
The Movie Ends!

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I continue to look at the screen as Yoko sees herself first as an evil-hunting bounty hunter, then as this year's Miss Littner, then as the number one shot in the universe, then as Kittan's bride, then she shuts off the TV Kamina is holding that shows her all this.

They are standing where they first raised a Death Flag and shared that kiss the morning before Kamina died.

A Core Drill in her hand, then Yoko takes to the sky in a flash of green Spiral light.

The scene changes and shows Gimmy, Darry, Dayakka, and Boota kneading dough, before sighting Gurren Lagann out the window, and they too turn into a green light and join it.

It changes again showing some of the pilots that are stock-sellers calling out "Sell! Sell!" they also see Gurren Lagann out in a window, turn into green light, and join it.

Leeron, Gabal, and Aretenborough are construction workers who see Gurren Lagann in the distance like before they turn into green light and join it.

Makken, Leyte, and the Bio-Lordgenome are faculty in a school, they see Gurren Lagann out a window, turn into green light, and join it.

The twins Jorgun and Balinbow are fathers to many children, they see Gurren Lagann out a window, turn into green light, and join it, and the kids fall in a heap.

Two of the members manning the bridge are apparently lovers, asleep together like all the others they too turn into green light and fly out the window.

Viral is surprisingly a husband and father, his wife sees Gurren Lagann in the sky, and Viral sees it too, and understands, he was just having a naive dream.

With a Core Drill in hand and a feral smile on his lips, Viral turns into a green light and takes to the sky.

While seeing this scene, I hear Lordgenome mutter in a very low tone but not low enough to escape my senses, "To think that even someone like Viral has such a dream hidden within... I'm still in time to effectuate a couple of changes..."

But then stops as the scene moves back to the powerless Nia who still doesn't give up fully believing in Simon and the others when a familiar sound fills the air as Nia's ring flashes with a green light.

Nia smiles at it, then glares at Antispiral, and points her ring at him.

Moments later, Gurren Lagann emerges, drill-first, the Gunmen destroy Nia's bonds, causing her to fall, but Simon catches Nia in his coat, and with a smile, he says, "I'm here, Nia. Just like I promised."

As Simon comforts his fiance, now reverted to her pre-Messenger form, drills fly out from Gurren Lagann's body, each one containing a member of Team Dai-Gurren.

Antispiral is stunned, stating, "Impossible. Sentient lifeforms can't possibly escape from an extradimensional labyrinth!"

And Simon retorts, "Don't underestimate us! We don't care about time or space or extradimensional whatever. We don't give a damn about any of that. Force your way down a path you choose to take, and do it your way! That's how the Dai-Gurren Brigade rolls!"

Then Gurren Lagann is engulfed by Arc-Gurren Lagann, and Arc-Gurren Lagann is engulfed by Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann.

And each Dai-Gurren Brigade member is using a Lagann from the Galactic Spiral Abyss, and they all combine with Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann.

Then from the center of the galaxy, standing atop the spiral of stars like a platform, a colossal galaxy-sized Gunman is born.

Then Nia states, "Even when trapped by the cycle of rebirth..." followed by Yoko who continues, "... the dream we left behind will open the door!" then Leeron, "Even if the infinite universe stands in our way..." after him, it is Viral who adds, "... the seething of out blood will determine what will be!"

Then Simon shouts, "We'll break through time and space..."

Then all together they yell, """...to grab hold of our own path! Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!?"""

Though similar to the Gurren Lagann, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's design is overall very different from all the other mecha, its armor is made up of red skulls, illuminated by the storm of Spiral Power that burns continuously from its core, giving it the appearance of Team Dai-Gurren's emblem.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

At the same time, Guame and the harem girls loudly cheer at the appearance of the titular mecha, Guame even points his finger at the screen with excitement on his face while he shouts in glee, "Ah! Ah! They said it! They said the thing!!" making me almost question the pervasive power of cultural memes that seems to transcend time and space to hit us when we less expect them no matter where we are in the Omniverse.

