

Puyallup District somewhere:

Narrative Havoc.

We have bribed the landlord of the building opposite Salvatore's office to be able to watch his steps from the roof, I have placed myself with my sniper, two of my men have thrown themselves on a zip line towards the roof of the objective and one has stayed with me in case It gets ugly which is unlikely, those two will have to act alone and only if I miss the shot, I dare to say it's unlikely too.

Salvatore is arguing with three orcs, as soon as they leave the show will be over. The doors moved by themselves, and the orcs left, I have a bad feeling about it, five guys have just appeared out of nowhere, I presume they are "awakened" by the way to appear.

- Shit! Be ready.- I said to my team.- damn it! But how?...

Those idiots already noticed our presence but they can't find our position, crap I have to act now and take advantage of the surprise factor or everything will go to hell.

I hold my breath it's time I'll only have one chance, my finger is already on the trigger and slowly it goes backward, they saw us but it doesn't matter anymore, the noise stuns my eardrums, the recoil of the rifle hits my shoulder, I smile, the bullet goes on the way to that bastard... I see it and I don't believe it for a few inches it wasn't lethal, plan B.

- Come down now and kill them all!!! Trevor helps me to cover their backs.

But what the fuck !? That man is going to jump over here!?. It has reached us! It was so impressive or terrifying that we couldn't move a muscle, he threw a knife at Trevor in the middle of the jump and stuck it in his throat, poor bastard is drowning in his blood. Fucking asshole, not only reached us here he also manages to finish one of my comrades and now he has stood in a container of water with his eyes fixed on me, I feel that if I move I will die, who the hell is this man? He is not a simple awakened and because of his katana, he has to be a prestigious monk because he doesn't move like a samurai or a Ronin either but I feel he is on another level for sure.

I am not going to die here, in an inst, I took out my two revolvers with silencers, I have the advantage of the range only need to maintain it.

I was aiming at him, I couldn't blink, my heart was racing and I don't remember feeling like that in my whole life, I'm become the prey so ironic, the shots in Salvatore's office set mine on, we both wanted to finish and go to help the other side.

He was agile I couldn't hit him or even touch him, he moved from side to side it seemed that he was predicting where I was aiming or crazier than that he was seeing the bullets, I tried to go backward but I can't keep running from him, he is simply faster than me, and being in front of me I run out of bullets, damn, I'm so death but I have one last ace. I threw my weapons on the floor without bullets to make him lower his guard.

- dammit! Who the hell are you!.- I shout to him to distract his attention.

- Lonewolf

- hahaha it's a joke, are you serious!? Oh wait... it can be?. I know that name is an urban legend, It is a real pleasure to be killed by a legend.- I make a reverence.- then I will see you in HELL !!!

At that moment I point at him with the palm of my hand that hides a 45'mm caliber incorporated and without hesitation I fire to kill him at once and again the sound that I am used to hearing, I see the smoke from my hand and the recoil that pulls my whole arm back.

I sweated cold when I saw that the man cut the projectile with his blade and my hand slipped in two too. There was no time for anything else my world turned I had been beheaded with a precise blow, master, without any movement extra and any expression on his face.

- ...!

- You were right about something, I'll see you in the hell...

DireWolf (Goliath) narrates:

They had shot the bastard Salvatore and I thank him I do not like the idiots who work with SDC but I have to control myself for the boss, he has that charisma of turning scum into something more or at least decent and I am no exception. This job went to hell very quickly, seeing Salvatore in that state, our boss going with everything, feeling the whole atmosphere transform, tense, feel the danger, the smell of blood, everything makes my breath shake and my heart goes to a thousand, aaaah! I just love it.

LoneWolf had jumped... I hate these code names, Minerva was with Salvatore and Donovan was with me because he wanted to watch the jump, however, I pushed him inside pulling me with him, some shots from above hit the balcony and fortunately empty.

- Keep it up and they'll kill you! Go cover Minerva!.- I yelled at him.

- I'm sorry, I'll be right away.- he says with a nervous state.

Two men armed with sub fusil come rappelling, I quickly turned Salvatore's desk to cover Hermit's sleepyhead, Donovan did the same with a bookcase to safeguard Minerva, immediately they jumped in through the windows, tearing them to pieces in the process and started a shootout, I tried to fire back at them but I had only brought a revolver and couldn't get close to electrocute them, the covers wouldn't withstand much more punishment, I ran out of bullets long before they did and Donovan was getting very nervous, he had never lived experiences like this and they intended to surround us.

This is not the time to think too much, I signaled Donovan to charge against them using our covers. Showing him my clenched fist I counted one... two... THREE.



They had no opportunity to dodge it, we were two madmen charging at full speed, we carried them until we hit the wall, using a free hand we placed it on their faces and we activated the gloves to release a high electro charge, the sound as if it were a common taser boomed my ears, they tried desperately to wriggle out of the grip, screamed in agony, their bodies twisted, and finally fell unconscious.

We fell in exhaustion for the tight situation we have just experienced, I started to laugh and Donovan followed me a little later, without warning the doors opened wide, Salvatore's men raised their weapons towards us demanding answers since they saw their boss's office destroyed and he was lying on the ground with a stranger, I think they were going to shoot first and ask later.

I was thinking of throwing Donovan out the window and lashing out at everyone so that Minerva would come out taking Hermit with her but...

Donovan narrates.

It's surrounded, you could hear a multitude of weapons charging to fill us with holes, I was thinking of throwing Golia... I mean DireWolf out the window, transforming into a bear and creating an opportunity for Minerva to escape with Rex... Hermit whatever.

Slowly and almost without breathing I got into position to be able to execute my plan as quickly as possible, to my surprise DireWolf was doing the same and he smiled at me. I knew I shouldn't get rid of him and I smiled too...

That moment seemed like an eternity to me, we were about to initiate a suicide attack until it was like a bomb falls from the balcony and rolls in, being ahead of us, close to Minerva on the left and Hermit on the right.

All the weapons were directed at him, Joseph who was cleaning the pieces of glass from his clothes, dammit, they will make a colander with him if I don't do something... wait, this is a good opportunity for him to show why he is the alpha right?. With all the calm in the world, he took a few steps towards them, who were mostly orcs, and began to speak to them, speak seriously!? - Lower your weapons...- he said.

Three words and all ended, his voice seemed so different to even I look to the sides because I didn't think it was him speaking if not someone else, the authority and the coldness with which he said it bristled my skin, shook my bones, and sank deep inside my soul, by inertia I lowered my arms as well and I'm not very sure but if he asked us to stop breathing that would be the case.




---------to be continued...