
The team

Narrates Joseph.

We are worried about their safety and offered to accompany them home as any gentleman would do, I paid for the coffees and went to the parking lot.

We pretended not to alert that we knew about their surveillance, but when we arrived I stopped Sarah from entering her car.

- Rex do the honors, please.- he drops a drone the size smaller than his fist just because he can't allow big toys in a place like this, imperceptibly ends the car's scan showing us that he had a bulge added to the vehicle's build design. With a fast reverse, we could no longer keep up appearances so we will go in our car, she looked at me confused, I simply told her to trust me, we were all on alert not only us, Rex had been in charge of notifying the base, Ian and I send an anonymous announcer to a bomb squad for a possible attack in the parking lot of the shopping center with proper detail.

It was approaching midnight, the cold was making itself felt, we were unarmed and although the rest of the team is on their way to our position, we should act without provoking them as much as possible, an altercation that would make the police appear would not suit us.

Seattle- Entrance to Bellevue District:

They followed us for a while and I was getting a little anxious but they gave up when they sensed that we were going straight to their house, it seems that they aren't allowed to enter in private residencies of higher security or because of problems of territories, if so, maybe they are gang members.

Having Sarah made it easier for us to enter the residence of these wealthy people, Ian who was waiting impatiently for our arrival hugged his two loves, it seemed that the soul was returning to his body, If we hadn't met by chance, I don't want to imagine what would have happened. After the girls went to their rooms to let us talk about what happened, Ian gently approaches and places his hand on my neck, closes his eyes, and rests his forehead on mine, I could feel his relieved breath.

-Thank you.- he says with total serenity... fuck, fuck, I almost fall for that but I controlled myself and immediately attributed it to some kind of Orc ritual, I don't want to have any illusion moron.

Slowly he separated from me and invited us with a few glasses of wine, he told us that he was about to receive a promotion at his job and with it new residence and privileges but that he had competition, there was someone just as fit as him, it is at least his only direct suspect, both had to deliver a project based on aerospace technology and time was running out.

Now I understand why he was causing so much trouble to us, Ian was very busy with the project and the safety of his family, it is understandable.

- From now on don't worry, we will take care of this, Empty-Throne gives his word.- I said with great confidence and chopped his green head because these things are said before a bad thing like this happens.

We shook our fists, both smiling and we went away but not before...

- It will be expensive!.- I jokingly shouted raising my hand making the gesture of money.

Rex left a couple of drones to monitor Ian's house, we went through the security post to exit the private's residences without complications because we had been previously recognized. Seattle - Puyallup District Somewhere:

We stopped shortly after in a dark alley that at first glance seems empty, from one moment to another a van with armored glass was slowly appearing, Alice coming out through an opening in the roof of the vehicle and let us appreciate a special sparkle in her eyes but while this brightness was losing the vehicle appeared completely.

Goliath exits through the pilot's door and directs us towards the back, pressing a button the trunk opens showing several compartments full of weapons, ammunition, and special clothing. To my surprise, Donovan came out through the passenger door.

- you shouldn't have come Dono... - I said and was interrupted by Goliath.

- Mea culpa, he has that I don't know what and I couldn't tell him "No".- he shrugged his shoulders raising his open hands.

- I want to help, compensate you in some way, if not ... I'll feel like a parasite and I don't want that - Donovan replied.

I sight deeply but continued to change my clothes and put on the bulletproof protection and the powerful shock-absorbing fibers, revealing for a few seconds a variety of scars, bullets of different calibers, various and different cuts from a knife, even scars from the fragmentation of grenades. Donovan looked at me attentively as if wanting to memorize my scars, when I finished I handed him a bag where I had bought a special suit for him.

- these clothes will not break even in your bear form, it will not defend you much but I couldn't get anything better because of the rush.- I said.

He took it without much hesitation, changing on the spot as well, which my clothes are thankful for it. I noticed that he was a little embarrassed so I went to Rex to inform me of the situation, he smiling sideways.

- everything is ready, the tracker what we had implanting them in their vehicle marked that they stopped 20 minutes at Armadillo Bar and now they have stopped moving just here.

Rex moved his fingers like a professional through his digital surface holograms, files came and went to linkers, images of the suspects, the weapons they carried, the address of where they are now with maps of the building, and the entire block of the place. Having studied everything carefully, I already had an idea of ​​who they are but not for sure, I would also like to observe them better, know who they deal with, how they work or their contacts but I don't have time and when is a matter of a friend, I can't calm down.

- Everyone, quick job grade 2 chooses your weapons.- I said with authority.

Everyone except Donovan complied with the order, Goliath took an Accel Hunter V excellent heavy pistol and put on electric gloves that work as a taser either by touch or by hit, Alice and Rex chose the Accel Fire 75 reliable light pistols along with two ExShockers, they are remote tasers, unlike Goliath their job is to keep their distances. As always I grabbed my katana which consisted of a deep black sheath, they reduced some golden details around it, and next to the handle they seemed a meticulous Japanese design and just at the end of it some small silver chains fell, mine is the close combat and you may be wondering why that and not a laser weapon gave the advances that there are, well without going too far for the moment, I will tell you that the classics never die.

I noticed that Donovan had not chosen anything yet and was appreciating my weapon very closely.

- Do you know about katanas? - I asked showed it more closely.

- No..., but I had never seen one like yours, I feel chills from only seeing it and that it is sheathed.- he answered astonished. I laughed a little and promised to tell him his story and let him use it when we get home.

- Choose a revolver with which you feel more comfortable and let's go.- I said waiting for him.

- ...I don't know how to use one.- he said with shame. At that moment, Goliath hands him gloves like his.

- Don't worry, I've seen that you move well, we'll teach you in time.- he lifting Donovan's spirits.

Once we got going Rex remotely managed our other vehicle to leave it at our base, it's like when you get serious about playing GTA- Seattle-Modded, meanwhile Goliath took us to the wolf's mouth, I hope things go well, And if I don't apply the great plan B... Improvise.

Narrates Havoc.

It is a nice night for my team, I have no idea what that poor soul would have done to make my client so angry, he has paid us extremely well for murder Salvatore the head of a seedy gang but it catches my attention when we started to investigate it, turned out that he is not scum like the one I am used to dealing with, he owns a reputable brothel which is hard to believe and not only that but the (SDC) sweety dream chip he offers is altered with a limiter although it's above the legal standard not as harmful or addictive as it should be, he keeps his workplace clean and cares for his people almost looks most like the mafia organization than a crap gang. I am sorry to have to end his life but a job is a job...




- to be continued.