
Attack On Titan: Bounty Hunter System

Immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic at: patreon.com/izana07 Mark Brock, A Twelve year old boy finds a blue screen in front of him after his daily routine at the Trost Park. At first, he thinks he's hallucinating but upon further investigation, He realizes he is not hallucinating. The Screen grants him gold which he can use to buy skills and items from the Shop in exchange of completing missions... Bounty Missions. This book is R18 oriented in later chaps and it's good for degenerates everywhere!

Izana07 · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Mark's Resolve

A random boy was the first person to test the machine and Mark's eyes widened as the machine spun the boy through the air, the machine was similar to a top, spinning what was tied to it to the extreme limit.

'So this is Keith's new training,' Mark thought as the machine stopped and the boy hurled out his lunch only for the machine to start spinning once again.


"What kind of training is this?"

"Are we meant to survive something like this?"

Utilizing the ODM gear meant being able to spin with it, spinning was a very essential part of using the ODM gear, if you weren't able to get enough spins in, you could endanger your life against a Titan.

Spinning was also important when you wanted to dodge an attack from a Titan, if you weren't able to spin out of the way then you might as well be Titan food.

'But isn't this a little bit too… much?' Mark thought as he felt Keith's fiery gaze on his back. He ignored it though, such spinning was nothing for Captain Levi of the Scouts or so Mark believed.

The machine stopped once again and the instructors unhinged the boy from the Machine, it was not his fault that he had been the first person to be subjected to such horror.

"Next, Mark Brock," Keith announced.

Mark didn't bate an eye at the Ex-commander knowing fully well that the training was meant for him, the boy had just been a victim, a victim for him to see his fate but Mark aimed to defy that logic of Keith-

His ODm knowledge flowed in as he was hooked onto the machine and lifted into the air.

'Alright Calm-'

Mark didn't get to arrange his thought as the machine was set to maximum spin, he spun through the air loosely and felt dizzy, even with his eyes shut, it felt nauseating.

But Mark endured, his endurance stat greatly increased with each spin and after a while, the machine stopped.

Keith stared at Mark's expression but was surprised when he found Mark was unfazed.

And then the machine started spinning once again, Mark by now had gotten a little used to the machine's spinning and his mind raced as he adapted to the spins.

The machine stopped moments after and Mark was instantly unhinged by the other Instructors which were shocked by the amount of balance he had.

"Are you serious?!"

"Who is he?!"

"Go Mark!"

Reiner's eyes widened in surprise, not only had Mark emerge from the great spinning force of the machine while being unfazed but he was still able to walk on his own.

'He might be a problem,' Reiner thought.


"Ugh, that kind of training was uncalled for," Mina complained, she had not been able to endure the spinning force and ended up losing her lunch.

Mina turned to Mark.

"How did you do it?" Mina asked Mark but the blond haired boy didn't reply.

He was deep in thought.

'Is being an Eldian enough to defeat the Titans?' Mark thought.

He was just a mere Eldian while Mikasa had Ackerman blood, Captain Levi which was one of the greatest soldiers Humankind has ever known was an Ackerman.

There were thousands of titans roaming around the world. Would he be able to beat them with the help of the Blue Screen?

'I don't know if it's possible,' Mark thought, 'do I need to become a Titan shifter too?'

After consuming the Titan Essence Orb, he would have the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan. With the power of these titans, He might easily be able to kill the other Titans and devou-

"What are you thinking about?" Mina asked, her words knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, It was about the training that Instructor Keith brought into the picture," Mark replied, Even if they were close friends, he would never tell her about the Screen or the fact that he was actually considering becoming a Titan.

They were the prime enemies of Eldians, becoming a Titan would mean becoming an enemy of the walls.

'I should stop thinking about it.' Mark thought, ultimately.

"It's really hard," Mark said with an exasperated sigh, earning him a knock on the head from Mina.

Mikasa glared at her and she shrunk quietly.

"It's very hard to maintain your balance on that thing, One wrong slip-up and you might lose your lunch," Mark said, "But it's a very beneficial kind of training too, It helps us manage the amounts of spins we will be able to make on the ODM gear and with that, we will be able to escape from Titans so Instructor Keith isn't so bad,"

Mark hated as he tried to put good words in for Instructor Keith but it was necessary, if Mina, Sasha or even Ymir didn't have faith in the bald bastard, they would lag in their training and ultimately get killed by titans in the process.

At least Mark knew that Mikasa would not lag, she was devoted to him.

"I guess," Sasha said as she took another bite of her bread, "Ah, I really miss meat,"

'Me too,' Mark thought inwardly, Since the fall of Wall Maria led to the shortage of meat products, Meat became a really expensive commodity in Wall Rose and even the esteemed Wall Sina, anyone would give anything to feel the flavor of meat once again without spending too much.

Mark knew that the forest behind the Boot Camp held wild animals which would surely serve as meat but he was not too sure Keith Shadis would like them hunting- especially since they hadn't mastered the new kind of training he set up.

Mark was fully aware that if he activated Dark Determination while doing it, he would be able to endure it unfeelingly but he chose against it, Thrusting everything upon his abilities would limit him in reality.

"There's a forest behind here," Ymir said, a distant smile on her face as she reminisced, "I caught a good shy one there and we had some fun,"

Mark felt a little bit disgusted, He hated the fact that Lesbianism was actually a legal thing in the world, How was it supposed to be legal for a girl to love another girl and do some... lewd things with them?

"But there are wild animals in there," Ymir said, "Maybe you could hunt some of them, when you're free... Master, will you go hunting with them?"

Mark's cheeks brightened as he looked away. He could never really get used to the fact that she always called him Master.

"Sure, when they're ready," Mark said.


Mark sat at his bed, his eyes going through his status. He had grown considerably stronger but not strong enough.

'Should I include another regimen of training?' Mark thought.

There was the daily mission which he always had to do, as his stats kept growing, it became relatively easy to do the mission.

'Or I should just double my daily training?' Mark wondered.

Ultimately he decided to double his daily training, there was always a chance that he could earn something from the Screen like that.

"So Mark, which girl do you like?" Jean's voice pushed Mark out of his thoughts as he listened thoughtfully.

"I don't know but Mina's a good girl," Mark replied.

"The short one, huh? She's got amazing hair and those eyes of her's are to die for," Jean said.

"Oi, don't call anyone short, not everyone was born as tall as you are," Mark shot back.

"Come on guys, why are we talking about girls?" Marco asked.

"You like Annie," Tom said, "I see you staring at her all the time,"

Marco's light blush indicated that Tom was not lying.

"You went ahead and liked the quiet blonde, I admit she's got quite an ass," Jean said.

Mark bellowed in laughter, these were his roommates which he loved being with.


Author's Note:

Come on, Power stones~

If you want to immerse yourself in more chapters of my fic, head over to patreon.com/izana07 to support me, I'd appreciate it.

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