
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
168 Chs

Plans 2

Katahara did not leave his cabin for the whole day, he kept meditating for hours, until he opened his eyes and took out 1 manual from his ring was the Rokushiki the six styles, and began to copy it in other books.

During that moment Laffitte had finished his brainwashing with Amahiro, who after 48 hours straight was completely loyal to Katahara.

Laffitte: Now one last time... what is your mission.

Amahiro: The only mission is to follow Lord Katahara's every order, even if I have to give my life for him.

Laffitte: It seems that these two days were most rewarding for you.

Amahiro: Thanks to you I now know what my purpose in life is.

Laffitte: It's time to go and see the captain...

After saying that Laffitte took Amahiro to Katahara's cabin, but before he could knock on the door.

Katahara: Come in Laffitte.

He entered next to Amahiro, to introduce him to Katahara.

Laffitte: Captain, Amahiro is now fully ready as you ordered.

Katahara: So Amahiro, what is your purpose.

Amahiro: My only purpose in life is to follow your orders.

Katahara: Hahaha... Laffitte you always do as you are ordered you are amazing.

Laffite: Captain, your orders come first and foremost.

Katahara then wanted to test Amahiro's loyalty.

Katahara: Laffitte give him your Shikomizue.

Laffitte then unsheathed her shikomizue and handed it to Amahiro.

Katahara: Now cut your neck.

Amahiro only hesitated for 1 second then aimed the blade at his neck, but at the moment he was about to go through he was stopped by Laffitte.

Katahara: You did a good job with it, Laffitte...

Then he pulled out a devil fruit which was the Kura Kura no Mi (cloud-cloud), and handed it to Amahiro.

Katahara: Eat this fruit, and from this moment you have a mission, you have to be strong enough to be able to move every island.

Amahiro ate the fruit moments later his whole body began to transform into clouds, he could not control his intangible form well so he began to fill the whole cabin with clouds.

Katahara: Amahiro, control your ability.

When Amahiro heard what Katahara said, he began to control his ability little by little, until he took the Human form.

Amahiro: Thank you sir for trusting me and giving me this power.

Katahara: Now your only purpose is to train, until you can move this entire island at will.

Amahiro: At your command captain.

Katahara: Laffitte I want you to give these manuals to the representatives of all the factions, tell them that everyone must master these skills until the next time we meet.

Laffitte just bowed and then grabbed all the manuals and left the cabin with Amahiro.

Katahara: From now on, everything is ready, we just need to train for a while and continue with the plans... System buy the Vivre Card elaboration manual and all the necessary materials to elaborate it.

Then a manual appeared in front of Katahara along with other things to make a Vivre Card.

Katahara: Come to think of it, why not make steampunk flying boats...although it's not a bad idea, I'm not sure if these people can do it.... I'm stupid of course they can do it they have their dials, with that they can do almost anything.

After thinking about it for a few moments.

Katahara: System... in the store you can find ship designs.

[The host can find anything he needs in the store, as long as he has the necessary Cp.]

Katahara: Then buy 1 flying ship blueprint of 2 airships, 1 smaller ship blueprint of 1 airship.

[Shop Open]

-Weapons and Armor


-Healing Items



-Miscellaneous Items

[*Miscellaneous Items]

[D5 model gunboat design flying 2 airships, coasting cutter flying boat 1 airship total CP5,000]

At that moment two thick books appeared in front of Katahara, who began to read them, until he finished reading both books.

Katahara: The system is indeed generous these plans planning, project and construction as maintenance, this is more than just a plan, I think it's time to go out to make the Vivre Card.

During that time Katahara set about making a Vivre Card to give to the people of Skypiea.

A whole day passed, during which Katahara did not leave his cabin, when he came out he saw that Urouge was outside his door standing guard.

Katahara: There is nothing better than fresh air, don't you think, Urouge?

Urouge: Of course there is my lord.

Katahara: Why so serious, just tell me captain, after all you will only be sailing just to gain experience in leading.

Urouge: Of course captain.

Katahara: Well then take this manual and practice everything in there to the letter, along with the training regimen that was imparted.

Urouge just bowed and left for training.

Katahara: Laffitte!

Katahara shouted to locate Laffitte who was training.

Laffitte: My name is Captain.

Katahara: Hand these plans to Gan Fall, tell him that they must follow every instruction to the letter and that if he doesn't have the necessary materials, he should use dials to achieve it.

Laffitte: As ordered Captain.

Katahara. After that get to training without worries, we will be here for a while so they can, tell them that if they have any questions to do it directly with me.

Laffitte just bowed and disappeared, after that Katahara got off the boat and went to the forest where he unsheathed his Shodai Kitetsu which began to emit shadow around him, Katahara used Haki armor and imbued Haki in the sword, to start practicing.

The next day.

Gan Fall appeared next to his horse.

Gan Fall: You ask us to make these flying boats, you are preparing for a large scale war and you want us to be part of it, this was not part of what you said.

Katahara was smoking a cigar and cleaning his sword at the moment Gan Fall interrupted him.

Katahara looked up to see him.

Katahara: I don't remember asking you whether or not you agreed to what I ordered you to do.

Gan Fall: This was not part of the deal my people were not to participate in this.

At that moment Katahara stood up and leaned his sword on his shoulder as he walked in Gan Fall's direction.

At that moment Gan Fall pointed his spear at Katahara's chest stabbing him on the spot.

But when Gan Fall blinked, he was crucified and with hundreds of small nails all over his body.

Katahara: You'd better remember your place Old Man, while I'm still being kind.

Gan Fall was in that state for days, until suddenly everything went back to the moment before he attacked Katahara.

Katahara: Now take this Vivre Card and this Den Den Mushi, by this we will communicate, one is for you and one is for Amahiro.

Handing two pairs of each to Gan Fall.

Gan Fall was extremely scared of Katahara for what he had just experienced so he just bowed as he grabbed what was being handed to him and rode off on his horse.

Katahara: I guess I went a little overboard, but with that any idea of disobedience is eliminated.

After that Katahara went back to training, the whole crew was training at the same time in their respective skills.

Thus they spent 4 months in Skypiea during which the entire crew of the dar crow did not make an appearance in the Grand Line.

At that time Vice Admiral Ryu, had convinced Sengoku that Katahara was someone who if given time would be a great enemy, so he let deploy a special team to eliminate him, this team was composed of the twins Regis and Weber as well as 2 other students of Ryu and one chosen by Sengoku himself, this team was composed of rear admirals who were just nothing to become the next vice admiral of the navy, so they could be considered an almost invincible team in the Grand Line.


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