
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Calm down

" I can't believe we had to run out of the island and that it took us a week to get home." Sally dramatically said.

" Well, that is because we were unprepared" Luis who's been acting like a fanboy said.

" Why would Alistair betray you Jackson?" Mike asked the question everyone has been dying to know.

" I have no idea. I thought we were could and although i didn't keep much contact with him after graduation, we were cool. I just didn't feel the need to get involved them in my life with how many spies my father would put by my side those days. We were more like roommates. If i remember correctly, the person he hated the most was you Mike" Jackson said.

" But we weren't in the same major. " Mike said.

" Yes and we didn't stay on campus for a long time. Do you remember the Rebecca incident?" Jackson asked.

" Rebecca incident?" Macy asked.

" Yes, a girl in our department had a massive crush on Mike and everyone knew about it. Everyone including her fiance Alistair who were betrothed by their grandparents. He swore to make your life a living hell if anything happens to her. I had to intervene because of it." Jackson said.

" You still don't see it? That girl had a massive crush on you and because she was always shy and unable to express herself in front of you. She befriended all of us who were close to you. You were cold and aloof at that time so the only opportunity to get to you was through me. Everyone including Alistair knew that." Mike said quickly seeing the look his mate was giving him.

" I had no time for that and most importantly, i thought she had a thing for you at that time. She was always around you so much that Alistair was in a bad mood whenever you were around. He even told me that the engagement was brought forward by their families and that she and him had no feelings towards each other. The last time i heard from him about her was the fact that they were forced to Marry. The reason why i didn't get involved with her back then was because Alistair advised me to step back so i don't become a third will since she was with you the majority of the time." Jackson said receiving a glare from Mike.

" So that man played all of you and ended up marrying the woman named Bertha in the end?" Luis asked.

" It appears to be so but if he has already gotten what he wanted despite knowing my disinterest in her , why would he do that to me in the first place?" Jackson said.

" If i am not wrong, Bertha is Ashton 's cousin. Her family lives on the island and if i remember correctly her fiance is from an Italian pack . Bertha grew up in a Russian pack and moved to the island after a few attacks were launched there. Her fiance who I'm assuming is Alistair came in to safe the day by offering and old forgotten marriage contract their great grandfathers had made. That is how her pack was saved. From what i heard from Jada, her family suspected that it was the Italian pack behind it for her hand in marriage. Her parents choice to leave the pack to live on the island were everything is neutralized. I don't remember the names of their packs though." coral said.

" So he's been obsessed with her " Mike said

" How did you know that?" Jackson asked sounding a bit jealous hearing the name of that bastard from her mouth.

" The main reason why i chose to stay at the Libby 's house was because i needed to investigate my mom's death. Mr Libby handles all the dark sides of the pack and he had more information on the many things that happened there. I also had to listen to Jada because they both knew he was my mate and wanted to run it in my face before i could feel the mate bond. I guess she thought that i will feel hurt once i turned 16 and knew what my mate was doing before " Coral said as if she didn't go through all of that.

" Ex mate" Jackson quickly corrected making his love term friends petrified. This was the first time the had seen their friend behaving like this. He wasn't like this with his first mate.

" Yes ex mate.I was still going to reject him anyway. I didn't want a mate, especially one from that pack. They are working with the council and the things the alpha did disgusts me. I think my step father was investigating that before he met his untimely demise. " coral said.

" So Alistair married Bertha?" Mike asked.

" You still want to know about her?" Macy asked glaring at him.

"I can't help it. From what i know about her, she absolutely hates him and his guts. Why would she willingly marry him and why would he try to stop you from leaving with Coral? How did he know who to call after knowing that Coral was on the missing list. There is something not right here " Mike said.

" You make a valid point but that is none of our business. I'll just put Alistair on the blacklist and make he is isn't involved in our lives. As for her, you know her better than I do. she's practically a stranger to me." Jackson said.

" I understand, I'll ask our former friends about it " he said

Jackson wasn't sure what he was hearing. Coral's bloodline stretches far, all the way to the very beginning and she inherited all her grandparents DNA along with her parents which is why her wolf if different. She can still shift now but it is risky for the baby. Her lycan is beautiful and his wolf was so happy after they completely marked each other. He had to try very hard just to keep him at bay with how much he was talking.

" So the reason why you are so comfortable with each is because the two of you are cousins?" Macy asked. Jackson sighed as coral stopped talking to him via mind link.

" Yes . i mean, we have the same eyes, nose and hair. He is very protective of me because that is how members of my maternal family are. You should meet my uncle." Coral responded while giving Jackson time to calm down.

" So how did you guys meet?" Sally asked Jacob who was buried into his plate.

" Dad asked me to save her. Aunt had already informed us about her the moment she gave birth to her. We couldn't go to her due to our identity. We had to protect her from afar until the time was right. Coral is the only girl in our generation. We have five more older brothers" He said.

