
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · Urban
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16 Chs

Ashton saw her

All of them including baby Raven got dressed up for their small court date. All of their things were delivered to the estate and this place is starting to look more like their permanent home. Luis still hasn't told Sally that she's his mate. A witch can tell who their soul mates are by simply touching them. Luis tries very hard to avoid physical contact.

He told everyone that he would like to court her first before telling her about their situation ship. Their chemistry is undeniable. Mandy was a little hurt seeing that but she learned to accept that after knowing that he wasn't her mate after they shifted. They went to an island overseas just to be on the safe side and to give the contractors a chance to finish of their job.

It is very stressful living under construction. Michael and Macy are in charge of it while Sally and Luis are working on the statistics. Mandy is happy to help wherever she can and now that she's finally out of the pack, she can do whatever she wants. Her love for cooking inspired her to take online cooking classes. Everyone supports her dream and always made sure they have everything she will need.

Coral who is strictly monitored by everyone decided to use a piece of land to plant seasonal trees and a small garden. They of course agreed with this as long as they are the ones doing the heavy lifting. Mandy has also been learning defense moves from Mike who was known his fighting prowess.

They went to Creek island, an island spot for all kinds of species. Most importantly the legal department for the council is here. If you want to get married without the presence of an elder or your alpha, this is the place to go for werewolves. They went there separately due to Coral and Macy's situation. They understand Coral's but Macy and the girls haven't said anything regarding Macy. They just told the other four that someone is out for her.

Mike knew that whoever it is that is out for her is responsible for her condition. He tried to ask coral or Sally about it but they just pushed him aside. If it wasn't for their mates who are also his best friends, he would have pestered them into Telling him. They arrived on the island a day ago and are staying at a self catering BnB guest house.

They could stay in those fancy hotels but they can't take that kind of risk. This place is a neutral zone but many powerful people have their hands in all of the establishments. You never know where those people will decide to share their whereabouts. Jackson called one of his friends to open a green door for them. They can't go through the same process with how many people are present in the matrimony hall.

They took two cars there in the morning and are currently waiting for Jackson 's friend. Jackson can vouch that this person is trustworthy due to the sensitivity of this matter. Ashton 's father hasn't removed the missing post and he really needs that antidote.  It's a great humiliation for him and his wolf for not being able to function as an ' Alpha ' should.

" Hey man" A tall dark handsome man appeared in front of them.

" Hey buddy. What took you so long?" Jackson said.

" I had to complete your registration without being discovered. I couldn't lodge it into the system with your wife being in the missing names. I had to update her details since she's now an adult. I did as you asked and listed the both of you as second chance mates. " He said as he handed them a package with their documents inside. There is a green booklet, a certificate and new ID. They are now legally married.

" Thank you. Coral this is my college friend Alistair Zane and Ali, this in my wife Coral." Jackson introduced her and then the other two ladies.

" It's nice to meet you Miss Coral. Are you guys sure you don't want to go through with the ceremony?" Alistair asked.

" We are wolves. I will not be doing any intimate action in front of any live audience. I promise that we'll both be marked before the end of the day. " Jackson said.

" Wow, i was really looking forward to it " He said. Coral looked at Alistair after shaking his hand and chose to stay quiet before signaling Macy.

" We really need to go. I am not feeling well and we've been in this place for too long" She said.

" Okay, i am also tired. This jet lag is killing me" Coral said getting the attention of Jackson.

" Alright. Again, thank you. We are on this island for a few days. Let's have lunch tomorrow." Jackson said to Alistair.

" That will be great, there is a nice restaurant across the street. I am free around 12 am so you can find me there. I promise that whatever happens there stays there. By the way, the address you listed. Is it the same apartment you stayed in when you were in college? I will try to visit you guys someday." Alistair said.

" Yes it is and you can come whenever you want. We love traveling though so make sure to check first before coming" Coral is the one that responded this time catching the guys 's attention. Jackson knew that it was a hint so he exchanged a few pleasantries before they all left.

They left in a hurry that they didn't seem to see Ashton who was staring at Coral from the restaurant that Alistair mentioned. He sneered upon seeing his rejected mate before taking his attention back to his now girlfriend. A supermodel and his newest obsession. It won't go anywhere since he loathes humans very much .

Ashton saw her and couldn't help but start comparing her with this woman in front of him. Coral is glowing and she seems to have changed so much that he wouldn't have noticed her with her different dressing style. After leaving the pack, he found himself a new hobby which turned into a full on successful career. He is a professional driver signed one of the top teams out there in the world. That's where he picked up these woman. He won't repeat his father's mistake though, he can't have a child with a human.