Meanwhile, on the screen, Antispiral admit that it now sees how its messenger was made Irregular, it is because the Dai-Gurren Brigade possesses more Spiral Power than any other race they have seen.

It then manifests the Granzeboma to combat Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on even grounds, so as to make it all the more despairing when Team Dai-Gurren loses.

Its appearance is similar to the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, but it lacks faces on its limbs and has a dark-colored, skeletal design, and its most notable features are an extra pair of arms located on its shoulders and the purple storm of Anti-Spiral Power.

(Image Here - Granzeboma)

Bio-Lordgenome is now more than a head, but a replica of Lordgenome's whole body; this is due to being within a "Super Spiral Space" where thought becomes reality.

He tells Nia that though he cannot face her as a father after all he has done, he feels that she has done well, and she thanks him.

At the same time, Viral asks his king if he has finally snapped out of his despair, and the Lordgenome on-screen replies that he is no king, but a warrior fighting for what he believes in.

Meanwhile, I notice that both Lordgenome and Guame are very moved by what they are seeing on the screen, so much so that they don't even care to hide it anymore, in fact, I see that tears are running down Guame's face, while Lordgenome is slightly trembling.

Back in the movie, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Granzeboma begin the final battle, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is soon forced to hide behind another galaxy under Granzeboma's relentless attack.

Yoko then manifests a galaxy-sized rifle for Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and as she is taking her aim, she notices a sphere hovering between Granzeboma's horns and fires at it revealing the thing hidden inside, a planet, and Nia relays that it is the Anti-Spiral homeworld.

Antispiral grabs a couple of galaxies and hurls them like shuriken, while explaining that they were once a Spiral race, but began annihilating other Spiral races when they learned that the evolution of Spiral power would lead to the destruction of the universe.

Then it explains how they sealed their homeworld in another universe and sealed their bodies, and thus their evolution, on their homeworld, and says that these actions are the proof of their determination to protect the universe then it charges at Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann after it had dodged the thrown galaxies.

After that Jorgun and Balinbow fire several fists at Granzeboma, but the Antispiral continues its charge as they are unable to stop it, at the same time it explains that the chance of victory is zero as that pocked universe is under its complete control then it attacks with the extra pair of arms located on its shoulders cutting the rifle and forcing the crimson mecha to retreat once more.

Granzeboma easily chases after it, and Viral draws a pair of swords and does battle against the Granzeboma's four arms.

As they fight, Antispiral accuses the Dai-Gurren Brigade of not understanding the meaning of their actions.

Simon disagrees, but Antispiral points out that the Irregular, Nia, is a virtual life form that it created and that if it is destroyed, she will also disappear.

The members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, especially Simon, are gut-punched by this revelation.

And Antispiral uses this hesitation to shatter Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's swords, smashing Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann across and through several galaxies.

Then Antispiral speaks of their great determination and tremendous sacrifices to protect the universe, and asks if they have that same determination.

Pummeling the fallen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, it degenerates into a rampaging beast and starts tearing the heaven-piercing Gunmen into pieces, all the while deriding their lack of resolve and justifying its own need to terminate them.

Then a portal to Earth opens, and Antispiral notes that this must be their homeworld.

The scene on-screen show what is happening on Earth, where Kiyal is putting up the laundry and freezes at the sight of the immense Granzeboma then she fetches Kiyoh and her daughter Anne in their house, and points it out to them.

At the same time, Rossiu and Kinon pick up a reading on the Perceptual Teleportation System connecting them to an enclosed universe.

They all witness Granzeboma produce drills to impale the remains of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Then holding Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's head in its hand, Antispiral prepares to drill it into pieces, saying that Simon's spirit is broken.

However, Simon disagrees, and produces a drill from Tengen Toppa Lagann's forehead, just large enough to force the Anti-Spiral's drill back, at the same time he says, "My spirit is broken? Who told you that?"

Then a spinning flower transforms into a drill-tipped staff and frees Tengen Toppa Lagann.

