
White Forest

Beyond the junk walls of Oldcar City, lies the white forest, where junkees hunt to survive. The place is rich of dark orb like fruits on which the Basurians need to survive, Shadow fruits. This is what the spots in their body crave. Eating once a week is enough to satiate their hunger and keeps them off from becoming insane. Eat too much and one goes insane in another way.

The walls and the lack of shade from the trees, is enough to ward of the inhabitants of the forest. Henceforth, only one guard is stationed there.

That said guard right now is sleeping on the job, which troubles Ming.

She'd see through a window and see that the one on duty today is a close friend of hers, Balto. He is neither a Bulk nor Nimble. His face is more of a wolf, a scout. He has more fur than Ming and grey in color. His fangs are more bigger and sharper than hers.

She'd Slam the window with her fist and Yell, "BALTO!"

this would wake the lazy dog and drop from his sit.

A loud ruckus can be heard from the otherside signaling Ming that her objective was cleared.

This leaves a wide grin on her face.

The window would open, and Balto would stick his head outside,searching for the one who disturbed his slumber.

" you kids better have filled that bucket list of yours coz im kickin it over the wall!" He furiously yelled.

But soon his anger would turn to confusion, as no one's there.

"... What the hell?"

He'd look left and right. Then as he looked down he'd see a crouching Ming, smirking at him.

"... great." He'd slam the window back in and ignored her.

" H-hey!"

She'd continue to slam the window to get his attention again.

" Balto!" She yelled once more.

And at the otherside of the window, Balto would answer.

"What! I'm busy!".

"Just sign the paper so i can go already!"

She presented the paper near a slit under the window which Balto took with haste.

A few seconds of silence, the paper would swish out from that same slit.

" there! You may go through! Now leave me be..."

The door beside the gate would then open for her to enter.

" Bye Balto!" She happily replied.

Balto on the other hand would roll his eyes and return to his sleep.

" damn girl, waking me up... it's too damn early... Mrmhmhmrm..." the grump would go back to his duties and headed back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Ming would prepare to exit the safety of the walls and took a helmet on one of the walls and placed her name tag.

She'd look around and the room she's in is empty. She'd reminisce the times when she was with her friends, scavenging together on the forest.

Now it's just a memory.

The door from the otherside of the wall opens and there, Ming exits. Infront of her the towering white forest. At her back the entrance back to Oldcar City Walls.

She would quickly run in and climb the trees and enter it's porous body. The trees are huge and porous in nature, going inside the tree is a labyrinth on its own. Without the right instinct or sense of direction, one can get lost in the giant trees.

Ming on the other hand, can easily weave through the pores of the giant trees and leep through another. Her slim, yet muscular legs is enough to make her leap quite far. She'd grab vines and swing from tree to tree, dive into its pores and out through the other side and leap again.

A Jungle Girl.

To an amateur one can say that she is an expert at traversing the forest. But truly, she's just scared and rushing through the forest.

As she was able to go far, she'd hide inside of the trees, thats just small enough for only her to fit in.

Shed look back and checked if someone has followed her.

She waited for 5 mins. No signs of stalkers.

" well that's good."

Shed open her map and began charting the course she made.

Looking back at the map, she sees that she had run quite far, and her next destination is quite neer already. Junk Garden. Where the Junk Flower resides.

" im gonna get that Junk Flower and shove it on their faces...not only would i have solo'd a Work Order. I solo'd TWO! Nyahahahaha!" She said outloud...alone.

Shed noticed that shes talking to herself again and that embarassed her.

" .... I need friends." She sighed.

But then her ears would pick up a feint sound.

She'd become still and silent, fearing for the worst.

She'd peak through the hole she entered and tried to see what caused the noise. And below the tree she is in, there, humanoid like black creatures lurk and stalk the area. "Pure Darkness..." she murmured.

Those things weren't there when she began to hide.

Her noise might've attracted them to where she is.

She began to regret her haughtiness.

She looked at the bright side and it seems that they havent found her yet. And their sizes varied from 10 to 18 foot tall. Not enough to properly enter some of the pores of the trees.

She reminded herself that she's already quite near the garden and the creatures lurk there are plenty.

She needs to be carefull from now on.

She began to crawl to the otherside to avoid the Pure Darkness, that she attracted.

She did not rush as she does not want to cause unnecessary noise to attract more, but she isn't crazy enough to climb down the trees.

So she'd slowly travel from branch to vines, until she'd reach the garden.

There, the trees stopped growing. A big area, the size of 5 football fields, filled with garbage resides.