He looked over to the group that just left and his eyes narrowed at the alpha holding Coral's hand. This seems interesting as he looked at the direction they came from. None of them wore white as a cover as Mike and Sally walked at the front. Everyone who saw them would think that the two were the ones who eloped. Ashton put that at the back of his head as he placed his focus on the woman in front of him.

" What's going on?" Luis asked seeing how tense the girls were.

" That man sold us out. He's working with a man named Jason to end us here. If i am not mistaken, my former Alpha will be here tonight. We need to leave." Coral said making Jackson clench his jaw.

" We need to leave. Go pack your things. I have a bought a yatch a year ago and it's fully fueled. Let's leave the island with it. No one will raise questions when they see it. " Jackson said.

" Okay, let's meet downstairs in 5 minutes. We haven't unpacked yet" Sally said.

" Okay. I'll organize a team to meet us on the main lands so we can transport it back at the mountains. " Coral said. They hurriedly packed everything and left for the boat slip" I think i saw the guy on the picture you held a few days after what happened back in Paris." Mike said. They are currently aboard Jackson 's yacht barely escaping the trap Alistair had set for them. Alpha Eric arrived a few minutes after they left. Luis asked the woman who stayed in a few rooms across theirs to inform them if anyone arrives after they arrive.

" I saw him too. I made sure to reign in my aura but he should know that i am an alpha. I hope you don't mention this in front of my wife. Pregnancy is starting to affect her, her morning sickness had gotten worse. I am surprised that she didn't show any sign of them on the ocean." Jackson said with a smirk.

" You deliberately released your aura didn't you?" Mike asked with a knowing look. The three of them were fishing since they didn't have time to get ingredients since they left in a hurry. The girls are sunbathing while baby Raven is asleep in the cabin. The yacht is big and has enough rooms for everyone.

" Are you ready for being a father?" Luis asked all of the sudden.

" I guess i should be but i am not. I think it hasn't set in yet. " He responded.

" I don't know about you guys but i am already ready to be an uncle and maybe possibly being a god father" Mike said with a wink.

" You wish , if anyone is going to be a god father it should be me. You have to do this properly and fight squarely like a wolf should." Luis said with displeasure.

" Relax guys, we have my little sister to prepare with. I've been taking lessons from Sally on how to take care of a baby " Jackson said picking Luis 's attention.

" She wants those big type families doesn't she?" Luis asked.

" Yes, she said that but that isn't in her plan for now. she had said it before." he replied while focusing on fishing. They have a day to get to the mainland.

" So what is the score between you guys?" Mike asked Jackson.

" We are still in the awkward stages on not knowing what to do or what say. It will get better with time i guess. It was fine over the phone and now it's getting harder to control myself and my wolf. He keeps sending me images in my mind despite knowing that our mate is pregnant" Jackson said.

" I'm guessing that both part of you are in sync with her aren't they?" Luis asked with a knowing look.

" Yes, she is both my mate and soul mate. That is why it is getting harder to control myself. I think it will get better after we mark each other or it might worsen the situation. At least i won't have to worry about her being in heat anytime soon." Jackson said with a sigh.

" Guys we have company " mike said holding binoculars. The had stopped to admire the beautiful sunset in the middle of the ocean.

" Hurry up and get the yacht started, I'll get the ladies back inside. " Jackson said running towards the ladies watching the view on the other side of the boat.

" Okay, we are two hours away from the mainland. I'll try to get us there quicker but Coral might get sick. Make sure you stay with her all the time" Luis said while mike had already gone into action. Their actions in sync .

They quickly left before those people caught up. They arrived at the mainland in just half and hour. Everyone on board including baby Raven were shaken and pale. Mandy glared at Luis who was the one who anchored amidst their vomiting. Even Mike and Jackson were pale.

" Remind me not to stay in the same ride with him" Sally said and Luis tripped not expecting to hear that.

" Oh come on, it was a close call and you know it. I've hired a mini bus to take us to the airport. I know they will be waiting for us there if we don't hurry. " Luis said trying to justify himself.

" No we can't. i feel like my head is about to burst. Let's just book a hotel and take a private plane home. " Coral said before fainting. Jackson who was close to her caught her.

" We need to get her home asap. She might not take the stress very well. She will be asleep for a day , enough time to get home don't you think? " Sally said putting her wand back into her bag.