It is Nia is piloting a Tengen Toppa Gunmen that saved him, Tengen Toppa Solvernia, her own personal Gunmen.

Its design is very similar to Gurren Lagann, but with feminine proportions and a blue-and-white color scheme, its eyes are yellow, with red cross-like pupils similar to its pilot and a mass of light blue Spiral Power, resembling Nia's hair, is emitted from the back of its head.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Solvernia)

Nia says that the Simon she believes in will never let his Dai-Gurren Brigade spirit be broken.

Antispiral seems shocked that the "Irregular" would defy its will, but Nia says that she cannot change the fact that they created her, but can resist her fate to the end.

Charging the Granzeboma, Nia deftly evades its drills and pierces its chest with her staff.

Doing so, however, leaves her vulnerable to drills emerging from Granzeboma's mouth, which throw Tengen Toppa Solvernia back and destroy its left arm and laughing evilly, Antispiral sends a dozen drills down to kill Nia.

But a dozen arms appear, each grabbing hold of a drill, it is the fourteen-armed Tengen Toppa Enki Durga, piloted by Viral.

Tengen Toppa Enki Durga draws its design from Viral's original Gunmen, Enki, being a predominantly white humanoid Gunmen, with fourteen arms, a four-eyed face on its chest, and a spiky golden crest on its helmet.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Enki Durga)

With its two remaining free hands, it produces swords to slice the drills off.

Nia thanks her savior, and Viral asks her to let him handle the enemy while musing on how he is protecting the Spiral Princess at the edge of the galaxy, Viral produces nine more swords and a kanabō to face Antispiral.

A brief but intense clash leads to his eleven swords being shattered, but Tengen Toppa Enki Durga kicks one of the shards into the Anti-Spiral homeworld.

Soon after, a distant shot blasts the shard all the way through the planet and out the other side.

Far across the galactic sea stands the shooter is revealed, Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank.

Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank very vaguely draws its designs from Yoko's Gunmen, Yoko M Tank, and its Space Gunmen equivalent, Yoko W Tank.

Its main body is rather feminine and humanoid, apparently based on the form and outfit of Yoko herself, a pair of massive cannons similar to the Yoko M Tank's main weapons are attached to a large pink and purple ring around the mecha's waist.

Its shoulders are armored with large pink pauldrons, each of which carries two large versions of Yoko's signature sniper rifle and a long pink protrusion similar to the Yoko M Tank's arms, and similar to Tengen Toppa Solvernia, its "flame" of Spiral Power manifests on its head, taking a form and color similar to Yoko's hairstyle.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank)

In the cockpit, Yoko declares that she won't let Nia's feelings be for nothing, opening fire on Granzeboma.

Trapped by the sheer firepower of its foe, the Anti-Spiral mecha sends an arm under the "ground", knocking Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank off balance.

With the rain of attacks halted, Granzeboma seizes another galaxy and throws it at Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank.

In response, Yoko's Gunman fires off its breasts as missiles, but the galaxy slices right through them and destroys Tengen Toppa Yoko W Tank's main weapon bank.

Two more galaxies are thrown to finish Yoko off, but each is caught in a massive purple hand.

It is Tengen Toppa Twinboekun, piloted by Jorgun and Balinbow, compared to its predecessors, it has six faces, one for each pilot, one for each shoulder guard, and two minor, conjoined faces for its chest.

The cockpit heads have minor variations in horn shape, the right has a straight horn and the left has a curved horn, additionally, the eyes on its shoulder guards are different colors, the left shoulder has red eyes and the right shoulder has blue eyes.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Twinboekun)

The twins declare that their own stomachs are bigger than the galaxies, then they crush the would-be projectiles in their hands as two more Tengen Toppa Gunmen circle Granzeboma and open fire.

One is a large green tyrannosaur that bites viciously at Granzeboma's arm.

The other is an ape-like figure with a spiral-design staff, taking a mighty swing at the Anti-Spiral's other limb.