No tree could grow from there, so Ming has no choice but to go down and enter the field of garbage.

She'd first scan the area atop the tree before heading down. It seems there are less creatures lurking the garden, and no sign of the flower too.

It seems she needs to go even deeper in the garden and dig around to find it.

She'd see a few stalkers but no Pure Darkness.

The stalkers are some kind of pure Darkness that are smaller in nature, usually ranging from 3 to 5 feet in length, and are more faster than Pure Darkness.

The problem with Stalkers are they're weak, but fast and many. They're never alone. If you see only one, it's usually a trap and the rest of the pack is hiding in ambush.

It was best to avoid them. She began her descent from the trees and began to weave through the garbage, avoiding the stalkers as she heads deeper inside the garden.

To add more to her worries, she needs to avoid direct sunlight, as it is enough to burn any Basurian's skin. But the stalkers avoid the Light as well, hence her course of action would be to stay close to the light, but not to the point that it burns her.

As she continues her perilous journey, there!

The Junk flower.

But there was a problem.

It shines and blooms under the patch of light of the sun, that has not been covered by the leaves of the giant white forest.

The patch of light was quite large. Not enough for her to quickly grab the flower without burning her whole body.

" ohhh damn it, i can do this, i can do this."

She'd quickly look around and checked if there are darkness around. Well she is near the light, hence no darkness is dumb enough to go near it without good reason.

She'd then try to find a large plate of metal to cover herself and light enough for her to carry.

On the otherside she'd find one, enough to cover her. But there, she'd find a lone Stalker minding its own business.

Shed grab a piece of rock and throw it on the otherside.

As the thing made a sound, not only did it attracted the Stalker, but the ones who are waiting in ambush.

Ten more stalkers came out of the ground and rushed towards the sound.

"... holy poop, lifes a bleach..." her face gone pale as she saw the swarm of Stalkers she rilled up.

She gave up on that item and tried to find another.

Soon, shed find another, this time not attended by any Darkness, and a rock test showed no ambush.

She'd look for a bit before heading there and grabbing the large plate of metal. At first she had a hard time carrying it. But she might not be able to find another plate like this to fend her off from the sun.

She'd put it on her back and slowly head towards the flower. She was not burnt by the sun, but the heat she is in is quite hot, she sweats profusely as she rushed to get the flower. And there at that moment, she plucked the garbage flower and obtained it. it was beautiful, hard like plastic and not easily thorn apart. It has no smell and its color and look is artificial. A plastic flower.

Truly a garbage flower.

" it's beautiful..." the heat did not bother heras she gazed at the flower, because the sun was blocked by something.

As she'd noticed that, she began to fear for her life.

She'd look up and see a giant hand about to grab her. The hand was wide enough to hold a truck.

"Golem!!!!" She yelled, as she ditched her cover and ran straight out of the golems reach. She did not care if a stalker or any darkness would see her, as the darkness avoids the golem as well.

The golem are mindless Trash monsters that constantly eats trashes, may it be litter from the ground, or Basurians who happened to be on its way.

She was able to get out of its way, but a sliver of light would hit her and burn a part of her arm.

" gadang!" She yelled as she tried to pat the pain and smoke on her arm.

The golems hand would grab the trash and begins to lift it towards it mouth. It begins to churn and grind the trash it puts inside it mouth. Sparks, fire and loud noises would come out of the top of the golem.

She wouldn't wait long though and started running out of the Garden.

" i have the flower! I have the flower!" She gleefully chanted as she ran towards the closest tree. But she'd be blocked by Pure Darkness.

She'd quickly hide from one of the garbages and peak through an opening and see what is up.

" what's going on... I'm so close." She frustratingly asked herself.

She's mulling it over if she should rush towards the top of the tree and find a small hole to hide on or wait patiently for them to leave, and hopefully not cross their path.

Luckily the noise of the Golem was heard and caused the Darkness to leave the area, away from the golem.

As she sees the coast was clear. She began to run to the trees.

As she got in a good whole, she gleefully hyped and congratulated herself on successfully acquiring a junk flower.

Technically it is a food, but if a work requiring a need of a specific item is needed. That work gives out more currency.

" now all i need to find is some Shadow Fruits and im filty rich! Watch out Oldcar! An ace junkee is born!"

Swoosh! An edge of a spear would pierce the tree she is hiding in and barely grazed her head. A little more to the left and she was a goner.

" IIIIIPPPP!!" She panicked and began to flee for her life. As she swings from tree to tree and weave inside the porus trees. The Darkness below would run to were she is. Ming may be fast but this hulking shadows are no joke when chasing her.

