
Lustful Future


*Sigh* #It pains me, but maybe I must ask for his help… How ironic. The very being I try to dispose of is probably the only one that can stand against that.# he added while laying down again.

"Troublesome…" he muttered and closed his eyes.

Chapter 3: Lustful Future

*In the Throne Room*

When you reached the deepest floor of The Great Tomb of Nazarick and passed through the Lemegeton, you arrived at the Throne Room. The Lemegeton, a theater-like domed hall with four-colored crystal lamps hanging from the ceiling as well as 72 niches in the walls filled with statues resembling demons, is the last defense of the tomb. This space stands between the rest of the floors and the Throne Room.

The Throne Room, which is where the Throne of Kings is situated, as well as the place where Ainz sat, was a gigantic room with enough space to fit hundreds of people. The room had a high ceiling surrounded by walls that were mostly withe decorated with highlights of gold. Hanging from the ceiling are multiple precious stone chandeliers, rainbow-colored, which emitted dreamlike, fantastic radiance. Hanging from flagpoles embedded into the walls are numerous flags with the crests of the different Supreme Beings (41).

In the Throne Room, sitting on the throne, there was a being, wearing his usual elaborated, jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges, its name: Ainz Ooal Gown. The skeleton creature was emanating an intimidating aura of strength and confidence. However, not only his behavior and appearance could produce this feeling, he was sitting on the Throne of Kings. This chair was acquired when you cleared The Great Tomb of Nazarick when the world was still only a game. Moreover, this carved single mass of obsidian which back touch the ceiling is a powerful World Item that, not only allowed its user (the one sitting on it) to see all of its comrade's status, but also defended the tomb against divination magic, activating countermeasures in its defense system.

In front of the Overlord, a certain demon was kneeling. The Arch-Devil was there to ask a simple question to his lord.

"Ainz-sama… I wondered if…" the demon trailed off.

"Speak up Demiurge. Voice your thoughts." spoked the undead.

"Yes… I wondered if you truly believe that making peace with humans is the best course of action." Demiurge continue.

"Are you doubting my motives?" Ainz questioned.

"I would never do such things. It is just that, with all due respect, many of Nazarick's inhabitants believe that enslaving those weak beings would be a better way to acquire this box of jewels." added the Arch-Devil.

"I understand your concern, Demiurge. Nonetheless, it is, for now at least, the best strategy." responded the Overlord.

"Of course, Ainz-sama." Demiurge said, after a pause he added, "Now, if you allow it, I will take my leave." to which he got a dismissive wave of the hand from the ruler.

*Outskirt of Nazarick, Later That Day*

Demiurge, this 1.8 meter tall, dark skinned and black haired Arch-Devil, was walking close by, but still a little far away from the tomb's walls. The gentlemanly dressed silver tailed man was wondering about the question he asked his lord. It was troubling him. Why did he ask it? He never would have done that before, so what changed? Also, the response he got wasn't satisfying. He didn't doubt the undead, not at all, but he couldn't help to wonder, is it really the best course of action? The demon is really intelligent, he always understood and planned everything beforehand, even more than Ainz, so it is alarming when he believes that something is wrong.

Caught in his thoughts, the demon didn't see the strange being that was walking toward him. This applies to the entity that was arriving as well. She was wondering, who is she? How did she end up here? She couldn't remember a thing from before the last five minutes. Bumping into each other, they looked up. They 'eyes' met. The girl was wearing a gas mask. However, this mask was strange because it wasn't actually a mask, it was her face. Nonetheless, both beings could feel that their eyes were meeting, and they couldn't look away. It was like they were trapped in each other's gaze.

Continuing with this staring contest, their hearts were beating faster, thus their blood was flowing faster through their veins as well. Their bodies were becoming hotter by the second and a slight blush was added to the mix.

#What is it that I am feeling? Am I getting sick? No, that is not possible, demons don't get sick…# Demiurge thought while the woman was having similar things passing through her head.

As if on cue, they both looked away, realizing that they were still looking at each other. It took a few moments for both of them to regain their composure.

"I apologize for bumping into you. I was lost in thoughts." he apologized.

"N-No, i-it was m-my fault, I-I-I wasn't l-looking either." she apologized too, while stuttering nervously.

"As an apology, I would like to escort you to your home." informed the demon.

"I would gladly accept, however, I do not remember anything before I woke up a few minutes prior. Thus, I do not know where I live." she responded.

