
Baldur Odinson: God of Light

In this unique tale of reincarnation, a scientist finds himself thrust into the Marvel universe as Odin's youngest son. Armed only with his intellect, he must learn to navigate and thrive in this new and unfamiliar world. This captivating fan-fiction piece, which I stumbled upon online and found immensely enjoyable, lacked an English translation. Hence, I took it upon myself to share this remarkable work with others who might appreciate it, emphasizing that I do not claim ownership over it. Support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator an read up to 15 chapters in advance

Lonely_Translator · Filmes
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146 Chs

Chapter 92 - The Avengers Part 3

POV: Baldur

S.H.I.E.L.D. Aircraft Carrier

Shortly After the Fight.

After the small fight, everything calmed down, Thor came back with us to the jet where I told Steve and Tony that the three of us were brothers. Apart from Tony's ironic phrases and jokes, there were no major discussions on the subject. We agreed that it would be better to put everything we know on the table when we get to where Fury is.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Aircraft Carrier was certainly an incredible sight to see, if you weren't from Genosha. It has a visual camouflage that is easy to detect, and it moves very slowly because of its size. Genosha has spaceships that compare in size, but any of our jets would be enough to bring down the Aircraft Carrier.

Before landing, I moved away from everyone and asked Alice to hack into the Aircraft Carrier's systems and ensure that Loki's men can't track it, this way, Hawkeye's attack would take a little longer to happen and would give me more time to establish the team's construction.

The jet landed calmly on the Aircraft Carrier's runway, and when the back door opened, we came face to face with one of my favorite characters, Agent Phil Coulson, and next to him, was my wife Amora with her staff in hand. Coulson seemed a little uncomfortable with her presence, it's likely that she just appeared next to him a few seconds ago.

"Hey guys."

He greeted with a smile on his face.

"I already knew that Fury had a crush on beautiful spies, but I didn't think that S.H.I.E.L.D. had more than one at your level, Natasha."

Tony said looking directly at Amora, who didn't even care about his flirtation or pay attention to him.

"This is my wife Amora, Queen of Genosha." I said coldly to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again."

Steve greeted, this time the second time he met her.

"My husband once said that you have potential when we first met, I didn't believe it of course, and once again I was wrong."

(It's quite rare for her to speak well of a person, most of the time, she just ignores everyone.)

"Where is our guest?" Coulson asks.

"Right here!"

Natasha brings Loki all tied up with a golden chain around his body and handcuffed, he also has a mask preventing him from speaking, let's say that made the trip calmer.

"I'll make sure he's as comfortable as possible. In the meantime, the boss is waiting for you."

Natasha passes Loki to Coulson, and when Loki passes by Amora, I see her face close when he looked at her.

"Let's go, the Boss gets grumpy when you keep him waiting."

Natasha says guiding us to where Fury is.

"There's something I never thought was possible, Fury can be in a good mood." Tony joked.

"It's a rare thing, like an eclipse." Natasha also joined in the joke.

We are taken by the plane until Tony separates from us to remove the armor, we arrive in the control room. There I find Fury, it's been years since we've seen each other, his face has gotten older and darker, as if he suffered pain if he were to laugh.

We sit at a table that already has a place occupied by Bruce Banner who stands up to see us, Amora sat next to me and closed her eyes clearly not wanting to participate in the conversation that is going to happen, I focus my attention on the various monitors around us transmitting the images, and in one of them, we see Coulson putting Loki in a large transparent suspended cell, he was free from the handcuffs, but not from the chains and the mask.

"So, does anyone have any idea what the Mad God is plotting on my Plane?"

Fury asks us going straight to the main subject without even saying hi.

"Loki wants to prolong for some reason, So Baldur and Thor, do you have any idea of his plan?" Steve asks sitting now.

"He has an army called Chitauri, They are not from Asgard or any known kingdom. Loki will lead them against his people and in return he will have the Earth under his command" Says Thor.

"An army? From outer space!?"

POV: Baldur

S.H.I.E.L.D. Aircraft Carrier

Shortly After the Fight.

After the minor skirmish, everything settled down. Thor returned with us to the jet, where I revealed to Steve and Tony that we three were brothers. Aside from Tony's sarcastic remarks and jests, there were no significant disputes about the matter. We concurred that it would be best to lay all our cards on the table when we reach Fury.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. Aircraft Carrier was indeed a sight to behold, unless you were from Genosha. It has a visual camouflage that's easy to detect, and it moves quite slowly due to its size. Genosha has spaceships comparable in size, but any of our jets would suffice to take down the Aircraft Carrier.

Before landing, I distanced myself from everyone and asked Alice to infiltrate the Aircraft Carrier's systems to ensure that Loki's men couldn't track it. This way, Hawkeye's attack would be delayed, giving me more time to solidify the team's formation.