This makes her even more panicked.

This would drain her if this keeps up.

She needs to stay calm and focused on running and not panicking. She knows this but she can't help but panic since the darkness is at her tail...

And then she'd trip.

Time slows as she falls down to the ground where the darkness is waiting for her.

Her heart beats fast. thoughts run loose. And life flashing through her eyes. She looked down and she can now clearly see the face of darkness, smiling at her descent.



The window shaked as someone from the other side slammed it hard.

Once again, Balto fell from his sit.

He quickly stood up and slammed the window wide open.

" WHAT DO YOU WANT!.... oh hi boss..."

On the otherside of the window, it was not Ming, who he had expected to pester her.

It was his unamused boss, Forman. Short in stature but bulky and muscular. A Bulk with two horns that shaped like a trident. He's wears are similar to that of a western cowboy would wear.

" I Ain't paying you over time so i suggest ya finish them paper works. Yer shift ended an hour ago." The Boss said with a rusty old manly voice.

He'd then be off his way back to the building.

Balto would just scratch his head once again.

" well that's bad for my performance..."

Balto picked up the papers infront of him and started filing it and signing the release.hes usual day would run like clock work, until he got into Ming's paper work.

He'd quickly bolt out of his station, to find Ming.

He didn't even had time to greet the one who'll be changing shifts with.


"NOT NOW!" Balto replied.

He barged into the locker rooms and began checking the tags hanging from the walls. As soon as he found her's, he began sniffing it out.

He heads out to the forest to find her.

He wasn't that fast to move or climb, but he can smell where she is.

He bolts quickly towards her scent. All he could do was follow it.

As he got far, a sudden spike of malice can be felt.

This worried him and made him move quicker than ever.

And there he sees a group of Pure Darkness biting the lifeless body of Ming.

He took two white stakes from his bag and placed it on both hands. He readies himself to charge.

As he sees his moment he bolted towards the Darkness and threw the stakes at them.

One would directly hit the head and be dragged by it, impaling itself on a tree. It was a quick death, as it's body did not even react or twitched.

The other one got hit at the chest and was impaled to a tree as well. This one had to endure the pain as black ooze drips out of its body, slowly turning the darkness into a pale shell.

The rest would stop feasting on Ming's body and began charging towards him.

He prepares another and began throwing some more. One was hit on the neck and the other at the legs. It was enough to empale them to the ground.

There are 2 more, and quite near.

He changed tactics and began using it as a blade.

He blocked, parried and sliced the darkness as it got near. the stake would easily injure the darkness, as the stake seems to pale them out.

The darkness though would then retreat as they saw that they are out matched by this Basurian.

The one that got impaled on the leg would soon die as its injury has started to pale out and spread. It can barely move now as it tries to struggle from becoming bleached.

Balto wouldn't come out unscathed too. He'd have some scratches from his arm and leg, and darkness is somewhat spreading from those injuries. But he did not care.

He was more worried about Ming.

Her body was covered with bruises and bite marks. Almost 80% of her body has turned to darkness, and spreading.

"You stupid girl." He mumbled.

He'd quickly grab her and climb a top of the tree and lay her there to rest.

There, he began to remove what's left of her armor and tore open her tights to reveal her stomach.

He then removed his shirt and began concentrating.

His body temperature began to rise.

He then lay down on her and hugged her.


Ming yelled in the prison of darkness.

She could not see, breath, hear. Only feel. Feel the cold embrace of darkness. She stares at nothing or perhaps she stared at the abyss. The numbing cold, and constant gaze to nothingness has instilled inevitable fear on her. She is becoming one with it.

She reaches her hand towards nothing, as if she wants to be taken.

But soon the cold embrace of darkness would be replaced by a scortching heat of Pain.


the pain continues and woke her from her numb. Slowly drifting her to sleep as the pain became unberable.

A whistle through the air would soon catch her attention.

She'd soon feel her body, quite hot and heavy. As she tries to open her eyes, she'd soon be blinded by the moons glare. As her eyes adjust, she'd know that it was Night time already.

She would try to stand up, but something is pinning her down.

As she tries to see what it was, a patch of grey fur would block her view and the stench of sweat intrudes her nose. At first it was awful to her nose, but awkwardly addicting to smell.

She'd soon notice that someone had violated her. She began to fight back.

"!?..." She tried to scream and punch, but no strength and voice would come out.

She was about to cry when she woke her assailant.

But when the person tried to move the pain of something tearing from her body could be felt.

A black piece of tissue attached to both of them is being torn apart from her and the person.

