
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Jogos
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68 Chs

Chapter 31

If FI knew anything at all about him, it would be safe to say that they wouldn't resort to drastic measures.

Aura wasn't interested in stopping them from their evil machinations.

He didn't even care.

The world sucked the way it was now and FI changed things for the better, they may be evil and greedy, but so long as he and the rest of the population weren't getting the short end of the stick, then why would they care?

Forgotten Industries was popular because they didn't try to invade your privacy or take all your money, instead they took a tiny bit off of everything, which is much more manageable.

Their methods are meant to make people love them, and everything they do reinforces that feeling.

FI may only have self interest, but they're smart enough to know that there's only so many ways to hold off seven billion people by force.

People who are selfish and greedy often don't realize that keeping up a front of kindness is the best way to satisfy their desires.

When your company has an almost mythical reputation for kindness, people are far more willing to pay a few extra pennies every time they buy something from you.

It's one of the laws of of the world, that the most profitable way to operate a company is to ignore profit.

Not that many companies can afford to pull something like that off though.

Setting up a company like FI would take astronomical sums of money, since they would have to basically give away things for free in order to start making a profit.

On any significant scale, such a tactic is suicide for a newfounded company.

If an old company with ample funds pulled something lime this though, who knows how much money they could make.

These kinds of suicidal tactics are what got FI to being the giant it is today.

A company that thrived on tactics that made everybody love them wouldn't resort to silencing every threat immediately, not to mention one that isn't even interested in stopping them.


Aura was about to embark on a bit of a grind, potentially spending years setting up his network of bases, with no real interesting things to do.

It was a bit of a downer, but there was nothing he could do.

Aura wasn't the type to valiantly battle his way through the world, reaching new heights of power.

Instead, he more or less just thrived on his experiments.

Aura was going to do everything he absolutely needed to do, training, building and all that long before he set out to the Outlands.


Wanderer was a bit annoyed.

Even knowing that he likely meant no harm, she still needed to accelerate her plans, which meant paperwork.

Lots and lots of paperwork.

She'd be swamped for a while, years in the game probably, unable to watch that fascinating future baby.

Fortunately, she had a bit of a buffer zone, being able to watch that kid while he pulls his last plan off before doing whatever boring nonsense he'd been complaining about for the last month.

Wanderer wasn't much for watching boring things, so at least one good thing came of all the paperwork.

She wasn't even sure why she had to sign anything, Charlie handled all the business affairs and was without a doubt the true owner of the company.

So why did she have to sit and listen to all those boring explanations and legalese?

At one point she'd been fascinated by laws and rules, but ever since she discovered 'that', they weren't even remotely interesting.

The thing they'd found, entirely by accident, was probably something that someone like her should have never gotten their hands on.

Something that made its way into the hands of someone who could use it, albeit only partially.

Wanderer highly doubted the boy would stay silent if he knew the game's true purpose, but he definitely isn't the type to be against it.

Wanderer rather hated her title of supergenius.

She found it fun for the most part, but neither she, nor Charlie were true geniuses.

Extraordinarily wise and insightful, and very very talented, but they were in know way as smart as they would have the world plan.

The genius that they ascribed to each other was a title given not for raw intelligence, but instead their ability to understand the item's secrets.

It isn't much of a talent, but something as powerful as the iten can't be understood by ordinary minds.