
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

TOS · Esportes
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19 Chs

First Trainning Session. (2)

AN__: This is a shorter chapter, 1938 words. If you find any mistakes, inconsistencies or grammatical error, point them out in the comments section.




In this world, high school basketball isn't merely a sport; it's a way of life, a source of immense pride, and a focal point of dedication. The enthusiasm and reverence for basketball at the high school level are unparalleled, and schools are keenly invested in nurturing the talent that graces their teams.

To get a glimpse of how important high school basketball is, one only needs to consider the daily routine of these young athletes. The day begins with a 45-minute morning training session, designed for individual skill development.

Before the sun is fully up, these players are on the court, meticulously refining their skills. Whether it's perfecting their jump shot, working on ball-handling skills, or practicing defensive maneuvers, they approach each session with unwavering commitment. The early morning practice embodies the belief that success is born from countless hours of focused, individual dedication.

After the morning session, they seamlessly transition into their academic responsibilities, attending classes and fulfilling their academic obligations. Yet, their true passion lies on the basketball court, and in the afternoon, they reconvene for a rigorous 2-hour and 15-minute practice session.

This intensive afternoon practice serves a dual purpose. Part of the time is dedicated to rigorous conditioning drills, where these athletes work on building their stamina, agility, and overall fitness. The other portion is devoted to team practice, where the synergy between players is cultivated and intricate plays and strategies are perfected.

It's during these practice sessions that bonds are formed, strategies are refined, and the foundation of a successful high school basketball season is laid. Coaches and players work in unison, their dedication to the sport unwavering, and the energy on the court is palpable. Each minute spent on the court is a testament to their commitment, and the pursuit of excellence in high school basketball becomes a shared journey that transcends the realm of sports.

This level of dedication has turned high school basketball into an integral part of these young athletes' lives. They approach the sport not merely as an extracurricular activity but as a lifelong passion. Schools, coaches, and players acknowledge that success on the court is the result of unwavering dedication and discipline.

With the stage set for intense competitions and opportunities for players to shine on a national level, high school basketball in this world is more than just a sport; it's a profound expression of love for the game and the pursuit of excellence.


In the quiet stillness of the morning, Takeshi's daily ritual unfolded with an unwavering sense of purpose. The sunrise painted a gentle hue across the sky as he donned his basketball gear and tied his laces. This was his moment of zen, a time for solitude and honing his skills.

Unlike many high school students who might opt for extra sleep or leisurely mornings, Takeshi took every opportunity to push his limits. Each sunrise represented a new chance to improve, polish his abilities, and reach for the next level in his basketball journey. The basketball court nearby served as his hallowed ground, a place of aspirations and ambitions.

As Takeshi stepped out of his room, he couldn't help but notice the note that had been left for him. It was a heartfelt message from his father, who had always been a symbol of unwavering support in his life, attending his games, cheering from the sidelines, and providing a strong pillar of strength.

In his previous life, Takeshi's father had made it a point to watch every game Takeshi participated in. Regrettably, he hadn't been present when Takeshi, the Japanese basketball prodigy who had faced a career setback due to injury, signed his first professional contract with a French team.

As Takeshi held the note in his hand, its contents conveyed a mixture of humor and affection. It read:

[This distinguished elderly gentleman has set out on a mission to secure the necessary ingredients for the restaurant.]

The message hinted at a lingering jest, stemming from Takeshi's previous reference to his father as "elderly." While Takeshi had never intended it as an insult, Hiroshi, who remained somewhat preoccupied with maintaining his hairline, had taken the playful comment to heart. In the end, they both understood it as a jest between them.

Takeshi carefully placed the note in his pocket and noticed the money that had been thoughtfully left alongside it—a practical gesture for Takeshi's day ahead.

Breakfast, thoughtfully prepared by his father, proved to be both nourishing and delightful, and Takeshi savored each bite with deep appreciation. He couldn't help but be amazed at just how incredible his father's cooking was.

In most cases, the more you consume a particular dish, the less exquisite it tends to become, as your taste buds gradually acclimate to its flavors. However, Takeshi found that his father's culinary creations defied this norm. With every bite, they seemed to grow even more delectable.

Perhaps it was the psychological impact of being reincarnated and reuniting with his father, who had been lost to him in his previous life. However, Takeshi didn't possess the expertise to delve into such intricate matters, so he chose to set aside these complex thoughts and wholeheartedly relished the meal.

With the lingering warmth of the meal in his belly, Takeshi embarked on the path of his day.


Hirosaki High's dedication to basketball was palpable not only in its strong player roster but also in its impressive training facilities. The school boasted two distinct basketball gyms, each serving its specific purpose.

The first gym, affectionately known as the "Titant's Gym," was a true basketball haven. With seating for up to 5,000 spectators, it was a grand spectacle, and on game days, it would swell with eager fans. This gym was more than just a court; it was the heart of Hirosaki High's basketball legacy.

The echoing cheers and roars of the crowd, the thrilling moments of victory, and the unwavering support of the home team all came together here. It was the place where legends were born and dreams were realized. It was also the official practice ground for the first-string members who had earned their place on the team.

