
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Games
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68 Chs

Chapter 30

Aura didn't really care about right and wrong, not because he'd lived some tragic life of pain and suffering, but rather because he'd lived a life of moderate luxury.

With everything he'd ever recieved except food being stolen or broken by his brother and his parents being about as neglectful as things could get.

His mother got better after the divorce, but his father became a clingy bastard who whined about how much he missed Aura's mother at every goddamn opportunity.

After his brother went off to college, his life got even better, just really boring and dysfunctional.

Forgotten Industries' work in the political world could be considered Aura's saving grace, since they made things like taxes and bills much easier to pay, and Aura had never learned these kinds of things.

In case you were wondering, school wasn't much better than home for him, not because he was bullied (most people were too afraid of him after seeing him have zero hesitation to strike first), but more because classes were too boring.

Aura was no genius, but tests were way too easy for him, especially multiple choice ones about books.

Since grades up until high school were pretty much entirely determined by tests, he just did a few assignments here and there and then aced the test without bothering to study.

He spent most of the time in class reading, which for some reason pissed of his teachers, especially the language class teachers (aren't they supposed to be happy when their students are reading?).

Aura never went to college.

He got a lot of flak for that from people who knew him, but it was a pretty obvious choice for him.

Why in hell's name would he pay money to go to a school he could never succeed in?

Aura was no genius, but he knew his limits very well, and given his disinterest in just about everything, he grew bored and depressed.

He gave a few halfhearted attempts at suicide, but he was too afraid of death to put any serious effort in.

Then Ascendance was announced.

A whole beautiful world that he could explore.

He was immediately captivated.

As the years ticked by, Aura selling items to pay for whatever he needed in the real world, he became even more enamored with the infinite world presented to him.

He was no top player, but he was damn powerful by the end of his life, standing just below those hallowed peaks of fame and glory.

Unfortunately, he was nowhere near rich enough to extend his life by any more than he already had.

And thus, time restarted for him, giving him a second chance at his dream: eternal life in a fantasy world.

But the death of Aura's brother was an unexpected thing to change, as it hadn't been long since he reincarnated, and there wasn't any huge change he had made.

The only thing Aura could think changed was that FI noticing him would accelerate their schedule.

It made sense, since finding someone who seemed to be able to know what was to come would be a massive risk to their plans of world domination.

But since that meant Aura had already been noticed, why had he not been contacted?

An important question and one he could also answer.

A supergenius like Wanderer would never make the mistake of interfering with someone who was from the future.

Wanderer would never take the risk of directly meeting someone who knew what was going to happen even more than they did.

Someone with foreknowledge could completely derail their operation, thus it was too risky to get them involved.

But that person would be under surveilance.

Severe surveilance.

Aura may not be a genius, but it didn't take one to know that time travel was about as dangerous as it gets.

He may be wrong about his assumptions, but it woulf be better to believe them in this case.

Prudence is often rewarding.