
Oldcar City

Clouds that once one knew are now smog that is either

dark or grey in color. The City, more of a dump than one can tell. No uniform in structure, no telling which unit or building ends as it clumps itself together. A single beam to tople and the whole city might collapse. And the smell of the City? Is enough to leave you breathless.

That is one way to describe Oldcar City. But never the less, some call it home.

One example would be Ming, a Basurian. A four foot tall woman, slim and muscular but her body is slick in nature not bulky. One can say her attributes are focused on flexibility rather than rigidness.

She yawns as she is woken up by the Black Mayas; a small round black bird with a powerful chirp, atop of their supposed roof, as it is hard to tell from the structure of their building, if that is a roof. But a bird does not care where it perches, as long as its comfortable there. It seems some things have not changed, or has it.

Ming scratches her short shiny black hair in frustration of the birds.

She stares at them with frustration, as those things wake her up routinely. And yet she stares at them and give no action, as chasing them or hunting them down would be a lost cause, as they are everywhere. Literally rats with wings in this city. One will always spot a Black Maya in Oldcar. You look to the left, black maya. To the right, Black Maya. Above, a Black Maya has pooped on you. And at the bottom between ones feet another Black Maya eating the poop that droped on ones face. There's no escaping them.

She mulls it over and thought to herself,

i wonder if they're tasty.

Her frustration slowly turns her face into a goof thinking about food. Enough of a goof that she ended up drooling. A drop from her drool would snap her off of her fantasy. " ANYAA! Ming, what are you doing! You drooled again. Now i have to clean this up!" She scolded herself. she got out her blanket and began using it to wipe the drool out of her bed." There all cleaned up." She victoriously posed, on her short top tank and shorts revealing alot of her mostly pinkish white skin.

Her body was covered with spots of darkness,from head to toe. It rivals that of a yakuza bosses tattoo, but less artistic and random. The dark spots random in size and some merge. But it does not bulge out of her skin, it's more of like a skin color or a tattoo.

Her back and some parts of her body have hair, but it's white and shiny to the point that it's quite transparent. Her nails are a bit sharp and thick and her fangs and teeth were more sharp and pointy.

One can tell that she is not human... Maybe?

She then begins her routine to go to work.

She cleans her bed... Sort of. Opens a door which where a stash of Black orb like fruit is stashed and began to eat one. As she does her black spots within her body starts to pulsate a little and move a bit. Hence it is not wise to remember someone by their spot patterns as these move constantly. Some Basurian can actually control these spots to gain advantage in the wild, as the word of Basura is Dark.

After her feast, she began to change her clothes and wear her work uniform. She wore her tights that covers her chest to knees. Wore a vest thats been padded by some kind of armor. A belt that connects to the vest as well and is also padded with armor that protects her butt, her sides and her crotch area.

She would wear shoulder and knee pads. A boots that would protect her ankles and soul.

And lastly her fingerless tactical gloves. She looks like she's off to war.

She hypes herself before leaping out through the window. It seems that she has no door to her house apparently. The window was one stories high, but she stuck her landing, like it was nothing. Truly an agile and robust Basurian, a Nimble.

Her house is one of the cluster of houses merged in a weird kinda lump that no one could expect that someone could live there. Although this is technically another world, so this might be normal to them. Rust and rot everywhere on the building. The stench unbearable. But to them it is just another day in Basura.

The doors vary in sizes, some are just a round window like Ming's house. And some have 8 foot tall doors. She runs towards south of Oldcar City, which where the Cluster of houses lessens until it is a plain of dusts and dirth and nothingness. She continues on until she reaches the walls where there, a lone building resides

And behind it a large gate and tower. The walls are more like a wall of garbage stuck together to make a mound of some sort where one can easily climb up, and the other a ditch where it is hard to climb up. The wall is quite thick and tall two stories high infact.

The tower on the other hand is as flimsy as it gets. Safety surely was not its priority for the guards who are stationed there.

While the lone building was so-so. Clean, but not impressive. It was four stories high and as wide as a football field. As she nears the building, a line would be seen. And inside she would be greeted by the basurians who work there.

" Welcome Ming, are you ready for work? Don't push yourself deary." One of the employees of the building said. She's hard to miss as she is six foot tall and her lower half is an octopus, her upper half though is more human but her skin is pale and has the signature Basurian spots. She has quite the long black hair and a tamed look. She acts motherly to everyone on the building, which is why she is stationed on the front by the owner of this establishment and is quite highly ranked from the others.

" yes Madam Octavia." She greeted with a bow.

In return Octavia would wave with a smile.

She'd then head towards a counter and there she would get her work order papers.

There things would turn sour for her. As the people(basurians) there would laugh or mock at the sight of her. She would soldier on and give a fake smile if she has too.

But one would really get in her nerves and would openly mock her on her face.

It was E-go. A five foot nimble like Ming, but his face Looks that of a monkey rather than a human... And thats all thats unique about this basurian. Although he has a higher rank than our friend Ming.

" Gonna try for another hunt Ming? Make sure you don't cry and fail next time alright? Heheheeee." He mockingly said to her.

Some would chuckle on his remarks and some would role their eyes, nonetheless it is still quite embarassing for her that this monkey spreads her failure.