The second gym, where practice sessions for the third and second-string teams took place, held distinctive importance despite its relatively compact size. This was the very gym where Takeshi and the rest of the freshmen had undergone their rigorous tryouts.

It was the nurturing ground for future stars and a place where dedication met potential. Here, young talents honed their skills and proved their worth, yearning for the day they could step into the "Titant's Gym" as a part of the elite.

As Takeshi stepped into Titan's Gym, the resonant symphony of basketball activity enveloped him. The rhythmic thud of dribbled basketballs, and the harmonious squeaks of sneakers on polished wood, all guided him toward the heart of the bustling action. Amid this spirited orchestra, two familiar figures stood out, their diligence evident in the sheen of perspiration covering their determined faces.

There, on the court, Takeshi spotted two prominent individuals who had already laid claim to their status as 5-star recruits for Hirosaki High.

Akiko Nakamura, celebrated for his finesse in sharpshooting and ball-handling, had made the three-point line his domain. His unwavering focus saw shot after shot gracefully swishing through the net from well beyond the arc.

Kaito Suzuki, the indomitable forward and devoted team captain, engaged in an arduous workout. His training regimen involved a fusion of rigorous post moves intertwined with his trademark mid-range jumpers.

Both seniors displayed an extraordinary level of dedication, a testament to their relentless pursuit of self-improvement. Takeshi recognized that to stand shoulder to shoulder with these luminaries, he would have to not only match but exceed their unwavering work ethic.

Amidst the arena's fervor, Takeshi couldn't help but recall the narrative of Akiko Nakamura's previous life in the world of basketball. Akiko had once been an emerging prodigy, a rising star not confined solely to the borders of Hirosaki High, but one whose talent extended beyond. His abilities had paved his way to the intensely competitive NCAA, the zenith of collegiate basketball leagues worldwide. At this stage, he'd managed to captivate the interest of scouts from various NBA franchises, standing on the precipice of a promising professional career.

Yet, Takeshi was acutely aware of the tragic downturn that had befallen Akiko's journey. In the relentless pursuit of excellence, the young sharpshooter had pushed his body beyond its limits, leading to a succession of devastating injuries.

These incapacitating injuries had ultimately thwarted his aspirations of gracing the NBA stage, propelling him out of the world of professional basketball.

The narrative of Akiko's life illustrated the fragile boundary separating triumph and heartache in the realm of sports. Takeshi's sentiments swayed between admiration for Akiko's prodigious skills and compassion for his untimely adversities.

He yearned to assist his talented senior but recognized the futility of walking up to him and uttering, "Reduce your training intensity, or you'll regret it." Such a declaration would be met with bewilderment, and Takeshi's mental faculties might be questioned.

With no immediate solution in sight, Takeshi decided to park this concern, understanding he had an entire year to ponder potential solutions. Instead, he advanced onto the court, thereby capturing the attention of Captain Kaito and Akiko Nakamura.

Approaching Akiko Nakamura and Kaito Suzuki on the court, Takeshi displayed respect and quiet confidence. Acknowledging Akiko's impressive shooting skills and Kaito's role as the team captain, Takeshi made sure to convey his admiration for his seniors without appearing arrogant.

"Hello, I'm Takeshi Hashimoto, the new addition to the team. It's a pleasure to meet both of you," Takeshi began, extending his hand for a handshake.

Akiko Nakamura, known for his friendly and easygoing demeanor, returned the gesture with a welcoming smile. "Hey, Takeshi! I'm Akiko Nakamura. Welcome aboard. Feel free to open up; we're all here to support each other."

Kaito Suzuki, the composed and experienced captain, nodded in acknowledgment and offered his guidance. "Takeshi, I'm Kaito Suzuki. It's great to have you on the team. I observed your tryout; you've got some impressive skills. Just remember, we're a united team, and we're all here to make progress together."

Takeshi expressed his gratitude and eagerness to learn from his new teammates. "Thank you, Akiko-san, Captain. I'm excited to grow with all of you and make meaningful contributions to the team."

After the introductions, Takeshi proceeded to a quiet corner of the gym, where he could focus on his training. With unwavering determination, he knew that he needed to work on his ball-handling skills, an aspect he considered his primary weakness.

The consistent sounds of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking on the hardwood court reverberated through the gym as his teammates diligently pursued their training regimens. Takeshi was entirely absorbed in his practice, his concentration unwavering as he worked on his ball-handling abilities. With each dribble and crossover, he could sense a growing connection between himself and the basketball.

Immersed in the practice, Takeshi's movements became increasingly fluid, and he felt the ball respond to his surging confidence. He was acutely aware of the significance of mastering ball handling for his role as a slasher within the team.

This skill would enable him to maneuver through the defense more effectively, creating valuable scoring opportunities.

As the 45 minutes of intense training passed by, Takeshi could already perceive a modest improvement in his ball control. He was resolute in his commitment to make the most of this opportunity and was determined to push himself relentlessly to reach his full potential as a player for Hirosaki High.