The jet landed smoothly on the Aircraft Carrier's runway. When the rear door opened, we were greeted by one of my favorite characters, Agent Phil Coulson, and standing next to him was my wife Amora, staff in hand. Coulson seemed slightly uncomfortable with her presence, likely because she had just appeared beside him a few seconds ago.

"Hey, folks."

He greeted us with a smile.

"I knew Fury had a soft spot for beautiful spies, but I didn't think S.H.I.E.L.D. had more than one at your level, Natasha."

Tony said, looking directly at Amora, who paid no heed to his flirtation.

"This is my wife, Amora, the Queen of Genosha," I told him coldly.

"It's a pleasure to see you again."

Steve greeted her, marking their second meeting.

"My husband once mentioned that you had potential when we first met. I didn't believe him, of course, and once again, I was wrong."

(It's quite rare for her to speak well of someone. Most of the time, she just ignores everyone.)

"Where is our guest?" Coulson inquired.

"Right here!"

Natasha brought Loki, all bound with a golden chain around his body and handcuffed. He also wore a mask preventing him from speaking, which made the journey more peaceful.

"I'll ensure he's as comfortable as possible. Meanwhile, the boss is waiting for you."

Natasha handed Loki over to Coulson. When Loki passed by Amora, I noticed her expression harden as he looked at her.

"Let's go. The boss gets grumpy when kept waiting."

Natasha guided us to where Fury was.

"There's something I never thought was possible: Fury in a good mood," Tony joked.

"It's a rare occurrence, like an eclipse," Natasha joined in the jest.

We were escorted by the plane until Tony separated from us to remove his armor. We arrived in the control room, where we found Fury. It had been years since our last meeting. His face had aged, and it had a darker, more somber look, as if laughter would cause him pain.

We took our seats at a table already occupied by Bruce Banner, who stood up as we entered. Amora sat next to me and closed her eyes, clearly not wanting to participate in the impending conversation. I focused my attention on the various monitors around us, displaying images. In one of them, we saw Coulson placing Loki in a large, transparent, suspended cell. Loki was free from the handcuffs but still bound by the chains and the mask.

"So, does anyone have any idea what the Mad God is scheming on my Aircraft Carrier?" Fury asked us, going straight to the main subject without even a greeting.

"Loki seems to be stalling for some reason. So, Baldur and Thor, do you have any idea about his plan?" Steve asked, now seated.

"He has an army called the Chitauri. They are not from Asgard or any known realm. Loki plans to lead them against his own people, and in return, he will rule the Earth," Thor explained.

"An army? From outer space!?"

(Steve will probably spend a good amount of time digesting this.)

After Thor, I say,

"I've never faced the Chitauri, but I have some information about them. The Chitauri are cybernetically enhanced beings that operate under a hive mind intelligence. To put it simply, we just need to destroy the location where the signal is being transmitted to end the entire army.

"It seems like one of those things that are easier said than done," Fury says.

"So what he's building is a portal, that's why he needs Dr. Erik Selvig."

Bruce stands up and hits Loki's plan right on the nose.

"Selvig is a friend, I also want to find him."

Thor says, I told him what happened to Selvig.

"Loki put a spell on him, along with one of ours." Natasha talks about Hawkeye.

"This doesn't explain why Loki let himself be captured, he can't lead from here." Steve says, always thinking like the soldier he is.

"To separate us, of course."

My words draw everyone's attention to me once again.

"Loki is a strategist, not a warrior, the logical thing to do before an invasion is to get rid of those who can pose a risk to the realization of his attack, and Fury did him the favor of gathering everyone here in this room, he was also very kind in researching all of us, research that Loki will put to good use."

I say each word looking at Fury's beautiful eye that also looks at me without blinking.

"I agree with my brother," Thor and also everyone else who didn't speak also agreed with what I said, even without saying anything and ignoring my look at Fury.

"Another thing worries me, why does he need Iridium?" Bruce continues.

"It's a stabilizing agent!"

Tony answers, entering the room with Coulson.

"So the portal won't destabilize like it did the first time."

He continues explaining, he went up to Thor and patted his arm friendly.

"No hard feelings blondie, you hit hard."

(He speaks as if he had any chance of winning the fight…)

"It also means that it can expand and stay open as long as Loki wants." He continues.

Stark kept making his jokes like in the movie in front of the plane's command, but I clearly saw him putting something under the control panel.

"How do you manage to control this?"

Tony asked Fury, joking about his missing eye.

"He manages."

One of Fury's most trusted agents, Maria Hill, responds behind him, but she regrets it after Fury looks at her.

"So all he needs is a power source to have everything he needs to build his portal." I said, advancing the conversation a bit.

Stark and Bruce interacted, and both came to the conclusion of how much energy and what type was needed, unfortunately neither of them thought about the correct location. I also didn't reveal it, as this interaction will be needed for the future.