The ape-like is Tengen Toppa Kidknuckle, piloted by Kid, unlike its previous versions, it has a small, monkey-like head on its shoulders in addition to the face on its chest, it also wields a staff in its hands instead of guns in its feet.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Kidknuckle)

Meanwhile, the green tyrannosaur Tengen Toppa Gunmen is Tengen Toppa Einsaurus, piloted by Iraak, however, while Einzer was basically a head with spindly legs, Tengen Toppa Einsaurus has a full body, resembling a carnosaur.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Einsaurus)

Declaring themselves the "Super Galaxy Tornado Brothers", they boast that they will make the Anti-Spiral remember them before the unimpressed Anti-Spiral seizes the two Tengen Toppa Gunmen with its outer arms.

But supersonic waves begin to cut into the hand holding Tengen Toppa Kidknuckle.

It is Zorthy who is piloting the Tengen Toppa Gunmen producing this attack and after a few moments, Tengen Toppa Kidknuckle springs free.

At the same time, another Tengen Toppa Gunmen, piloted by Makken, draws a sword that chops up the other hand, freeing Tengen Toppa Einsaurus.

These are Tengen Toppa Sawzorthn and Tengen Toppa Mo-Shogun, respectively, which are very similar to their predecessor.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Sawzorthn and Mo-Shogun)

Makken states that unpreparedness is the greatest of foes, while Zorthy asks two others not to let their guard down.

Then Gimmy and Darry appear, piloting yet another Tengen Toppa Gunmen, the Tengen Toppa Grapearl, with which they vow not to lose to the Anti-Spiral.

Like its predecessor, its appearance is similar to Gurren Lagann, but it is more of a combination of Gimmy and Darry's Grapearl units, with its color scheme being split down the middle.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Grapearl)

They start to fly around Granzeboma while firing away with a pair of guns, they join up with the other Tengen Toppa Gunmen and concentrate all fire on Antispiral.

Blocking the barrage with Granzeboma's shoulder arms, Antispiral insists that their last stand is futile, but cannon fire from another direction distracts it.

Emerging from a great galactic ocean, and piloted by Dayakka, Leeron, Gabal, Leyte, Tetukan, Cybela, and Attenborough, is the largest Tengen Toppa Gunmen yet, Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren.

Its designs from a combination of the Dai-Gurren and Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, even toating its own Team Dai-Gurren flag made completely out of Spiral Power.

(Image Here - Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren)

Opening fire with a volley of Probability Alteration Missiles so as to negate the probability of Antispiral successfully blocking, they continue their assault with Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren's Super-Dimensional Anchors, which ensnare the Granzeboma.

Dayakka uses his "I've Got The Best Wife In The Universe Swing" to send the Granzeboma flying.

Then the scene moves to Kiyoh, watching from Earth, blushes and calls Dayakka an idiot from afar, while people cheer at Tengen Toppa Dai-Gurren's attack.

Meanwhile, I can't help but almost feel a wave of second-hand embarrassment while thinking, 'Damn. That naming sense can rival Minato. Hell, if the two of them meet they will probably come up with something so ridiculous that I would be forced to use Dark Resurrection to prevent my brain from melting.'

Then I focus back on the screen and see that from within the damaged Tengen Toppa Solvernia, Nia thanks Simon for coming so far to save her, telling him that he came this far so he could do what had to be done.

With his resolve restored, Simon tells Antispiral, "Did you see, Antispiral? That's my resolve, the resolve of the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren Brigade! We'll say it as often as it takes!" then all together they shout, ""Who the hell do you think we are!?"" making Guame laugh in glee as he once more hears the iconic catchphrase.

Infuriated at the Spiral race's persistence, Antispiral admits that they understand how the Earthlings could escape their Extradimensional Labyrinth, but declare this to be far from over.

Grabbing a pair of galaxies and forcing them together, the Antispiral uses its ultimate attack, Infinity Big Bang Storm, an energy blast with power equal to the birth of the universe. Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren is in a real pinch, but Simon refuses to give up.

