
Basketball_: Tale of a fallen genius.

In a world where basketball reigns supreme, Takeshi was on the brink of greatness until a teammate's deliberate act shattered his dreams. Unable to play for three agonizing years, he watched as his once-promising career faded away. At the age of 37, Takeshi found himself in the defining moment of his life—the Basketball Champions League finals. But just as victory was within grasp, he collapsed on the court. Moments later, he awoke in his 15-year-old body, a high school freshman once more. With a burning desire for redemption, Takeshi was determined to rewrite his basketball destiny. His past experiences and knowledge became his secret weapons as he reentered the high school basketball scene, facing not just opponents but also his own demons. Against the backdrop of a new generation of talent, Takeshi embarked on a quest to outshine, outplay, and outlast his competition. As he climbed the ranks, he sought not only to prove himself on the court but also to confront the teammate who had derailed his career.

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19 Chs

First Training Session. (3)

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After the intense morning training session, Takeshi headed to the locker room for a quick shower, washing away the sweat and exhaustion of practice. Once he was refreshed, he changed into his school uniform and made his way to the classroom, prepared for a day filled with academic challenges.

In his previous life, Takeshi had been an accomplished student, and his grasp of the curriculum came easily to him. However, this advantage didn't necessarily make the school day any more exciting. If anything, it made it more tedious, as he often found himself waiting for his classmates to catch up.

Fortunately, Takeshi was not alone in his classroom. He had made friends like Hiro and Yasuda who helped make the long school days more bearable. Their camaraderie, along with the occasional mischief and humor, brightened the monotony of the classroom.


As Takeshi and the other Hirosaki High players filed into the Titan's Gym, the excitement and anticipation in the air were palpable. The clock had just struck 3 p.m., and their school day had concluded, giving way to their daily basketball training session.

The sight of the majestic Titan's Gym never failed to inspire Takeshi. With its towering ceilings and state-of-the-art facilities, it was the perfect battleground for honing their skills. The echo of basketballs bouncing on the court, the squeaking of sneakers, and the animated chatter of teammates reverberated throughout the spacious arena.

Amongst the early arrivals were many of Takeshi's senior teammates, who took their craft seriously. Each one of them was dedicated to achieving greatness in the sport they loved. Their presence served as a reminder of the high standards and expectations that came with being part of the first-string team.

Takeshi was careful not to let his nerves show. He was determined to make a lasting impression during this practice session. 

Takeshi approached the court with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He couldn't help but recall the unpleasant memories of his previous high school basketball experience, but he had made a conscious decision to set those memories aside. This was a new chapter, a fresh start, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Ryota Tanaka and Natsuki Matsumoto, both experienced players on the team, were engaged in a deep conversation. Takeshi, despite some nervousness about joining the discussion, recognized the importance of connecting with his teammates. He understood that to build strong relationships and improve as a team, he needed to seize every opportunity to engage and learn from those who had experienced similar circumstances.

With a polite nod and a friendly smile, Takeshi approached the two senior players. "Hey, Ryota, Natsuki," he greeted them. "Would it be alright if I joined your conversation? I'm eager to learn and grow." He initiated the interaction under the guise of seeking advice, using the persona of an ambitious and talented freshman eager to learn.

Ryota, renowned for his leadership qualities, responded with a welcoming smile. "Takeshi. We're all here to support one another. What's on your mind?"

Takeshi, relieved by Ryota's accommodating demeanor, took a deep breath. "Well, I've been dedicating time to improving my ball-handling skills lately, but I feel like there's room for growth. Do you have any tips or drills you'd recommend?"

Natsuki added his input, his calm and composed nature contributing to Takeshi's comfort. "Ball handling is indeed a critical aspect, and it's commendable that you're working on it. Let's head to the side and go through some drills together. I'll share a few exercises that helped me enhance my handles."

Takeshi, while appreciating their offer, subtly shifted the conversation's focus. The more he interacted with his senior teammates, the more they grew to respect his dedication and work ethic.

Through his speech and demeanor, they could discern Takeshi's commitment to honing his basketball skills, a quality highly valued within Hirosaki's first team. The level of competition within the team was intense, and even established third-year players understood that they needed to continually refine their abilities to remain at the top level.

Their conversation encompassed a wide range of topics, from their training regimens during vacations to anecdotes from their past games and the demanding schedule that came with being part of Hirosaki's basketball program. Eventually, the discussion led to considerations about which high school teams might present the greatest challenges in the upcoming season.