"And I also want to know how Loki used his spear to turn two intelligent men into flying monkeys," Fury said.

"Flying monkeys? I don't understand," Thor said, confused.

"I got the reference!"

Steve almost jumped out of his chair with so much happiness in understanding something so simple.

"A simple mind control can be easily removed by rendering the victim unconscious."

Finally, Amora said something since the beginning of the meeting. And this reassured Natasha and Fury who now know what to do to save their companion.

After the meeting ended, Tony and Bruce went to the lab to try to locate the Tesseract. Amora told me she was returning to Genosha to prepare for what might happen, Thor was talking to Coulson and I was wandering around the place until I got to the lab to see Steve entering it saying,

"Are you crazy?"

Tony answered him.

"They say so."

"Is everything a joke to you?" Steve retorted.

"Enough, Steve. Stark may be an idiot, but he's the only one who understood Fury's schemes."

I entered the lab speaking, drawing their attention.

"Do you think Fury is hiding something?" Steve asked.

"He's a spy, Captain, he's 'the spy'! His secrets have secrets. It's not just Rapunzel who's curious."

Tony said, looking at Bruce who tried to hide his opinion from the conversation until Steve convinced him to speak.

"Why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D bring Tony to see the Tesseract? He would certainly make more advances on the subject than Dr. Selvig."

"All this and more will be revealed when my program hacks into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information," Tony said in his most arrogant tone.

"You need to see things from a broader perspective, Steve, if you don't trust Tony, see for yourself," I told him.

Steve seemed to accept my suggestion and left the lab to look for his answers. Fury spent a good time trying to use the cube's energy to create weapons just like Hydra, luckily, he was not successful. Some of these weapons are still on this plane.

I also left the lab and went towards the cell where Loki is. Before entering it, I see Natasha making the same path.

"You are not authorized to speak to the prisoner," she tells me.

"Neither are you if I want to, the mask on his face was created by me, without my order, it cannot be removed."

"I was ordered to conduct the interrogation."

She tells me, crossing her arms with an irritated look at me.

"I don't care who ordered it or whether I have permission or not, tell Fury that I will allow him to observe, and if he wants to stop me, tell him to try."

I pass by Natasha who stands still and go towards the cell door, before I enter, I hear her voice again now in a different tone, almost friendly.

"Why me?"

"You what?"

I ask, turning to look at her.

"Why give a killer like me these powers, you don't seem like the man who does things lightly."

I feel from her tone that she has asked herself this question several times.

"I didn't give you the tube because of who you were, but because I saw the woman you could become, it was alone that you became worthy to have these gifts."

After answering her, I enter the cell and stand in front of my brother who gets up from his seat and stands in front of me, with a wave of his hand, the chains and the mask on his body simply break and fall to the ground as if they were made of glass and then disappear.

"It was about time. Was the Mask really necessary?" he asks me.

"No. But it gave us some peace."

"Of all the tortures that Fury could plot, he sends you to me."

"Fury is not a fool to send someone to torture you for answers, neither I nor Thor would allow it."

"So what brings the great Baldur Odinson to my presence?"

Loki sat on his bench on the other side of the cell and looked at me without blinking, and I couldn't recognize the man in front of me. At least before he fell, he had a bit of kindness in his heart, but now I don't feel that.

"You know what I want, Loki, go home, give up this ridiculous plan of conquest."

"I won't, brother, the plan is already underway."

"So what should I tell our mother, the woman who sacrificed herself to search for her son throughout the universe, clinging to the idea that he might still be alive?"

Our mother is certainly his weak point, his smiling face suddenly became serious and sad, but he quickly hid it.

"She will be happy once I succeed."

"Can you really succeed? I know you have a plan to drive all the Avengers away, but what about me? Do you think you can deceive me with your plans?"

I release a bit of my aura, making the room tremble slightly. Loki is not a fool, he must already know about my full power.

"Me? Defeat the great Baldur Odinson? The destroyer of Jotunheim, the killer of Celestials? No, brother, for you, the plans have already been made, and not by me."

I had a bad feeling when he said his last words. Loki then looked forward, but not at me, but behind me and smiled, the same convinced smile he gives when he succeeds in something.

I turn around as quickly as possible to deal with the enemy who managed to get behind me without me noticing. My hand shines with a golden light in a blow with all the strength I could gather in that small moment. But when I turn around, the person behind me forces me to stop.

Amora was standing in front of me holding her staff and with tears falling down her face. She opened her mouth, but I couldn't understand what she said. I feel a huge pain. It was as if my entire body was being pulled by an invisible force to some faraway place, and the more I tried to escape from this force, the more the pain increased, and in the end, I can't resist and let myself be pulled to some place, far from my brother and the woman I love, the woman who just betrayed me.

(T/N: Fuck you author)

support me at patreon.com/Lonely_Translator and read chapters in advance