At this point, Bio-Lordgenome emerges, forming Lazengann around himself, and performing his Lazengann Overload move.

Nia cries out, but he tells her to spare her tears since he will gladly give his life to create a future for all Spiral life.

With the final burst of Infinity Big Bang Storm, Lazengann undergoes quantum breakdown, and Lordgenome's last act is to convert all that energy into Spiral Power, converting it into a tremendous drill, and telling Simon to take it, meanwhile, Guame and Lordgenome's harem are staring at the screen with tears falling from their eyes, while on Lordgenome's face a small pure smile can be seen.

On the screen, after absorbing the energy with Tengen Toppa Lagann, Simon spreads this power amongst the rest of Team Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, which Nia identifies as her father's will, Simon decides that combining is what they should do next, and all of the Tengen Toppa Gunmen merge together, forming a gargantuan Kamina-like entity made of Spiral Power. This is...

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, one of the biggest beings I have ever seen in any media, well there is that and Super Shenron, but between them, I don't know who is bigger.

(Image Here - Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Antispiral is stunned by its foes' new weapon, demanding to know how they could control that much energy.

Simon attributes it to their being more evolved than they were a minute before as little by little, they advance a little further with each turn, like a drill.

Angrier than ever, Antispiral form Super Granzeboma in response, a more humanoid version of the Granzeboma, lacking the shoulder arms and visible mouth on its stomach, and bore its base component between its massive horns in a similar fashion to how the Anti-Spiral homeworld was positioned on the Granzeboma's forehead, and says that what Simon proposes is the path to extinction.

(Image Here - Super Granzeboma)

They demand to know why Simon can't see the limitation of the Spiral races, as Super Granzeboma attempts to drill Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

But Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann produces a drill of its own in response, while Simon says that the Anti-Spiral are the limited ones.

They just sit in their closed-off universe, locking away other life forms like they're some kind of king.

To Simon, that's nobody's limitation but the Anti-Spiral's own and Yoko agrees, saying that humans had people much greater than them, and how they will continue to move forward for their sake, Nia then adds that the human heart is limitless, and that she's staked everything on its greatness.

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann throws off its cape, and Simon uses Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break making Antispiral respond in kind, with the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill Break.

The collision between the two attacks causes the Anti-Spiral universe's galaxies to collapse inwards toward the twin Giga Drills.

Seeing this scene, Lordgenome stands up with a shocked expression on his face as he shouts, "The Spiral Nemesis!!" but then he calms down and staring at the screen he mutter, "No... it isn't... but it is very similar..."

Meanwhile, the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill breaks the Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill, but Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann emerges from Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with a Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break.

When the Tengen Toppa Giga Drill breaks, Super Galaxy Gurren Lagann emerges with a Super Galaxy Giga Drill Break.

And when the Super Galaxy Giga Drill breaks, Arc-Gurren Lagann emerges with an Arc-Giga Drill Break, and at the breaking of the Arc-Giga Drill breaks, Gurren Lagann flies out with its Giga Drill.

All this while, the lowering stages of Gurren Lagann have been fighting back the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill back to the Super Granzeboma, until the Granzeboma is in plain view.

Antispiral is stunned, as its power was supposed to be unbreakable but Simon tells it to mark his words, "This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hope of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path toward tomorrow. That's Tengen Toppa! That's Gurren Lagann! My drill is the drill that creates the Heavens!"

At that, the Anti-Spiral Giga Drill finally breaks, allowing Gurren Lagann to charge at Granzeboma.

As the Gunmen take damage from tentacles fired from first the Granzeboma and then The Anti-Spiral homeworld itself, Viral, piloting Gurren, grabs Lagann, with Simon and Nia in it, and uses a Cannonball Attack toss Lagann towards the Anti-Spiral homeworld.

Antispiral itself is forced to attack, its tentacles lop off Lagann's limbs one after another, and Simon's star-shaped sunglasses shatter.