Now the face of her assailant is in full view. It was Balto.

She was shocked.

She wanted to scream. But she sees him not well. His face and body is covered in darkness as she looked at her own body, she too was infected.

Then she'd remembered, that she fell from the trees and were eaten by the darkness.

She wasn't supposed to be alive.

Now. Instead of hatred and anger towards Balto, only shame and sorry are painted on her face.

Even though Balto himself wasn't in a good condition, he was still able to lift himself off of Ming.

He'd sat down beside her.

His body shows that the darkness that covered him has reached dangerously high.

"...Ming..." Balto called


She looked at him but could only see his furry back.

"... get some rest..." He said.

He then hold Ming's hands as to try and comfort her. but the darkness on them started to react to each other again and began merging through their hands.

" we aren't fully healed yet."

He then focused on Ming's body.

" we have to merge a little bit longer."

Ming knew what Balto is doing. He's trying to save her life by heating up the cold darkness and absorbing it.

Although intrusive, this is the quickest way to save someones life. But this kind of procedure is usually applied in light to mild infection of the darkness.

Absorbing more than that can cause the healer to be infected as well, as seen by Balto and the bad state he is in.

She is thankful already that she was able to get out from the darkness she is in, but she wouldn't want anything more serious to happen to Balto.

She'd muster up her remaining strength to let go of his hand and cut the merging.

She'd try to speak," ..n-no..."

Balto would not reply. He'd instead put his hands over her eyes and close its lid.

" ...rest Ming."

She'd try to open her eyes but to no use. It was too heavy. Once more she is embraced by darkness. But this time, it was warm. It wasn't as lonely as it used to. She'd embrace this sensation in the dark and wouldn't let go.

But something is pulling her outfrom her embrace. As she tried to look,

The Chirping of the Black Maya would wake her up.

Dazed for a bit and drooling from the side, she's back to her routine on hating on the birds for disturbing her from her sweet dreams.

As she sits up from where she is, her blanket would fall and reveal her naked. She'd quickly grab the cover, embarrassed and shocked. She'd look around. And she was inside of the porus trees of White forest. She'd realize the nightmares she had was all real.

She'd remember that Balto was doing a dangerous procedure to save her.

Which made her check her body.

She was shocked of the amount of dark spots on her was fewer than usually what she had, she was bleached.

She was weirded out by her body and was a bit frustrated. But if this was the cost she had to pay to get out of death's grasp, then so be it. What really worries her now is Balto.

She looked around once more and she was alone.

" BA..!?" She'd learned her lesson not to shout at White Forest or any darkness infested areas.

She'd curl up on where she sits and blushes from the thoughts she is having.

She'd had enough of it though and began finding her clothes to change.

Her thights though was in the worst state it could ever have, but the rest was okay.

She'd wear them back on and began looking outside to find Balto.

Outside, she'd see that Balto had carried her up quite high. There, infront of her, she'd see the blue sky above and Oldcar city at a distance, spewing Smog to cover itself from the harsh rays of the sun.

She'd seen a lot of new and wonderful things, but not the one she wanted to see the most right now. There was no Balto in sight.

Her smile quickly glooms, as she tries to avoid the thoughts that have been swirling inside her head.

She'd snap herself from the thought and tried to track down Balto. Although she isn't a Scout, she does have some basic training on tracking.

She saw claw marks heading down the tree.

She tried sizing the marks. It seems to be the same size as Balto's hands.

She then went back in to pack her stuff. She noticed that Balto has left his bag.

This would make her think once more of the things that might've happened to him, but quickly tried to shake the thoughts and eerie feelings.

She'd grab both bags and descend down the tree.

As she reached the floor and landed on the ground,

She sees a fight has happened here. Bushes rustled, the ground and the dirt smudged in footprints, grasses trampled, blade and claw mark scrathes on the trees, and littered everywhere, blood and darkness.

She panics and tries to scan the area some more, checking if theres anymore clues.

There was no corpse of Balto, so that was good.

But soon she'd find drag marks heading deeper into the forest. She'd give chase to it hoping she wasn't too late and rescue him.

But soon she'd hear trees being trampled. She ran as fast as she can to not lose the trail. She was too late.

A Golem has trampled through and made a clearing as it ate the trees on it's way. The shade of trees, which protects Basurian's from the deadly rays of the sun are now gone.

She could not go through, unless she whishes to be burnt by the sun.

Her sadness had weaken her knees and weighed her down.she looks up at the sky and cursed the sun, who in return does not care of her suffering.

i wonder if that was enough info to introduce the white forest.

Kujamihcreators' thoughts