
AVATAR:The legend of AGNI

Agni, that was the name of a once great -practically unbeatable- firebender. The Fire Nation glorified this name, some even believed him to be the god of fire. At some point he must have died of old age, though the people no longer seeing him, made them believe in him even more. Obviously he wasn't an actual God? Our Protagonist, the many times over descendant of this once legendary Agni, bearing the same name, was born a bastard, not knowing his father, he adventures the world, reaching for power. AU I do not own anything in this book apart from my OCs, all rights belong to their original creators.

DaoistGmYJy9 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The beginning

Even though I am not a bender... or rather I wasn't a bender, my life was still enjoyable, though ordinary. I had a four years younger half-brother, his name was Varrick, and a caring mother. My father was a travelling firbender, that my mother had met when she was on her way to the north pole -in younger years she wanted to see the world. My heritage made me pretty hated when I was a child, with time I understood: the people don't hate me, they hate the Fire Nation, and the war. I adapted and started to ingratiate myself into the hearts of the people, it took a lot of work, but at the age of fourteen I'm liked by practically everyone, except by Halran. He is a pesky boy around my age, that for some godforsaken reason absolutely hates me.

It was my birthday, my mother send me away from the, as she calls it "house", but it really isn't a house, it's more of an igloo, to chop some firewood. Obviously just an excuse to set up a surprise party, or something like that.

On my way back I saw smoke rise from our village, I sprinted towards our igloo hoping my family was fine. On my way there I realized: we were under attack! The way to our igloo felt unnaturally long, normally it took me 5-10 minutes form the igloo to the forest. Right then it was different. Every step I took, every meter I ran, I felt like I was distancing myself from the village. I ran as fast as I could, making my legs ache, when I finally reached near the village I saw him.

A soldier in black and red armor. As soon as he noticed me he send a large fireball to my face, in an attempt to dodge I fell and slided a bit on the icy ground, hurting my back. Understand I was in danger I turned around and ran as fast as I could. While I prouded myself in being a good runner, I stood no chance against a trained, adult soldier. So after a few minutes, maybe even seconds, he was there. He grabbed my arm, pushed me over, I raised my hands to protect myself, and right as I thought I would die... nothing happened. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and saw him flying a few centimeters above ground.

I was absolutely flabbergasted and confused. The soldier made sounds as if he was in heavy pain. It took me a few moments to understand, that it was my doing, I held the man in the air through my hands. I closed my right hand into a fist and turned it over. His neck snapped with an awful sound. The movement just felt natural to me, as simple as breathing or walking.

Before I could even start thinking about what happened, I had to get away. I ran in the opposite direction of my village, towards the forest, I continued my escape till I felt like I was far enough away.

"What the hell was that?! Did I do that? Was that some dark form of bending? But I'm not a bender." I said to myself

"No my dear child, it was not dark...at least by my standards." some eldritch voice answered

"WHAT?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed rotating around my own axis

"HAHAHA" it laughed "you needn't be afraid, I was sent by your father"

"Don't bullshit me, my father is probably in some dumb place right now, choosing to travel instead of protecting his child!" I was so angry, I had just lost my family...my brother and mother, and now there was some idiot trying to play with my feelings.

"Believe whatever you want to, but here I am, and I bring the answers you seek..." the man said as he came forth behind one of the trees.

It was a bald but bearded man, about 2 meters, wearing a black cloak, the thing that shocked me the most, at the time, was, that in the place where his eyes should have been, only a red mess could be spotted.