Before they can Lagann Impact Antispiral, Lagann itself throws its pilot from the cockpit, and Simon flies at the Anti-Spiral to deliver a punch.

And the fight between evolution and stagnation has degenerated into a fistfight as Nia watches from the remains of Lagann, Simon begins drawing the blood in the air towards his arm.

Exhausted but determined, he declares that he will always believe in himself, humans, and the future, as the blood forms into a drill, Simon yells that his drill is his soul, and then he and Antispiral lunge at each other one more time.

After a tense moment, it is seen that Simon has drilled through Antispiral, who asks Simon to protect the universe. Simon says that they obviously will, asking that the Anti-Spiral believes in humanity.

The Anti-Spiral universe collapses, and Arc-Gurren, Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, and all the Laganns are deposited in their home dimension.

Eventually, Rossiu contacts Simon, telling them how the freed Spiral races are contacting them one after another with messages of joy.

Simon and Nia in the original Lagann are found by the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren Brigade in their mini-type Gunmen and agree to return home.

Old Coco welcomes Nia back and hands her her wedding dress, which Simon finds it beautiful, and quickly the movie moves toward the end where a week later, in a letter to Kamina in her diary, Nia simply writes that she will marry Simon today.

A part of her hand pixelates and begins to disappear, but she covers it with her other hand and says, "Just a bit longer."

Yoko walks in and tells Nia that it's nearly time, and Nia passes her diary on to Yoko, telling her that she trusts only Yoko then Yoko asks Nia about Simon, and Nia says that Simon knows all of her feelings.

At the wedding, all of the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren Brigade is gathered as Rossiu oversees the wedding as a priest.

Simon and Nia kiss, and everyone cheers, but Yoko notices something wrong, Nia is dissolving into pixels and Simon tells Nia that he will never forget her, even if the universe ends.

She says that that is a silly thing to say, since the universe will never end, because of what they fought for, and before she disappears, she tells Simon that she loves him, and he tells her that he loves her.

Within moments, Nia has completely disappeared, leaving only her ring, which bounces to Yoko's feet.

Simon thanks everyone, and that He and Nia were very happy.

Then Gimmy asks Simon why he isn't using the Power of the Spiral to bring Nia back, as he could also use it to bring back everyone else they lost.

But Yoko replies that Simon isn't God, and Simon says that bringing back those who died would just get in the way of the next generation.

Passing the Core Drill on to Gimmy, Simon leaves governmental responsibility to Rossiu, saying that he is only Simon the Digger.

There are people better suited to going through the tunnels he's dug, as Simon pulls on a cape, Yoko tosses him Nia's ring, he catches it, and walks off towards the horizon.

Then the credits appear and after them, a new scene appears, a muscular hooded man drills through bedrock at the bottom of a well, and water bursts forth.

He wears a ring with a green gem set into it as a necklace. The village chief tells the man how his village will not go thirsty now, and asks how they can repay him.

The man says that they need only plant seeds and grow flowers, a nearby radio reveals that Rossiu is now President and that the Galaxy Spiral Nations he advocated are underway after twenty years of discussion.

The Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren will set forth in a matter of hours, with Captain Viral, who advocates love and spirit, on board.

That night, the man sees a small boy trying to drill a hole in a coconut, and tells the kid he's putting forward too much force, and that he needs to be more gentle with the drill.

The man's advice works, and the kid ignores the man asking the kid who the hell he thinks he is.

The man then muses that he's probably just nobody, meanwhile, in the distance, Gurren Lagann and several Grapearls launch to dock with the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren.

The kid thinks that Gurren Lagann is going off to fight again, and asks if they will win, the man says that Gurren Lagann's not going to fight, but to meet friends, then the kid asks if he can go, too. The man says that he can, since, "The lights in the sky are stars."

Then the familiar Boota emerges onto the man's shoulder, and the man, now revealed as Simon, says that they are indeed stars, stars where Spiral cousins are waiting for them, and with that, the movie finally ends, and I realize that even Lordgenome's face is now full of tears.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts