
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Venturing Out Alone

I really didn't think this through. How on Froxus am i supposed to find a water source if i can't even look down on the scenery beneath me when up in the sky. I wished there was a skill that would get rid of this annoying ass fear. Something like fear immunity or fear resistance at least! Dammit why did i have to bring this ptsd with me to this world.

So i continue to berate myself and this phobia of heights. I almost even resolved myself to walk on foot instead. It might be a gruesome journey but it will be worth it in the end when i find water! Was what i thought but the possibility of finding a water source on foot, if there even is any in the first place, is almost non-existent. So i lounged around the tree a bit longer, rolling around and getting odd looks from my siblings as i think up another way to find a stream.


A continuous flow of water.

Thats it! Boy am i a dummy. Sight isn't the only option, there's also hearing! And a stream of water is bound to burble through the woods.

"Ok guys i'm off!"

"Just leave already!"

"Don't forget to bring back some food for us!"

I thought siblings would care a bit more about each other, not that i would know since i didn't have any in my past life.

I actually leave this time, paying extra attention to my hearing while making sure not to look down. I start off explorong in the direction opposite where the humans and elves went so as to minimise any chances of encountering them again.

Since i'm a tiny little hatchling as compared to all the other fully grown beasts that are out and about, i'm barely noticeable, especially since i'm up in the sky. I'm not too far above though, around the top of the emergent layer of trees in the forest. This is so that i can more easily discern the sounds of gushing water nearby over all the other noises that can be heard. I don't go too far away from the tree me and the hatchlings are setting up base at. I want to explore the territory nearby first before going further away to get a better idea of our surroundings. That, and also just in case if i get injured and need a safe place to recover, i can get back to my siblings easily enough and have them guard me. It would be bad if i'm too far away and faint or something while trying to get back.


My quest for water lasts for a a few hours, but it came up with no results. Dejected, i return to the temporary nest while flying at the same height in hopes of hearing the burble of water on my way back. At least i wasn't going back empty-handed. I thought i had heard the sounds of water and ecstatically descended onto the ground below but i was mistaken. What i did find though was a beast that looked like a frilled lizard. It popped up right in front of me as i landed and did the thing with its' frills while standing on two legs all menacing like. Of course i appraised it:

Name: ?

Species: Eropt Lacerta (F-rank)

Lvl: 7

Health: 50/50

Mana: 20/40

Attack Power: 6

Agility: 13

Endurance: 9

Intelligence: 28

Once i discovered that it was actually kind of weak i figured i could take it on alone. Though for some reason i felt kinda woozy while fighting it. I didn't get off scot free either. It was able to get 2 or 3 bites in on me which hurt and pissed me the hell off but i was ultimately able to finish it off without much problems and even leveled up, gaining 5 evo points. Now i'm carrying its carcass back to the hatchlings to share my spoils and also to pay them back for the beetle from before. Anyways, i still can't believe that it was lvl 7. It was super weak for its level and i only lost like 20 hp in that fight.


Just when i'm about a minute away from my destination a small round shaped object flies by dagerously to me. Woah is that a rock? More of these objects fly past me as i panic to avoid them until finally-

*Woosh* *clack* *thud*

i wince from an excruciating pain i felt from my side. Before i could regain my bearings, i already lost control of my body and i spiral towards the forest floor. I make sure to tuck my legs in as i plunge into the dirt, making a small dirt crater and further breaking my body. All i feel is pain as i struggle to get back on my feet.


I muster up a series of threatening 'kaws' at the bastards who did this, wherever they are. All while trying to cope with the stinging pain all over my body.

Eventually a troop of 4 monkey-like creatures emerge from the trees, green in colour with 2 rope-like tails, climbing down while making monkey noises which seems to be mocking.

Thats it, come closer so i can gouge your eyes out!

The closest monkey creature, all too eager to get a taste of my fine bird ass, leaps at me head-first, mouth open wide along with its' two arms reaching out for me.

Heh, a monkey is still just a dumb monkey.

I leap off to the side, letting the monkey literally eat dirt before i step onto its' back and grab a portion of its' head with my talons.


The skill activates and i feel my talons squeeze, digging into its head. One of my talon stabbing into its' eye. The monkey wails in alarm, struggling beneath my weight while using its limbs and tails to try and grab hold of me but its all in vain.


With one leg still planted on its' back, i hunch forward to grab another portion of its' head with my beak.


Again, i feel the sensation of digging into its' head, but this time with more force and the monkey finally stops flailing as i put it out of its misery.

The other monkeys were too far back to make it in time to save their brethren and are now eyeing me warily after how i killed one of them only in the span of a few seconds. Now this would have been the perfect time to just get up and leave since i definitely won't win if all 3 of them come at me at once. However, i'm too pissed off to fly off without killing every last one of them.

Thus, i muster a threatening 'kaw' as if to provoke and challenge them. It appears they got the message since they are already running towards me, full speed ahead.

I may get killed here but i'm not dying without a fight!