
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Delia's First Kill

A normal sized kangaroo along with 3 not so normal sized birds can be seen by a tree's bark on the ground. Yes that is me, my siblings and Delia. After our brief encounter with the fire fox, we tried the bait strategy again after a short nap and successfully lured out a small group of monkeys. Our fight went off without a hitch and some of us even managed to level up.

Delia got injured a bit since she hasn't really learnt how to defend herself yet. A mistake on my part for overlooking how she could barely fight at all. This led to her acting as a punching bag for one of the monkeys for a bit and she was understandably a bit put off afterwards. However, she did manage to land the last blow to a monkey and leveled up so that's a plus. She used the evo points she gained already and one of the things she got was a skill called kangaroo boxing. Unlike my compress skill which is an activation type, kangaroo boxing is active all the time sort of like a passive skill. The skill instills the basic skills of boxing into the user. On a side note, the compress skill actually adds extra power into the parts of my body that can use the skill but it's so little that i didn't notice until now. That's F rank for you. Though, even F rank skills are still effective as they correct the user's form so that the associated motion would become smoother and more natural.

So now that we've all gotten our bellies filled we went off to test out Delia's new skill. We found a low leveled lone frilled lizard and encircled it so that it couldn't escape.

"Alright Delia, beat it up."

"I'm not so sure about this. It looks kinda scary."

"It's fine, it shouldn't be too hard. It only looks intimidating but is actually pretty weak."

"W-well if you say so."

With that, Delia began to close in but that was when the lizard opened up its' frills just like the first time i encountered it. I completely ignored it since it didn't do anything the last time. However, i noticed something off with my siblings. They suddenly looked a bit out of it, as if they weren't really aware of their surroundings. Then they lost balance and fell to the ground, falling asleep. I panicked and went to check on them but that was when the lizard found an opening and sprinted away.

Delia wasn't affected and she was as bewildered as i was but she reacted swiftly and chased after the lizard, eventually catching up to it with a drop kick.

The lizard tumbled under the force of the kick but it was still alive. Delia quickly finished it off with a flurry of punches and kicks, earning herself a level up.

We then decided to get onto a tree and wait until my siblings woke up. We each carried one and got to a relatively safe spot. Delia picked up on how to climb trees rather quickly prior to this incident so there were no problems.

"What even happened?"

"This is just a hunch, but i think they got hypnotised or something and fell asleep under the effects."

"Beasts can get hypnotised? Wait, no that lizard had hypnotic powers!?"

"Haru, this is a fantasy world, it shouldn't be that surprising."

"No wonder it was so weak physically but could survive all this time. It probably made other beasts fall asleep and then killed them bit by bit while they are still unconscious."

"How frightening."

"Why weren't we affected then?"

"Didn't you notice that our intelligence stat was higher? The hypnosis probably didn't work because of that and we resisted the effects."

"So that's why it's intelligence stat is so high. If it were any other beast, they would have probably fallen prey to it. I haven't seen any other beasts with an intelligence stat that was as high."

"Yes, that is most likely why it is so weak as well. It traded its' physical prowess for higher intelligence."

"I'm so glad we still have our human minds intact. This makes me wonder what else the intelligence stat is for. Oh yeah, congrats on your first kill."

"Hehe, thanks."

We passed the time with more small talk until my siblings woke up from their unsolicited nap. I explained what happened to them and showed the corpse of the lizard to prove that Delia dealt with it by herself. They could tell it was Delia who soloed the lizard from the wounds and were rather impressed.

After i told Delia about how they praised her, she got all proud about it and started acting all cocky, thinking she's hot shit. It very irritating so i decided to put her in her place in the next hunt by letting her fight against something stronger. Of course, if she gets in any real trouble i would step in but until then, i would let her fend for herself. I only prey that we don't encounter anything too strong.