
AVATAR:The legend of AGNI

Agni, that was the name of a once great -practically unbeatable- firebender. The Fire Nation glorified this name, some even believed him to be the god of fire. At some point he must have died of old age, though the people no longer seeing him, made them believe in him even more. Obviously he wasn't an actual God? Our Protagonist, the many times over descendant of this once legendary Agni, bearing the same name, was born a bastard, not knowing his father, he adventures the world, reaching for power. AU I do not own anything in this book apart from my OCs, all rights belong to their original creators.

DaoistGmYJy9 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Young child, I said that all the questions you have will be answered and I understand it must be quite shocking to see me like this, but if we don't move now the Fire Nation soldiers will reach us soon"

At first I was weighing my options, sure I could have tried to run, but I didn't, I somehow understood and felt his power. He knew where I was without eyes, he knew I was who he was searching for, he even knew my name. So I concluded it would be my best option to follow him for know, the first reason to do this was: to find out why and what he knew about me and the second was: although he didn't seem very friendly, at least he didn't want to attack me either, unlike the Fire Nation soldiers.

"Fine, I will follow you" 

We walked North-east of the village for a good hour, he seemed to have a particular destination in mind. I didn't care at the time, instead I thought about what happened. 'Am I a bender? He said it wasn't bad, did he mean it is an ordinary form of bending? But I didn't bend any of the elements, I bended a human, a body. Maybe flesh bending?'

"You are thinking about what you did right?" He asked me

Something in his tone triggered me, I was pent up and the adrenaline left my body, leaving only the sadness at the loss of my family "How do you even know what happened?! I was a couple hundred meters away of you AND you don't have any eyes!"

"Hmmmm...you are angry."

"Oh really? Didn't notice it at all!" I screamed at him

"I don't understand why, did I offend or hurt you somehow? No?" he asked rhetorically "Then get your mouth under control." he didn't speak loud nor angrily, but I could still feel it. The threat, he wasn't or rather is someone to offend


"My name is Thalazar" 

"I'm Agni"

"I know that already"


"You bend water, or specifically blood. Your father was...a friend of mine. Anticipating that water would be the first element to be controlled by you, as you are exposed to it a lot, he sent me" He was talking in a slow and raspy voice. It made me uncomfortable.

"Why did he send you?" 'Wait did he say first?!'

"Isn't that self-explanatory? I am a blood-bending master."

"He wants me to be teached by you?"

"..." he was just silent, later I found out my father wasn't one to be specific. He just said: Thalazar, go help my son. He was just such an idiot!

"In live there are many things, many problems, and many chances. I will give you a chance." He said as he stopped before a dark cave, deep in the forest. "You will learn to bend blood"

"I don't want to" It was horrible to kill that soldier! I could feel his blood, his organs, his will to live, and I just shit on it snapping his neck. The worst of all was..."

"What was it?"

"I...I didn't feel anything, nothing at all, not guilt, not fear, not pleasure, in the moment I snapped his neck I just felt emptiness."

"That's a sign of your high aptitude for blood-bending, you have a level headed attitude to killing!" he said with a horribly wide smile summoning goosebumps on my back.

"I-" before I could continue he cut me off: "Enough. Now come with me, we are going to eat and afterwards I will show you your new home" I silently followed him into the cave. It was a deep cave with a low ceiling. In the center was a stone table with two soups. 

"Sit and eat."

"What is that?" I said and started eating

"Wolf soup"

"..." My eyes started getting wet

"Are you crying for a dead wolf?" He asked sounding disappointed 

"No...it's...my mother and half-brother are..." at that point I couldn't continue, saying it out loud would have made it become reality

"Child I saw hundreds of people die, most of them by my hand. Do you know what I learned? Everybody dies, you, me, your family, it's just a matter of time. Stop crying, get yourself together, prevent the next time by becoming stronger, or don't, it's your choice."

 Even though I understood what he meant, I still cried myself to sleep on the cold, hard floor of my new home.

The next morning I was awoken by a horrible feeling. My body stopped listening to what I was saying. I stood up straight and looked at Thalazar, against my own will, who in turn looked very concentrated at me, as good as you can look without eyes. 'What the heck is happening?! Is he bending my blood? But why, did he decide it was better to kill me?!'

"Child yesterday you wanted to know how I saw you, and knew of your fight, even though I don't posses any eyes and was over a hundred meters away. The answer is simple, a blood-bending master perceives the world differently. We are able to feel the blood of other people, allowing us to know your location, the better the master, the better this works." He continued in a solemnly way "And you my child, you will learn this ability by trying to free yourself from my control!"

'Is he insane?!' I was emotionally unstable, tiered, and had no idea of bending, let alone blood-bending.

At first I simply stood there, unable to do anything, but something -I can't say what- triggered me, made me want to win, so I decided to try and feel the blood. Nothing happened. 'Shit! I thought this would be easier.'