The conversation about their main rivals in the prefecture quickly became animated as Ryota, Takeshi, and Natsuki shared their thoughts. They all agreed that Central Tokyo High, Imabari High, and Seishu High were traditionally strong teams that they needed to watch out for. Each of these schools had a history of fielding competitive basketball teams.

However, Takeshi, drawing from his unique perspective from a previous life, added Ishikawa High to the list of potentially formidable opponents. This statement caught Ryota and Natsuki off guard, as Ishikawa was generally considered a mid-tier team. Their expressions conveyed their confusion, unsure of how to interpret Takeshi's perspective.

Takeshi elaborated, "Ishikawa High may not have posed a significant threat historically, but they've acquired a promising center this year. I've heard some positive reports about him, and he could potentially make a substantial impact."

Ryota chuckled, his confidence in their team evident. "Takeshi, there's no doubt that you're a talented player, but let's not dwell too much on the competition. We're well-prepared to face any challenge. Our primary focus should be on Central Tokyo, Imabari, and Seishu. They are the teams we need to surpass."

Natsuki concurred, emphasizing, "Ryota is right. We shouldn't underestimate our abilities. We've grown into a formidable team, and our greatest competition is the team itself. If we perform at our best, we can contend with anyone."

Takeshi held a deep respect for his senior teammates' unwavering confidence and commitment. However, the potential of Ishikawa as a dark horse was a reality he couldn't dismiss.

In his previous life, Ishikawa had managed to surprise many by making significant progress in the prefectural tournament, defeating several well-regarded teams.

Ultimately, it was Imabari High, where he was, and Hirosaki High that secured regional tournament qualifications, and Ishikawa's unexpected rise had left an indelible impression on everyone.

Ryota, recognizing that Takeshi might need more assurance, continued to elaborate. "Takeshi, your insights are genuinely valuable, and we're grateful for your contributions. But it's important to remember that we've been tirelessly improving ourselves as well. Having you join the team is a significant asset, and it enhances our collective strength. We have the chemistry, the talent, and the unwavering determination to win. Our primary focus should be on Central Tokyo, Imabari, and Seishu. These teams have consistently remained at the top, and we're resolute in our mission to challenge them."

Natsuki joined the conversation, reinforcing Ryota's words with his usual calm and composed demeanor. "Ryota's perspective is entirely accurate. We're not underestimating any opponent, but we firmly believe in our capabilities. Our most formidable competition is within ourselves. Our commitment to self-improvement, both individually and as a team, is what will drive us forward."

Takeshi acknowledged their perspective with a nod, appreciating the sense of unity and purpose that resonated within his new team. He understood that his senior teammates were confident in their abilities, and he was equally confident in their capacity to succeed. While he held concerns about potential surprises, he chose to let the team experience them firsthand, recognizing that it would be a more valuable learning experience.

As the conversation continued, Ryota and Natsuki took the opportunity to provide Takeshi with insights into why they viewed teams like Central Tokyo, Imabari, and Seishu as their principal competitors in the upcoming season. They aimed to share their experiences and perspectives with their new teammate, rather than dismiss his insights, fostering a stronger sense of unity within the team.

Ryota spoke with a blend of conviction and caution as he continued, "Takeshi, we've gone up against some of the best players in our prefecture. Trust me, Central Tokyo, Imabari, and Seishu demand our utmost respect. Central Tokyo boasts a unique style of play, employing versatile athletes who can adapt swiftly. Their fast breaks and unpredictable defense have a way of unsettling even the most composed teams."

Natsuki chimed in, emphasizing the relentless nature of their battles with Imabari. "Imabari has consistently been our most formidable rival. Their size and physicality can be imposing. When we face them, you'll experience the relentless struggle that takes place in the paint. And as for Seishu, they possess some incredibly talented guards who can shoot the lights out. Their speed and three-point shooting are among their notable strengths."

Ryota reiterated their position, stating, "We want you to understand that we can defeat these teams. We have the skill and determination. But it's equally essential to grasp your opponents' strengths. It's how we remain grounded and ensure that we're thoroughly prepared for the challenges that lie ahead."

Takeshi, grateful for their insights, nodded in understanding. He respected his senior teammates' perspective and recognized the importance of studying and respecting their opponents' strengths, a lesson he had learned from his previous life experiences.