"Hmm…" the Arch-Devil sounded thoughtful for a moment before saying, "I know, you can come back to Nazarick. I could ask Ainz-sama to integrate you into the maid's ranks."

"You would do that, for me? Why? We just met." she said, confused.

"Simple really, you are lost and don't remember anything, I can't let you die here now, can I?" Demiurge said, which earned him a hesitant nod.

When he spoked, he was somehow simultaneously thinking, #What am I saying? That doesn't sound like me, not at all! What is going on with me?#

[Ainz-sama, I have found a girl. She claims that she lost her memories.] said Demiurge through <Message>.

[Then just bring her to the human village, she will integrate herself well with her kind.] said the undead using the same method.

[It would have been a great idea, Ainz-sama. However, she does not appear to be human, and I cannot determine her species.] informed the demon.

[Then what do you suggest, Demiurge?] asked the ruler.

[What if she were to join the maid's ranks? She could be a good asset to Nazarick's forces in due time.] proposed the Arch-Devil.

[Fine then, bring her to Nazarick, and she will join the maids.] demanded Ainz.

[Yes, my lord.] spoked Demiurge.

He looked at the girl and said, "You are granted access to Nazarick as a new maid. Please, follow me."

She nodded and started to follow the being in front of her.

*Maid's Quarter, One Day Later*

The girl was in a living room, or something similar enough, with several other people. She was greeted correctly by the other maids that took an immediate liking to her. As her first task, she was asked to inform Éclair Éklair Éklare, which is actually in the restaurant where he spends most of his time, that there was a little 'accident' in room number B2. Even though she didn't know what that 'accident' was or where the room B2 was situated. However, she knows where to find the restaurant because she had a quick visit of the place when she arrived. Éclair Éklair Éklare is the assistant butler of Nazarick, however, she was informed to be wary of him because of his cleaning obsession. She was also tasked, since she was going to the restaurant anyway, to give the daily order paper to Sous-chef. This paper is the food order from the maids. Every day, before starting whatever they have to do, the maids, that need to eat, put their orders on a piece of paper. Then someone is changed to give this paper to Sous-chef, this time, it's her job.

While on the way to the restaurant, the woman came across a dark elf. There are not many dark elves in Nazarick, in fact, only two and this was Mare Bello Fiore. He was heading to see Cocytus for unknown reasons. When he noticed the girl, he wondered who she was. Thus, he asked her name.

"I am sorry, I do not remember my name. You see, I lost the memories of my past." she informed the elf.

"O-Oh, I s-see… T-Then d-do y-you want t-to be n-named?" Mare asked with an innocent and genuine smile while tilting his head to the side, which only proved that it was a question.

She was taken aback by this, but still responded with her honest thoughts, "If it is not too much trouble, I would be glad."

Mare was thoughtful for a minute before proposing, "Wh-What about A-Avry?". It wasn't a name he took hours to think about, it just felt right, as if it was a reflection of her personality.

"I like it! From now on, my name is Avry!" Avry said, happy with her new name.

"W-Well, I-I am g-glad y-you l-like it. N-Now, if y-you w-would excuse m-me, I-I have t-to d-deliver t-this to Cocytus-san." Mare informed before continuing on his way toward Cocytus.

{I actually don't know how the Guardians talk to each other, but I figured that Albedo wouldn't use suffixes because she is the overseer and that Mare would use -san because he is too kind.}

With that said, Avry continued on her way toward the restaurant.

*Ainz Office, Meanwhile*

Demiurge was in Ainz's office. He was there, not only to report about Avry's activities, but also to return to the question asked the day before. Even if he received a response, he had this weird feeling that there was something wrong, something that didn't compile. It was as if there was something missing, something that was right under their noses.

When he was about to start his speech, he was interrupted by a vision. It was strange because it had never happened before. He stopped moving and concentrated on what he could see. It was hard to decipher. It looked like the future, his future to be exact. He saw that when he will sleep with a certain woman which he can't quite see, something will happen, but he doesn't know what. He then saw himself, King of Nazarick, with the mysterious woman by his side. This strange vision made Demiurge wonder why this would happen? He is loyal to Ainz, so what causes this? Who is the woman he saw, and why was he ruling Nazarick and not Ainz? Many questions which only time could answer.

Next time: The Job

Approximately 1789 words.