ryder with a smile on his face as he begin to move forward.

"I believe squad D and C will be very angry with us for taking it down" replied Axel with a chuckle.

"You seem to be enjoying this" asked Ryder.

"Of course I am what about you Ryder, ain't you enjoying it" replied Axel with a smile.

"I just want to go back to my drink and nothing more so let's get this job done so that we can leave" said Ryder.

"I can't believe you still have the time to think about drinking at a time like this" sighed Chloe.

"What is the better time to think about my drink if it is not now" replied Ryder.

"Come on guys we need to move quickly before the other squad gets to it first before we do" said Axel.

Since they have already cleared the area of the beasts, they shift their target to the fang wolf who was still looking for flesh to feed on and along the way, they came across the members of the squad D who were completely occupied with beasts and with a gentle wave and smile from Axel they continue with their search leaving then confused as to what is going on.

"Why do you have to do that Axel" asked Chloe.

"I just feel like giving them a hit that we are going for something big" replied Axel with a chuckle.

"And you think they will understand what you meant by that" asked Chloe.

"Oh, Chloe they will when the time comes" this time it was Ryder who reply to Chloe.

"I am still wondering what I am doing with a team filled with crazy people" said Chloe.

They both laugh and continue to make jokes while continuing the search until they arrive at where the fang wolf was and seeing that there were humans who has come to face him, the fang wolf let out a roar before charging at them. Signaling both Chloe and Axel to get to work as they engage the fang wolf in a fight.

With Chloe taking the rear as they both engaged the fang wolf in a melee attack as a heated battle went on. Fighting the fang wolf was not as easy as it seems for it was faster than they are as they could only defend themselves from getting injured from its attacks.

"I wonder why Chloe has not switched to using the stun bullet" said Axel.

"Maybe she is waiting for the right time to use it since the fang wolf is quite fast for the eye to see and the stun bullet is not that much so using them carelessly might cause us our live" replied Ryder.

When creating the weapons, bullets of different kinds were also created to use against the beast and the stun bullet was one of them with the ability to keep the enemy in place for a short time.

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