The gym slowly filled with the sounds of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor as the remaining first-string players arrived, each one bringing their unique energy to the gathering. Takeshi felt a growing sense of camaraderie as he engaged in these discussions, connecting with his new teammates off the court.

As the clock inched closer to 3:30 p.m., anticipation filled the air. The atmosphere shifted as Kenji, the head coach, and his coaching staff entered the gym. Takeshi and the other players instinctively turned their attention toward the coaching staff, eager to receive their instructions and guidance for the day's practice.

Kenji, with his trademark stern expression, projected a commanding presence as he beckoned the players to gather around him. The buzz of conversation gradually died down, and all eyes were fixed on their coach, ready for the day's training to begin.

Kenji, Hirosaki High's coach, stepped into the center of the huddle, his presence exuding a quiet authority that instantly commanded the attention of every player. With his piercing gaze and a hint of a stern, but fair, demeanor, he introduced himself in a no-nonsense fashion.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Kenji," he began, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "I've had the honor of being the head coach of Hirosaki for three years now. During that time, we've achieved some successes, winning the prefecture championship twice and reaching the regional competition's quarterfinals for three consecutive years."

Kenji's words were measured, his calm exterior belying the fierce competitiveness that simmered beneath. He continued, "Now, as we stand here, embarking on a new season, it's time for us to set our goals. And there's only one goal that's worthy of Hirosaki High: the national competition."

His unwavering gaze swept across the gathered players, conveying a deep sense of purpose. "That's right, men. Our destination is the national stage, where the best teams from all over the country gather. It won't be an easy journey. It'll demand dedication, hard work, and an unwavering commitment from each one of you."

Kenji's words hung in the air, a subtle challenge to the players, stirring a sense of determination among them. He concluded, "I believe in each of you, your talents, and your potential. Now, it's time to transform that potential into something greater. Let's embark on this journey together. Our destination is clear: the national competition. It's within our grasp if we work for it."

Seeing the determined look on his players, Kenji's demeanor remained resolute as he moved on to explain the training schedule, a well-thought-out plan to shape Hirosaki High into a formidable team. He projected the schedule onto a nearby screen, and with each word, he outlined their journey toward the national competition.

"Here's how it goes, everyone," Kenji began, his tone unwavering. "From April 9th to the 26th, we'll have our morning individual skill sessions, honing your fundamentals and improving your skills. In the afternoon, from 3 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., we'll gather here at Titan's Gym for team training and conditioning."

He continued, "From April 19th to 26th, we've organized friendly games to test our mettle against other schools. It's a chance to apply what we've learned and grow stronger as a team. It's not just practice; it's preparation for the battles that lie ahead."

Kenji's words were straightforward but carried an underlying message of the hard work and commitment required for success. "This rigorous schedule isn't just to push you, but to push us as a team. We're determined to compete at the highest level. The games are set, the path is clear, and we must be ready."

With that, Kenji concluded, "Don't forget, it starts now. Our season is about to begin. As long as we work together and give our all, we can achieve our goal. The national competition is our destiny if we work for it. Let's make it happen."

The players, young and driven, absorbed the words, fully aware of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The schedule was set, and their journey towards their goal had officially commenced.

Afterward, the assistant coaches gave each player a piece of paper detailing their schedule.




Training Schedule: April 9 to April 26

Phase 1: April 9 to April 14 - Conditioning and Fundamentals

April 9: Fitness assessment (Endurance, speed, agility)

April 10: Ball-handling drills and shooting fundamentals

April 11: Defensive positioning and footwork

April 12: Offensive plays and strategies

April 13: Team building and chemistry development

April 14: Scrimmages and situational practice

Phase 2: April 15 to April 18 - Team Tactics and Strategy

April 15: Offensive strategy and fast breaks

April 16: Defensive team tactics and press defense

April 17: Game analysis and strategy review

April 18: Final preparations and tactical adjustments

Phase 3: April 19 to April 26 - Final Preparations and Recovery

April 19: Recovery and injury prevention

April 21: Full team scrimmage

April 22: Film analysis and strategy review

April 24: Light practice and shooting drills

April 26: Rest and mental preparation for the upcoming season

Friendly Games: April 19 to April 26

Game 1: April 20 against Saitama West High School

Game 2: April 23 against Osaka East High School.

Game 3: April 25 against Fukuoka North High School