" Wow. You still haven't told us about your identity" Sally said knowing how evasive coral and Jacob were when it came to that

" Would you look at that. I'll go check up on the progress of my house." Jacob said before running away looking famished.

" You can't hide it forever you know? " Macy said eying her best friend.

" Aiya. Anyway, i just spoke to uncle Benedict about registering our pack." Coral said trying to change the subject making Sally and Macy sigh. What's the big deal about a name anyway?

" Oh what did that lunatic say?" Macy asked.

" We can officially register a pack when we have a more than a hundred members. He also said that it only applies when the pack would require help from the council. There are also a few packs that don't require help or the protection of the council. They just need to register their existence to the Supernatural society. Just like those traveling packs and vampires who don't want to be under the rules of the vampire council. It's like having an ID. I already registered with the society but haven't given them my exact location for safety purposes. I informed them of the manhunt on my head and they have already removed it. They sent word to the council." Coral said.

" All that's left of to recruit members right?" Jacob said.

" Yes, that is the plan. I have to register twenty members to be official. So if anyone wants to join an unnamed pack or tribe with all the species we have here, you are welcome." Coral said.

" I'll send you my documents " Jacob said making coral choke.

" Calm down Jacob. You know you can't leave the territory especially now with all that's going on " She said looking at her cousin standing near the window overlooking the entire landscape.

" Just do it, the society don't care about the species unless necessary. I am a wolf in a way. They will understand why and i am pretty sure dad will send me away with a band and a couple of cheerleaders just so he and my mom could have some alone time. You need me here Coral. This pregnancy is not going to be easy for you with the curse slowly weakening. You are already having a hard time keeping it in check and if you haven't noticed it yet, your husband is in pain because of the mark" He said and everyone turned to coral and Jackson.

Jackson looked at his wife in shock while wiping his sweat. He's been in an unimaginable pain since he woke up. He then remembered what Jacob said that him marking her will lesson the burden. He sighed and decided to speak to these two cousins later since they don't want anyone to know about their situation.

" Is Coral in danger?" Mandy asked concerned. Coral has been a big rock for her recently and she considers her a sister. She can't bear to lose her.

" When has a hybrid ever had a safe pregnancy?" Jacob asked.

" Let's not talk about this. I'll be in my room if anyone wants me. Send your documents ready and I'll send it to the society after choosing a name. In case you haven't noticed, you are all reeking. You are becoming rouges. The smell is becoming unbearable especially on Raven. Jackson is fine with us marking each other or else i would have kicked him out of my room the moment my sensitive self picked up on it. How could you put a pregnant woman through that?" Coral said as she ran out of there.

" She just changed the subject again right?" Luis who was interested in knowing more about hybrids said. His and Sally 's children will be hybrids so he needs to be prepared. It's amazing how he went from clear disapproval of having children to already picking out names for them.

" Yep, welcome to the family" Macy said making Sally laugh.

" I'll go get my ID, I don't know what else you need" Mandy said.

" Just the ID , other required documents are for the leaders. The alphas , beta , gamma and the warriors if this is going to be a pack. The same also applies if we build a tribe. The matriarch, patriarch, elders and protectors." Macy said.

" You know so much about this type of stuff " Sally commented.

" I was a trainee for the secretary general back to when i was in my mother's tribe. My sister was going to be the next matriarch and i had to be her back up and PA. " She said nonchalantly.

" Is that why you changed your major?" Sally asked.

" I had no other choice. We should pledge tonight before that moody pregnant woman kicks all of you out for making her puke. I already called dips on the godmother position you know?" Macy responds.

" Would you look at that. That's not fair. I'll send you my ID and we can discuss the hierarchy before those two comes back. You know how lazy Coral is so she will hand this over to whoever so she can slack of and relax. " Sally said.

" The same for Jackson. I'm guessing that is why they ran away." Mike said.

" I think a tribe is a safe bet with everything going on. We have so many different people that the council will surely be jealous. " Jacob said as he handed his ID to Macy.

" So what position do you want to try? The pack doctor?" Macy asked.

" The elder, i am not a doctor and you know that" Jacob answered with a scowl.

" Just trying to lighten the mood." She said.

" So we all magnanimously agree that Jackson and Coral are the Patriarch and matriarch right?" Sally said.

" Yes, we'll tell them after sending the required documents." Mike said knowing how his best friend is. How could his father control him if he wasn't interested in running the pack?

" The elder position is numbered with different positions. The 1st elder is the right hand man of the patriarch while the second elder to the matriarch. There are a total number of elders required by the council. 3rd is in charge of administration, 4th is charge of the defence and security, 5th of the property management, 6th is in charge of the diplomatic relations and foreign affairs , 7th is in charge of health and safety , 8th is in charge of food and agriculture, 9th in charge of education ant the last is in charge of inventory or whatever it is that is called. " Macy said.