" leave me alone Bleach! Go Climb a tree or something already!"

Basurians who have abnormally less dark spots are considered unhealthy and dirty, and are called bleached to mock them.

" watch it noob! I out rank you and do more for the city than you could ever have!" He scolded her.

Ming would like to fight back but his words hold true and his rank is not for show. If she truly challenged him to a fight she'd surely be killed. She may be standing tall and put a brave front, but it is still painted on her face the fear of fighting him.

He sees that and amuses him. As they stare down at each other, Ming would lose and look down in submition.

" i thought so..." E-go announced.

" Barks wont get you no where noob! Remember that. Now go back to scavenging where you're usefull." He said to her as he leaves her be, because he has attracted Octavia. And he does not wish to tangle with her. Luckily for him Octavia is slow to move and timid in nature.

As she reaches Ming she would check on her.

" are you okay Ming?" She asked.

In return she'd just smile and nod to her." Yup!"

She'd return her attention to the clerk on the counter.

It was a burly gorilla armed Basurian, a Bulk.

" So miss Ming, what work order are you going to get for today? May i suggest you go in a group scavenge?" The Bulk suggested.

Ming did not take it well though.

" what's that suppose to mean!" She yelled.

This shocked everyone, even her.

" sorry" she shyly apologized.

The Bulk was calm about it but his attitude towards her got a bit serious.

He'd fix the papers he was suppose to present to her and hid it back to a cabinet.

" well then... What work will you do Miss Ming."

She took a pause and pondered heavily.

"... I'd like to do a solo scavenge."

The Bulk would not be pleased by this, as well as Octavia.

"Miss Ming, take this work seriously. Any solo work may it be easy or not is just suicide! Even higher ranked junkees do not dare scavenge or hunt alone as the work order may jump to a high threat or priority!"

" Id rather work alone and die than work with Basurians who think highly of themselves and down others." She stubbornly replied.

He'd then look at Octavia, as if to ask her on her point of view on this.

" Miss Ming, please consider mister Congo's words. Don't be foolish."

E-go would chime in and reply," let the crazy noob do as she please so she could di-" he would not continue his speach as Octavia stares him down to shut up.

But that was enough to egg her on doing it more.

" ill prove to you all that i don't need anyone for help! The only reason i failed my first hunt is because you all weighed me down!" She frustratingly said. Not sure if it was true or not, but due to her frustration, any word would be fine, as long as she could lash out.

He got back at mister Congo and asked,

" gi me!"(give me) while her hands was waving to give her the paper already.

Mister Congo would sigh deeply and shuffle the files to find something for her that could give her even 1% chance of surviving doing it alone.

"Well lucky for you there's an emergency of needing a junk Flower." He gives the scroll to Ming and asked her to leave as she is holding up his line." NEXT!"

She quickly got up and left the counter, trying to avoid conversation with Octavia.

The sad Octavia could only watch and leave her alone for now.

She'd look around for a table where she could be alone. The place was quite packed since this is the hub where most work for the City is found. Every table has a group in it, and everyone on those table would either notice her and ignore or give her a laugh. It seems Ming has a reputation that no one would like to have. Luckily at the very corner where the place is deem and dark, a lone table presented itself. A perfect apot to be alone, but not so perfect spot to read a book at.

She quickly went there, got on a chair and began to read the work she had for today.

Work Order: 65xxxxx-02

Warning: Death is imminent outside the walls.

Caution: you are not protected outside the walls.return before night fall.

Note: do note get killed and do not put the city in danger. Strictly follow the GM( General Manual)

Other laws apply depending on the area you work and the situation it applies on. The GM may not overstep ir prioretize over the laws.

Food collection

Perform collection of food.

Reward: 10% of the collection value.

Time limit: N/A

This work order is supported by the following documents:

Oldcar GM(latest revision) and Oldcar Act: 0071-504

As Ming read through the work order, her serious and hyped expression quickly turns to disappointment and frustration.

" Damn you Congo, this is NOT what you said! This is for beginners!"

She cought the attention of the ones near her table and began to laugh.

She wanted to cry about it, but she was able to hold it and quickly left the building.

Octavia on the other hand, quickly stopped the ruckus by slamming one of her tentacles to the ground.

This cought everyone's attention, and her face shows it all.

Everyone quickly became quiet.

No one wants to mess with Octavia.

Ming, disappointed on her orders, threw the roll of paper.

And began to walk back home. She looks at the distance where the City blocks the horizon.

It was ugly.

The City releases smog and spews Noise that pne can't describe. She wonders how she could sleep in a place like that.

The view made her stop and trap at the middle.

Do i want to go back?

She questioned.

She looks back. There on the ground, her paper works. Infront, a giant garbage wall. and behind that. Darkness, casted upon the giant trees the size of sky scrappers.

The view there as well, is scary to say the least.

She also does not want to go there.

Her only two choice. The crippling depression she calls home? Or the death defying forest where she calls work?

" might as well work and die quickly."

She grabs her papers and heads to the gates.

well.... this looks.... promising? i wish my readers would put some reviews in, i dont mind if its bad or good... better than nothing. I'd really like to get better.

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